This Car Date Shit...

I'm totally not knocking this car date thing. I'm really not. I am just quite amazed at the mechanics of it all.
fun2come's Avatar
I believe I had 3 car dates in RW (never will do one in the Hobby):

1st - turned out next day it was next to a car with a dead person not sure what caused the death
2nd - got caught by a State Park Ranger
3rd - I think she preferred the stick shift
Smpslt7's Avatar
I did enjoy some time in the 70s vans. Take out the back seats and throw in a mattress. Outcall on wheels. Fond memories.
In some cases, a rubber glove will not suffice. A Kevlar glove??? Perhaps an iron gauntlet? Choose wisely my friend.

Attachment 658550 Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Dental floss?
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-12-2017, 09:01 PM
I'm thinking you're a tad bit off. I guess I'm a provider in your eyes because I know how to spell and don't join in your circle jerk of ripping on women.
Whispers's Avatar
I'm thinking... Originally Posted by Skip_8
I considered that
Whispers's Avatar
I'm thinking you're a tad bit off. I guess I'm a provider in your eyes because I know how to spell and don't join in your circle jerk of ripping on women. Originally Posted by gt27
You can keep telling yourself that if you want but here in Texas you will always be the sex reported on your birth certificate.... You don't get to choose.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Why is it that if someone disagrees with so-N-so that it must be a mandle? Just because me and say Austin Ellen don't always see eye to eye, I would never in a million yrs say that she is a dude. Just saying there has been tons of mandle accusations that prove to be untrue.

WTF, does mandle have to do with car dates anyways? Gays and trannys are probably more skilled car bj artists then most women are.
And some of the TS look better than we do. Bitches! Jk.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
No shit there!! Fuck they give me make-up tips. Anything having to do with greek they are my go-to people to ask about! Unfortunately, the greek option is a "Oh HELL NO!" for me.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-13-2017, 10:13 AM
You can keep telling yourself that if you want but here in Texas you will always be the sex reported on your birth certificate.... You don't get to choose. Originally Posted by Whispers
Don't have to choose. Still a guy. So, how many friends did you have growing up?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Come on now gt , this isn't about high school popularity. That's so yesterday and many people can say that who they were back then isn't anything close to what they are today. Harp on him for what he is and is responsible for today. There is plenty of shit to get on his case about that deals with today's issues.

Take his little comment about that "I have walked the streets of other city's before". Well DUH,of course I have walked,hopped,skipped, maybe even did a jig and a shimmy in the streets of other city's before. I hope he has too,because if he hasn't then he is such a stick-in-the-mud.
vanessaamour's Avatar
Ive done car dates but being that im only 4ft10in i have no problem hopping on and going to town. I believe in one suv, i could even stand up and not touch the ceiling ..
Do not try Greek in a car date. Don't ask.
vanessaamour's Avatar