What makes a reviewer/hobbiest reputable?

onehitwonder's Avatar
NAN is definitely back LOL... Originally Posted by DickEmDown

Back and "Live and in Living Color", no doubt.......
Killersalt's Avatar
And if a mod thinks his smear is funny will he be a good mod?
Originally Posted by Raphael
Raphael's Avatar
For a few weeks there I thought the moderation here was fine; indeed the banning of notanewbie had been a good signal. I can only hope this place is not about to go down the same route as ASPD....
notanewbie's Avatar
lets not hijack this thread, I surely did not. This thread has possibilities.
Also what would disqualify someone from being one? Originally Posted by KoolHandLuke
I can make you a list of handles that automatically disqualify you from being reputable...it looks like there's a good start in this thread though...all the disreputable bastards are here...

Being a douchebag about covers it... Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Good thing I'm just a prick and not a douchebag...I'd hate not to be reputable!
This thread has some possibility if people will stop with their agendas, hint!
KoolHandLuke's Avatar
[quote=lizardking;627918]So, what to do? Wear your handle like a name-tag and be brutally frank in your reviews? Not much of that going on, I\'ll wager, particularly among those guys that are truly active in the hobby. Lurk and learn, but not contribute? Many are guilty of that, myself included. Maintain multiple handles for multiple purposes, including writing "honest" reviews and stirring the shit when moved to do so? Probably more of that than we know.

So freakin true, LK!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Well, that's an interesting conundrum. My observation is that the quickest way to start a little drama with a provider is to write a negative review or make a negative comment about a provider, no matter how honest and objective. There are members here who are well-known by their handles in the provider community, and there are those who are not. I sometimes wonder if a guy who is known by his handle is inclined to be completely honest in his public comments. I have had more than one "reputable" member tell me in confidence that this or that girl wasn't really as good as his recent review would lead one to believe. As a corollary, I'm sure that some use their prominence on boards such as this to attempt to extract more favorable treatment from some girls. Certainly, there is much anecdotal evidence of this.

So, what to do? Wear your handle like a name-tag and be brutally frank in your reviews? Not much of that going on, I'll wager, particularly among those guys that are truly active in the hobby. Lurk and learn, but not contribute? Many are guilty of that, myself included. Maintain multiple handles for multiple purposes, including writing "honest" reviews and stirring the shit when moved to do so? Probably more of that than we know.

At any rate, this is really an "honor among thieves" debate, is it not? And it raises this question: what characterizes a reputable douche bag? Originally Posted by lizardking
I think you can and should write honest reviews. In the event the providers starts drama it just makes her look bad as she isn't supposed to have BCD anyway. My point was a reputable hobbist should walk away from the hooktard drama when it starts. It will end in a train wreck and he will look better (more reputable) if he stays out of it.
notanewbie's Avatar
I think you can and should write honest reviews. In the event the providers starts drama it just makes her look bad as she isn't supposed to have BCD anyway. My point was a reputable hobbist should walk away from the hooktard drama when it starts. It will end in a train wreck and he will look better (more reputable) if he stays out of it. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum

this is true, just a lot less entertaining. Who will dh be able to disassemble?
  • romab
  • 09-29-2010, 03:03 PM
OFScum. I'm with you. Write it accurate and honest and walk away if someone starts stirrin shit. Good and fair review can stand on it's own and does't need props.

boardman's Avatar
I like the train wrecks.
Mods, please don't make the trains not wreck.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Welcome back NAN ... now get over to slap yo mama and post more of those funny ass pictures!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I like the train wrecks.
Mods, please don't make the trains not wreck. Originally Posted by boardman

boardman's Avatar
I wanted to start a "Welcome back Nan" post but didn't know where it belonged.
notanewbie's Avatar
in the litterbox, with the other turds.