I Got Scamed From Someone On This Board (Xbox 360)

Pistolero's Avatar
For now on he will not be on the board Originally Posted by Super Head 713

Hmmmm, ya gonna ban him from here??????????????
I had offered hhr for the system as well but he wanted more so i declined because if he took it to pawn shop they would of offered 60, but i sm sorry he did this to you cb. For now on he will not be on the board Originally Posted by Super Head 713
With the ability to change handles and other avenues sadly he will live to hobby another day.

CB it sucks big time but it could have been alot worse
Wakeup's Avatar
Let me get this straight...you barter a session for a used XBox when two hours on your back would have bought you a brand new top of the line one? Then you go ahead and give him the session after he's proven that it doesn't work and has told you you'd have to get parts to make it work with your TV? Then you come here and put the story out for the world to see and comment on...

I'm hard pressed to determine who's the more fucked up one here...
cumalot's Avatar
cumalot's Avatar
He needs to take it back and give you your normal rate.
Big Joe's Avatar
Ok, wasn't expecting to see this. Anyways, I guess it's only right I speak my part. I arrived (after having checked and double checked that the console worked prior to arriving). Upon arrival she insisted on immediately beginning the session...I however declined because I wanted to demonstrate that the system worked. She took me to a smaller TV in the bed room where I plugged it up...console turned on fine but didn't display video on the TV...I thought maybe somehow it could be the component cords (turned out to be the TV) so I offered to go pick up some cords. She said sure and led me on a 1 hour cord finding spree going from GameStop to GameStop where I finally bought the cords at the third GameStop we came to. Upon arriving back she insisted that we start the session as she was having some friends and her boyfriend ( not a pimp for clarification) over soon. I agreed and after the session asked of she was sure she didn't want me to try to hook it up. She said it was fine and I left. The part she is talking about is a HDMI cable that I said she could get for better picture quality on an HDTV (not necessary, just a suggestion I made). The next day I recieved a text message saying that it works, I said cool and went about my day, then later in the day she sent me a message saying she called me and asked how to start games because she didn't know how to. I said all you had to do was throw a game in and press A on the dashboard easy as Pie, and guides her through it. She said cool and we got off the phone. Next thing I know I'm staring at this thread...no warning no reasoning, why not let me know? I would like to take out this time to point out a few inconsistencies... First off...Microsoft has never and will never have retail centers and unless you know of some spaceship delivery system that exists between Houston and Microsoft I don't understand how an xbox could have passed from your hands to Microsoft that quickly for inspection. Second, no Xbox I have ever seen has ever observed an error in which it didn't display an error code. You just said that it wouldn't play games.... If that's so then why didn't you say it displayed a message when it fails to display games? Because that's what an Xbox is designed to do. It makes it easy on the technicians when diagnosing problems. Third, I am not known for this type of behavior...I am a college student and have plenty of ladies that would vouch for me...I don't have a need/motive to have scammed you. I don't know why you posted this, and it is a bit disturbing that the Xbox worked fine the day I left yet observed problems the next day. Sounds like you did something to it and want me to pick up the bill. Why would I spend my gas and money to not only drive out to you but also pick up parts and even offer to install it when your shaking that fine ass in my face. Something just doesn't seem to add up. I found the session to be thoroughly enjoyable and promised you a good review and will follow through with that even though you have betraye my trust in posting this. Hope this gets resolved soon.
Big Joe's Avatar
And sorry about the lack of paragraphs and the poor grammar as that was posted
From an iPhone.
I have a friend who's Xbox only works properly on his tvs with a hdmi cable. Maybe that's the problem?
Wakeup's Avatar
First off...Microsoft has never and will never have retail centers and unless you know of some spaceship delivery system that exists between Houston and Microsoft I don't understand how an xbox could have passed from your hands to Microsoft that quickly for inspection. Originally Posted by Big Joe
Um...not so much...


And they take walk-ins no problem, been there with my old Xbox to have warranty work done...but I'll be sure to approach them with the whole spaceship idea, sounds like a hella expensive shipping cost, but the speed may be worth it...
Hey Wakeup thanks for that link. I have 2 dead x-boxes and when I tried to call them in a few years ago they wanted $100 each and for me to ship them. Being that a used one was 149$ I just threw them on the shelf. Maybe now I can get them repaired and have an x-box in each room!
Big Joe's Avatar
WU thanks for bringing that to my attention. I was not aware of that, and for that I'll eat my words. The galleria truly has everything.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Let me tell you something Big Joe I am not a dealing kid nor am I in my teens that's all I'm going to say about that. I don't break things with in 5mins ok hooking it up. And I did not lead you on a hr spree of nothing. I feel you wanted to prove that when the main screen Pope's up I would think it works. You never proved any of that and when I called you five min of it not doing so I asked if you could come back and show me and was denied pretty much. Told you I was going to game stop which they said DVD drive was out and Microsoft said the same.

You cheated and my son. It was not a day that went by I told you 5min after you left ..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Um...not so much...


And they take walk-ins no problem, been there with my old Xbox to have warranty work done...but I'll be sure to approach them with the whole spaceship idea, sounds like a hella expensive shipping cost, but the speed may be worth it... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
And thanks gamestop sent me there and its in the Galleria mall.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Any time you buy or barter for used electronics it's a crap shoot. You have no idea how much it's been mishandled, dropped, hit by power surges, or how many beers or soft drinks have been spilled on it. Damn thing might work fine for a week then take a shit. You should have just bought your son a new Xbox with full warranty.

So you fucked a guy for free, basically. I'm pretty sure the sun is still gonna come up in the East tomorrow anyway. Just chalk it up to lesson learned and be glad you didn't pay good greenback dollars for the freaking thing.

Coming on here and pissing and moaning about it hasn't helped your standing in the community one iota...