Is this Obama's "Eisenhower Moment?"

I agree. And the Lincoln (crew) had ACCOMPLISHED THEIR MISSION .. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As I recall it was Bush who was the star attraction at the photo op and speech directly under the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner. Not the "the Lincoln crew." The specific purpose of that speech was for President Dubya to announce to the world "the end of major combat operations in Iraq." And the person who would soon become known as "The Most Unpopular (and incompetent) President in Modern American History" had clearly not ACCOMPLISHED his MISSION, on May 1, 2003.

Iraq was soon to become known as "a long, hard slog." In fact, major combat operations continued long after Bush's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED photo op that was heard around the world. In spite of what was soon to occur, (on May 1, 2003) Dubya tried his best to convince the world that he had, in fact, ACCOMPLISHED his MISSION! When in fact, he clearly had not!

It would have been like me trying to make the claim that I had caught a boatload of fish, even before I had left the dock!

As was normally the case, the world just laughed at Dubya. With the exception of a gullible few. Yes, you can list LexiLiar at the tippy-top (it coordinates well with the point of LL's tin foil hat) of the gullible list!

Is this Obama's "Carter moment". Carter sent the Delta Force in, but things went south. Iran basically said that they wouldn't do any business with him after that.

Another point about Obama is that he's a little late in getting our military out of Afghanistan. And he ordered more drone strikes in his first year in office than Bush did in his last three years. He's basically conducted the war he promised to exit as the war he wants to win.

Even as a former Air Force brat and officer, I have to point out that you can't win a war from the air, and once "we" step in, ground forces will be next. Maybe "advisers" (al a Viet Nam), but eventually we're hear "Come on, all you big strong men, ..." (I can't find a rhyme)
LexusLover's Avatar
As I recall it was Bush who was the star attraction at the photo op and speech directly under the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner. Not the "the Lincoln crew." Originally Posted by bigtex
BT, after you sober up a bit, rinse out those foggy eyes of yours, and look BEYOND Bush ...

I recognize that you were not "close" to that "other branch" of the service, unless they assisted you when you were swimming for you life in the canal with your boots on .... but

those "people" UNDER NEATH the banner (the ones with similarly colored and postured "spectators" are for the most part LINCOLN CREW MEMBERS who are proudly

STANDING BELOW THE BANNER announcing to all the world but the Bush Haters, as yourself, that they are proud they ACCOMPLISHED THEIR MISSION.

I recognize that you may not have been so proud ... after all you did vote for John Kerry, a like minded person who professed under oath his lack of pride based on what he testified "we" saw .. and about which he did NOTHING even though he was an Lt.!!!

And it was right about that time he, while still a servicemember, met with the enemy to discuss ... a peace agreement with them ..... ???

February 2009

Some folks just don't change .... like the leopard and his spots.
Is that John Kerry and Tereeesa breaking bread with "Hitler" and Frau Braun?
LexusLover's Avatar
...and once "we" step in, ground forces will be next. Originally Posted by austin_voy
Thank you for not saying "boots on the ground" ...

.................... for BT's sake, at least. His get in the water!

Also, we already have folks "on the ground" ... directly and as surrogates.

Otherwise just how will HE know the gps locations......

.............................. .............................. ... of the re-located chemicals and weapons?

And if he doesn't have "spotters" ... he is a lying sack of shit and should be fired as COC.
What makes you think they will target the chemical weapon sites/stockpiles ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Is that John Kerry and Tereeesa breaking bread with "Hitler" and Frau Braun? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Flat, unleavened bread. (Actually, its not bad. The rural folks lace it meat and veggies.)
LexusLover's Avatar
What makes you think they will target the chemical weapon sites/stockpiles ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Because Clinton did it ... Bill ... that is.

Remember? The "factory" .... milk that is. The thought of milk reminded me ...

Why does "Russian" come to mind?
BigKotex taking his obsessive hate for GWB to his grave! Absolutely love it!

He even hijacks his own thread with it.

He even hijacks his own thread Originally Posted by gnadfly
Turdfly's are dumber than.......well, smelly ol' Turdfly's.

There is no such thing as a hijacked thread in the Political Forum. After the first post, it's anything goes. Even the imbecile idiot twins, JD and IB know that! Are Turdfly's a lower form of life than the Idiot twins?

More on that later.
Poor try Bigkotex.

The only thing you proved is that Denial is a river that runs thru Austin that you wadefish on frequently and always come up empty handed.
Poor try Bigkotex. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So Turdyfly has followed his hero's lead and appointed himself to be the Idiot Family's Decider in Chief.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm late to this ball game but I see one very important distinction between Eisenhower and Obama; Eisenhower had credibility. If Eisenhower said that we would send troops and fight until Assad was gone he would be believed. Obama has lied too many times on too many things. You may have the media in this country still carrying the water but overseas Obama is a joke. They know that he lied about the red line, he lied about Benghazi, he lied about the GOP, he lied about sequestration, and so on and so on.
LexusLover's Avatar
So Turdyfly has followed his hero's lead and appointed himself to be the Idiot Family's Decider in Chief. Originally Posted by bigtex
Don't have much of substance to post, do you?

You open with Obmainable to try to craft him "a pass," and close with Bush when that fails.

And BT, calling you out on our posts is not being a "Decider in Chief" ... it's simply pointing out the flaws in your logic, if there is any logic, and demonstrating that you regularly deflect from the shortcomings of Obaminable, of which there are many, by trying to redirect attention to your favorite subject ... Bush.

You brought up Obmainable with some op-ed page quote...... live with it or refrain.

Something that Obaminable ought to do, rather than embroil this country in a deadly game to save his face from his own ignorance and insecurity. it is not the responsibility of the U.S. citizens and taxpayers to make Obaminable feel better and more manly about himself and to pull him personally "out of the grease" when he shoots off his ignorant mouth and threatens (even impliedly) another country with the power of the United States and her people ... (as in "we the people").
Obama had months to form a plan of action and international coalition after his "chain of custody" speech and couldn't. We'll see what happens tomorrow night when he unleashes his golden baritone on the telly and the media is worked into a frenzy.

Bigkotex can post its similarities to Nixon's "Checker's Speech."