When will Obama send Holder to investigate

jump out the car and run up to the officer car door before he could get out the car raising hell while drunk.
I live around a lot of good old boys who rather fight then fuck, kick the wife and kiss the dog, and a good summer day is in the infield during a nascar race drunk and fuck up off meth. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Yeah, and I bet that hick calmed down real quick as he was looking down the business end of that Cop's 40 cal. too, isn't that right chump.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How does any of this excuse the violence? Had the races been reversed, this would be on the news for weeks. It's all agenda driven, not justice driven. You shouldn't get a pass for committing violence based on skin color. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently you do get a pass....in Obama's America!