How many has this happened to?

Centaur's Avatar
I have no respect for those who do not respect others' time, efforts, etc. Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
I applaud you as well, hon. It does go both ways re: NCNS. IMHO (yes, I have many - haha!) it often feels one-sided when the NCNS posts, in coed are directed at providers, and should be if they are warranted.

It can create negative press for a woman to do the same. That is a risk for any provider who posts here but, you make very valid points and didn't make it a personal attack. Kudos to you!

I have been there (one time only) it felt like a form of betrayal because this person wouldn't man-up. You extended yourself to this client and he was rude and inconsiderate of your time and dare I say, lied to you? It feels crappy and it speaks to his character that he won't own up to it and apologize.

I am so 'no/low drama' on this board that I never allow myself to call someone something appropriate, such as, oh I don't know... 'Douchnozzle!?!'.

Which is a shame that I would be so concerned about a few little points or a bad reputation. But, maybe someday, I will grow a pair and go ahead and say it, when appropriate.

Now, I have to get back to my 'Own your inner Bitch' book...carry on, ya'll

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I don't expect him to respond to this thread publicly and am asking the mods to close it.
He has responded in PM though. We've been chatting all morning to talk things out, which is what I wanted when I originally tried texting and emailing him last week.
It seems that he assumed when he texted me that morning with "will see what time I get out", that was his way of cancelling. I took it that we were still getting together, only later than planned.
He also told me about other things which he's been going through, which I will keep private. It's his choice what he chooses to share openly.
I just wish he had shared some things before I posted this thread. And that he would have worded things differently that morning so that I knew he meant to cancel.
With everything else I'm dealing with concerning my mom (anniversary of her death and today would have been her birthday) I'm extra emotional and taking everything VERY personal.
I agree with Aphrodite - I try to remain low or no drama on the boards and in RW. And yes, this did feel like a betrayal and loss of a friend, which is what really hurt at a time when I'm already hurting. But I try to respect everyone unless they've wronged me and expect it in return.
ffireman's Avatar
Closed per request of the originator of the thread