Trump's red line

bambino's Avatar
So from your eloquently crafted post, Corpy, we should conclude that you would rather bloviate over President Obama than discuss the dangerous rhetoric flying back and forth between two maniacs.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck what stupid ass taunts you have for fellow posters. The fact that you'd prefer to deflect from the woeful state of leadership on display by the WWE Hall of Fame Orange Sphincter speaks volumes about you.

Can't take you seriously, boy.

Now go fetch me a drink.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
In must have been listening to Trump. He released a hostage last night. Now go fetch a cock. And suck it.


Trump predicted this in 1999. Bush and Obama did nothing you stupid pig.
lustylad's Avatar
So from your eloquently crafted post, Corpy, we should conclude that you would rather bloviate over President Obama than discuss the dangerous rhetoric flying back and forth between two maniacs.

... The fact that you'd prefer to deflect from the woeful state of leadership on display by the WWE Hall of Fame Orange Sphincter speaks volumes about you.

Can't take you seriously, boy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nobody takes a pig like you seriously. What do YOU or the pathetic prior occupant of the Oval Office know about "leadership", oinkboy? It's cringe-inducing even to hear that word roll off your dick-sucking lips! If odumbo had any leadership ability we wouldn't be in this pickle! The only thing he knew how to do was run out the clock.

Let's see... our policy (cough, cough) under odumbo was one of "strategic patience"... another euphemism for wringing hands and doing nothing! How'd that work out for us, dipshit?
bamscram's Avatar
Trumps latest tirade against NK why is he hugging himself? There are some Japanese still alive that will tell him he is full of shit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-09-2017, 08:00 AM

Something has to be done about North Korea. Every "policy" through the years has lead us to where we are now.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Something? Like another war?

What do you suggest Jackie?

It is either negotiations or war.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-09-2017, 08:05 AM

Let's see... our policy (cough, cough) under odumbo was one of "strategic patience"... another euphemism for wringing hands and doing nothing! How'd that work out for us, dipshit? Originally Posted by lustylad
So Trump is trying to isolate NK, like Obama did Iran. And then make a deal with them.

The other option is war. We take out their leader like we did in Iraq and then what?

North Korea is more China's problem than ours. China foes not want a unified pro Amercian Korea.
bambino's Avatar
Something? Like another war?

What do you suggest Jackie?

It is either negotiations or war. Originally Posted by WTF
Trump was talking to China more than he was talking to NK. Trump will put more pressure on China to actually do something. The last 3 Presidents kicked the problem down the road. They know Trump will actually do something about it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So it appears from the general tone (and the typically constant attitude of the macho men who troll this board) that the usual suspects want a preemptive nuclear strike.


Which ones of you fucking idiots want to turn North Korea into a radioactive crater?

What's the point of having nukes if we don't use them, right?

Come on, patriots! SOUND OFF NOW!
bambino's Avatar
So it appears from the general tone (and the typically constant attitude of the macho men who troll this board) that the usual suspects want a preemptive nuclear strike.


Which ones of you fucking idiots want to turn North Korea into a radioactive crater?

What's the point of having nukes if we don't use them, right?

Come on, patriots! SOUND OFF NOW! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Trolls? You're the stupid pig who has over 35,000 worthless posts of "Snick" cock pics, fat naked men, and Nazi pics you worthless, slovenly pig. What did Obama do about NK? Nothing. What did he do about Iran but give them billions of dollars you stupid pig. Go do what you were born to do. Suck some cocks.

  • grean
  • 08-09-2017, 08:25 AM
NK will never use nukes. It's the same game everyone plays....deterrence. Un will always threaten because that's what you do in his position. If people thought he was sane, or at least unwilling to use nuclear warheads, what leverage would he have?

China doesn't see it as a problem like we do

China doesn't want a unified Korea that would essentially take away any buffer from American troops being at the Chinese border.

China wants the US focus not to be on China. NK keeps that focus turned from them.

Forcing NK to stop nuclear programs would not be in China's best interest.

At the same time doesn't want WWIII to start in their backyard.

China will allow jun-Un to smuggle more to make up for sanations. Officially China backed the UN sanctions. Unofficially is a different story. That placates NK.

The US will still puff out our chest but do nothing more because we realize the above.

This will continue for a while.

Its like when your little brother got your mom to yell at you. You didn't do anything deserving of punishment in your eyes or hers. She yelled at you for his sake but then in private said not to worry about it and gave you an extra $5 to play at the arcade.

Hopefully Trump is listening.

I do feel that Trump in a way is the perfect solution. Meet crazy with crazy kind of thing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trolls? You're the stupid pig who has over 35,000 worthless posts of "Snick" cock pics, fat naked men, and Nazi pics you worthless, slovenly pig. What did Obama do about NK? Nothing. What did he do about Iran but give them billions of dollars you stupid pig. Go do what you were born to do. Suck some cocks.

PIG Originally Posted by bambino
So what is your answer? Preemptive nuke strike or not?

Surely you can see beyond your unhealthy obsession with me, EATLER.

If not, then I'm going to have to ask for you to stop cockstalking me again.

No wonder you are into men. What self respecting woman would have congress with a 400 lb piece of human waste like you. Judging by your reviews, money doesn't seem to matter either.

I'm not interested, loverboy!

Who would be?

bambino's Avatar
So what is your answer? Preemptive nuke strike or not?

Surely you can see beyond your unhealthy obsession with me, EATLER.

If not, then I'm going to have to ask for you to stop cockstalking me again.

No wonder you are into men. What self respecting woman would have congress with a 400 lb piece of human waste like you. Judging by your reviews, money doesn't seem to matter either.

I'm not interested, loverboy!

Who would be?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I guess you missed this:

How many times has Russia and China voted with us you stupid pig. Unlike a Obama, they know Trump means business. He rained down cruise missles on Assad, dropped a MOAB on ISIS you stupid pig. So spare us your personal pig gallery. Try to post something of substance. Plagerize something. You worthless POS
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Rained down missiles on a dinner party, don't you mean!

What has happened since?

Fucking cornball.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-09-2017, 08:43 AM
Trump was talking to China more than he was talking to NK. Trump will put more pressure on China to actually do something. The last 3 Presidents kicked the problem down the road. They know Trump will actually do something about it. Originally Posted by bambino
What is he going to do about it?

get in a trade war with China?

What Trump is doing is trying to take the heat of the Russian investigation off his ass and shore up his poll numbers.

He is willing to sacrifice thousands or more soldiers to do so.

This is like Mexico paying for the never was going to happen but you believed it. It made you feel good. NK is not going to attack us unless we do something to them first. Trump's bluster makes his base (you) feel good.

It was an idiotic red line in the sand, much like Obama. All bluster. Trump said if they talk any more shit, he'd light'em up. Next thing you know, they talk more shit.

Let us all hope they do not gas any of their babies...lustylad will have another hissy

lustylad's Avatar
So... stop cockstalking me... loverboy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The pig is snorting and flirting wildly now. Watch out, bam!
bambino's Avatar

Rained down missiles on a dinner party, don't you mean!

What has happened since?

Fucking cornball. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No more use of chemical weapons you stupid fuck. Next time Trump will take out Assads whole Air Force you stupid pig. He did what Obama punted out of you stupid pig.