Preferred method of initial contact???

The question still remains though...what incentive could be offered to make filling out the contact form correctly the first time be something the client strives for? I've messed around with the form adding and subtracting fields(like I'm sure we all have!) and it seems that no matter the length or simplicity guys just hate filling them out.

I "thinck" maybe it's just too much of a reminder that the client is just one of many and we aren't going to be pining away for him or writing his name repeatedly in our diary after he leaves. "Please fill out this short form" may come across as "hey buddy, take a number and I'll see you when I see you." which isn't the vibe that we are going for...we all just want to be have a good time, meet interesting people and live to tell about it.

Meeting strange men that are bigger and stronger than us has the potential to be life threatening...we are very vulnerable and if the references help us feel even a little bit more secure what TRUE gentlemen would mind giving them? Since most guys ARE gentlemen and want to make us feel comfortable so the session goes well then of course they will give references...and if you're going to give them anyway you might as well do it at the initial contact. Think of it as another way to assure the lady you are a thoughtful gentleman with loving(or lustful) intentions that deserves the best she has to offer.

If any guys have something to add I'd love to hear it!
Personally Hannah, I think the incentive is an actual scheduled and confirmed session. If, by not providing the information we need in order to confirm them (vis a vis completing the contact form), all they received are questions and delays in getting the gratification they want, you would think that typing a name, email, phone, and refs would be a small task. I don't mean to say that these forms can't be daunting. But if the lady is legit and knows what she's doing, she isn't asking for much because she doesn't need much. A little info goes a long way to making her feel like a guy is safe to see. Just my $0.02 x 3.
I couldn't agree more Nina! I guess I'm just always striving to simplify and streamline things... even when it appears that further simplification is not possible.

Personally Hannah, I think the incentive is an actual scheduled and confirmed session. If, by not providing the information we need in order to confirm them (vis a vis completing the contact form), all they received are questions and delays in getting the gratification they want, you would think that typing a name, email, phone, and refs would be a small task. I don't mean to say that these forms can't be daunting. But if the lady is legit and knows what she's doing, she isn't asking for much because she doesn't need much. A little info goes a long way to making her feel like a guy is safe to see. Just my $0.02 x 3. Originally Posted by Nina Rae
Outdoorsman's Avatar
No simplification necessary, I do not like them and do not fill them out, period. Really does not matter why. I cannot think of any reasonable incentive you could offer me to get me to fill one out, that simple. I lean toward realizing the information is more important than the form or how it is transferred to the lady. If I feel safer giving a lady my info via email then so be it. Because, some hobbyiests are very vulnerable if our info is out there, simple.

All I have been trying to say is, if the market place dictates that the consumer desires to do a thing a certain way, the successful businesses work within the market parameters to satisfy consumers, cuz if they do not the competition will.

I am not suggesting get rid of the form, if some guys fill it out, great!! But I suggest also utilize other avenues for the consumers that desire other avenues, that simple. Customer satisifaction, it goes a long way, or at least it has in my endeavors.
Your reasoning sounds perfect - esp in a business model. The only difference being a business in your model looses customers ie money. A business in my model faces loosing freedom, life, health etc. It's apples and oranges. Both are fruit, have seeds and.....well that's about it.

If you choose to apply blanket rules however, you cannot purchase or lease any product of value without filling out the application.

But I really hate blanket statements. All black men are thug pimps, all escorts are druggies. I could name more but they only get more insulting. I prefer to 'judge' (maybe apprise is a better word) each individual on an individual basis. I can't do that if you don't identify yourself as an individual.

Thing is, yes. We want your business. We do want to see you. When you contact us - no when you contact me there is always the hope and the smile. Maybe that's what makes the let down so down. There has to be an acceptance on both sides and if not respect, then acceptance that each individual has a comfort level and both sides need to try - to the best of each individuals ability - and reach a mutual place.

One side asking the other to jeopardize their safety is... crap. If someone is more comfortable with the light or no screening - that's their thing and really isn't an issue to someone who screens. Someone who wants an individual that consistently screens will not be comfy seeing those who don't screen, so that's also a non issue.

It shouldn't be either or.

In my experience - sending a completed form or an email with all the answers from my form is rare. I tend to get better results (ie business) when my site form is utilized. So I will always push for the options that allow me to do my business.

As for the 'more to loose than' argument.; well that also chaps my ass. Thank you for putting a dollar amount on my life. You and I will disagree on the amount. Nothing in your world, my world, his world, their world, this world any world is worth more than my family. Your possible alimony against my kids? Puh-leeze. That's very arrogant.

Every day this business changes. You either change with it or get left behind. What was was, what is is and what will be gonna be a real pain in the ass.

If I say p411, DC or my form - it's p411, DC or my form. If you won't - then I won't no loss, no hassle no drama needed.
ps: BBT in Mem recently told me: "you can be reasoned with." But I don't believe it.
Thanks babee. Right back at 'cha! And dude, that scenario you wrote up it almost always how it happens for me. But you forgot to add in how when you ask for a detail to jog the reference's memory, he says "She came to my hotel". Um...ok. LOL. That should do it! Not.

The worst, and I do mean absolute worst, is when someone calls and says "Can I see you tonight? How much? What can I get for $___?" You get one quick but free hang up, that's what. If you're going to call her on first contact, why not start with who you are, where you found her, and what method of giving references might expedite the scheduling process? Call me crazy, but I would consider a conversation like that almost foreplay. LOL. Originally Posted by Nina Rae
HA! had one guy use me as a ref and his detail to jog my memory? "I'm the married guy."
  • MrGiz
  • 01-08-2011, 01:57 PM
- 99.9 % of the girls I see have email addresses....
- 90 % percent of the new girls I see are here on Eccie....
- the majority of them are P411 members.

Given the above.... I usually go with the triple redundant contact right off the bat.

1) I send them a fairly detailed email, giving a brief bio... first name... age... date-time-location desired... board handle... a few references... and let them know they will be receiving an Eccie PM and P411 Date Request.

2) I send a PM thru eccie... referencing the first email sent... with the same info in it.

3) I send a P411 Date Request... referencing both the email and Eccie PM in an attempt to show consistency and verification.

After all three contacts have been sent, it should be fairly easy for her to witness the cross verification of who I am... and to see I have legit references.

Not all legit girls have websites... so hopefully, their email addresses will be sufficient for reference contact. I very rarely supply phone numbers, unless they are clearly included in the reference's ads or websites. I always wait to give my phone #, until we are well down the screening road. I want to see return contact from the expected email, Eccie Handle PM, and P411 Account.

Last Names have no place in the hobby, except maybe for those with no verifiable history, no experience, no solid/legit references, etc... Even then, I can't see how there's any real protection provided... only leverage... Ted Bundy would have passed screening with flying colors!!

After all is said and done , there is only about .001% of them that I cannot literally pay enough to see!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Initial Contact ?

Email . . . PM thru here. . . or P411.... actually all three re-confirm each other.... one way to confirm identity right away.

I just about always reserve phone contact until after screening.

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
+ 1 i wont even list my # nor give it out untill after screening
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Mr. Giz I have to agree with what you are saying.

Babee never, ever do I advocate that you should skimp on screening, or do anything that makes you feel unsafe. I am a guy that wants to be screened and like when a lady is safe. All I am saying is if there are other avenues of gaining info, I suggest use it, just a suggestion, the info is what is important not how it is obtained, to me anyway. I hope your business is successful, I really do, and yes I am a reasonable man.

I can apprecaite your desire to be safe because I have that same desire, I think we have similarities.
gimme_that's Avatar
I basically do what Giz does in this case. I send a detailed email.

What I won't do at all is fill out a contact form under anycircumstances. Anyone remember the Joelle situation on the old board where she released all the info people punched in on her site. Sometimes those contact forms don't allow enough room in each field....and are hell o annoying to fill out piece by piece......compared to a ready made and current email I have ready.

I usually will call after all that is don't with sufficient time so she can atnb least know who I am when I call....or at least see multiple ways I have exchanged correspondence from the sister hobby sites.

I CAN'T STAND THE NEW module where you have to join as a member just to get info. Its supper annoying and a lot of ladies do this lately. I really wish that provides just had the sites where u can't get direct access to info from everywhere. But whatever I can't find ill ask about. If they tell me to refer to their site and sign up as a member to view it....I keep on trucking and just forget about it.
gimme_that's Avatar
The question still remains though...what incentive could be offered to make filling out the contact form correctly the first time be something the client strives for? Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Maybe you can increase your rates slightly and offer a discount (50 to 100 dollars) to all potential clients who fill it out maybe.

I gotta admit I still wouldn't though....I just hate those forms.
Great feedback on this....hopefully many of the ladies see that the "contact form" on the sites is something most guys dont like to do. I suggest on the sites, providing a direct email, and give the guy the opportunity to simply copy and paste the info from your contact form in the email, so your still getting the info requested to a point, but we know its going to your email.

For me, there are certain things i wont put out there in an email, but have no problem talking about when I meet a lady. After 10 years in this game, there simply isnt any need for a lot of personal info when I can provide references of ladies from various parts of the country whom, even though I dont hobby much, I can call any day to simply say Hi, and it turns into a lengthy conversation. You dont get that with many people unless they actually truely enjoyed your company......

I'm curious if the Elf's in BR and NoLa will look at getting an email. They all seem to just list a phone number....I saw their ads on BP, and while they have a good reputation, a phone call is the only way of contacting them it seems like. It obviously isnt hurting them with all the reviews they receive, but I prefer an email for initial contact, with phone call follow up from the lady when the time is approaching.

  • MrGiz
  • 01-09-2011, 05:57 AM
I am sure there are many guys and girls here, who would be interested in knowing what level of screening is required for playing with the Elves. What procedures are in place?

They certainly appear to be pretty successful... and fairly consistent... which brings up another interesting question....
- Does a known, consistent, fair, but comprehensive screening process increase or limit traffic from legit clients ?

Just Curious....

Hello! my name is...and I saw your post on .... I am coming to....and would love to get together! What info do you need from me to make this happen???

So we set up a time and date, discussing the length of time we will meet but neva...neva! $$....

So! What do you like to drink? (VIP question). Where would you like to have dinner? (even better question!)

Shall I send you the Harry Winston catalogue so you can pick out a gift? (delusional question)...!