a question for the boys and girls of the hobby

VibraMaxx's Avatar
List of acronyms that are NON-existent: To Me, Dorian Gray

Take off the rose colored glasses. You're making fools of yourselfs.
Former Fool Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Fixed that for you. Unless you're back to your self-confessed weaknesses, it looks better this way.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
ATF designation in my opinion is about making a connection
  • Both willing to connect
  • Intellectual connection
  • Personality that would make her a great companion in any circumstance
  • Honesty
  • Communication outside of scheduled visits
  • Humor
  • Flirting
silverstate53's Avatar
My ATF is based in Dallas and being located in Houston might be a good thing financially . All thats delivered both ways is close to perfection.
pyramider's Avatar
ATF depends on her willingness to give tainted pleasures plus a short cut would be able to BBCR.