Another Terrorist Bites the Dust!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh Tex, didn't you remember that OBL was offered to Bill Clinton on a silver platter by Sudan...and he turned him down. So I guess you must really hate Clinton because he is the godfather of 9/11. We were already looking for OBL back then too so you can't say that we didn't want him. It all came down to how much trouble Clinton wanted to push through to get him after the fact. Instead Clinton suggested that they send OBL to some place like Afghanistan because as his CIA guy said, OBL won't be able to do any operations until 2001. So Clinton handed it off to Bush without telling him what was in the wind.

Before you squawk my leettle pigeon, Clinton is on record as saying that it was on of the biggest regrets of his life that he didn't just take the offer and OBL.

For five years Clinton failed to Bin Laden and OBL wasn't even hiding from the world yet. Note how the CIA could not get permission to kill OBL so they armed the predator drone. The next time they found OBL they would have to kill them themselves.
Yep he tried to appease congress..