A AD is a AD is a ThreAD is a AD.

This from the person who decried all the providers that post "I'm retiring" threads, then posts an announcement of her retirement and then comes back? Seems as though that's the characteristic of a drama queen and victim, looking for her own way of being dramatic too. Kaylen wasn't playing victim, she was marketing herself, like all good businesspeople do. Call me a WK (and proud of it), but she hasn't done anything that violates the spirit of this board. Originally Posted by RoamingTheMidwest

I came back for reasons that are my business and I've owned up to all my posts I've ever made. I've never once played the victim role unless it was warranted (I.E., being outed by a provider and MOD) and even then, I didn't truly play the victim role. I stood up for myself and stood my ground because I had been wronged.

If you reread my responses to Kaylen, I make it very clear as to how she plays the victim role in numerous threads. The "OMG's, SMH's, etc." when all she truly needs to do is read the posts and decide if she needs to truly respond to them.

Kaylen is good at marketing herself in the CoEd forum, hell......it might as well be her own little advertising forum and as I said last night, I applaud her for that. But, the victim role gets old. If she took the advice given to her by not only me, but a few other ladies, she wouldn't jump to conclusions and use the victim card.

It was never my intention to cause drama, I just say what's on my mind and judging from the PM's I've been receiving.......what's on their minds too.
malwoody's Avatar

Yes I was really picking hairs, but in my first post I was just giving my opinion which the last time I checked was not against any of the guidelines.
Some of us (at least me and my mouse in my pocket) are getting tried of having to repeat the same thing over and over again.
STOP CLOSING THE DAMN THREADS BEFORE THE DEBATES EVEN GET STARTED.. let them die the way management meant for them too.
Originally Posted by ElumEno
I gotta say I couldn't agree more..

I skimmed about one fourth if this multi colored post and thought... who the fuck cares. Why is this such a big deal in your mind? Aren't we here to have fun and share valuable information? Originally Posted by Johnny4455
With respect Johnny, I too believe we are here to "have fun and share valuable information" and I believe the random closing of threads inhibits this and if there were hard and fast rules regarding these closures, it would be one thing but thread closing from where I stand is open to interpretation and is not even handed IMO..

I agree and disagree at the same time.
It is hard to share valuable information when they keep closing all the threads with that information.
Just because you might not find some information valuable doe not mean that someone else does not.

It just seems that everyone is so busy singing kumbayah, out of fear of being pointed or banned, around here that no real information is being shared. Originally Posted by ElumEno
I agree 100%...leave them open unless something obviously off base happens andstop with the "hijack" bs..

But, for some reason that one thread made you jump in and yes, YOU hijacked that thread.
No one is silent around here for fear of points or being banned. Originally Posted by MsElena
I think he would have jumped in earlier but he just recently rejoined us and I find myself holding my opinions more than ever before for just this "fear" you reference. I wouldn't care so much except I bought LPA.. and I now feel the need to protect my investment..LOL

Ahhh.....baby, I'm not playing to victim to anything nor am I falling for anything. I'm tired of seeing someone whine about the same thing over and over. First it was in that thread, then its in PM's and now you made a new thread to whine. Originally Posted by MsElena
I don't know about the "PM's" but I couldn't agree more about the "over and over"...I'm tired of whining about it myself...maybe if the censorship could be dumbed down a bit..

We all know a stiff dick has no brain Originally Posted by noleftturn
I must disagree...Woody jr has a mind of his own and routinely disregards my instructions...

See the numerous reviews. Valuable information. Good info in ml. Youre not being honest to say that closing the thread you reference inhibits people from sharing information. looks to me like you are using this board to argue with the mods over nothing Originally Posted by Johnny4455
With respect Johnny...I think this ongoing thread closing snafu does bear discussion. I don't like complaining about it but I also strongly believe it needs to be examined..

And you are right.. it was not about just that thread that was closed, it was about all the threads that keep being closed.
I hate reading a thread in the morning and not having time to reply to it before it gets closed.
I see most of the debate threads much more valuable then reviews... at least the threads are more honest. Originally Posted by ElumEno

You think this thread is valuable?? Originally Posted by Johnny4455
Not more valuable than your or BFs reviews but lets face it, not much is.. I am weary of the ongoing debate as I believe you are as well but I think the thread closing is censorship and I think of all things, a SHMB should be immune..

This from the person who decried all the providers that post "I'm retiring" threads, then posts an announcement of her retirement and then comes back? Seems as though that's the characteristic of a drama queen and victim, looking for her own way of being dramatic too. Kaylen wasn't playing victim, she was marketing herself, like all good businesspeople do. Call me a WK (and proud of it), but she hasn't done anything that violates the spirit of this board. Originally Posted by RoamingTheMidwest
Yeah...she did change her mind but I think that is a right that should be afforded her..

Not to be confused with an ex-mod who is constantly changing handles and profiles..instead of just owning up to who he is...
I guess like thread closings, I don't see the point...

Kaylen wasn't playing victim... Originally Posted by RoamingTheMidwest
You're a funny guy, RtM! Oh wait, you meant that as a serious statement.

Hey, we've all come to accept the fact that it's all about "product placement". If a lady can interject herself in a thread (whether it's one she started for whatever reason, or whether it's posting something on someone else's thread just to show that she is around), it's about exposure.

You see a can of Coke in a movie... obviously, it has nothing to do with the storyline of the movie, but it's recognizable and, thus, an ad. But, sometimes... there's just too much Coke in movies.
Thequeen's Avatar

Hey, we've all come to accept the fact that it's all about "product placement". If a lady can interject herself in a thread (whether it's one she started for whatever reason, or whether it's posting something on someone else's thread just to show that she is around), it's about exposure.

You see a can of Coke in a movie... obviously, it has nothing to do with the storyline of the movie, but it's recognizable and, thus, an ad. But, sometimes... there's just too much Coke in movies. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I agree with Wiz on this.. If I see a Coke in a movie it makes me want to drink one lol

It is all about product placement. I don't post many ads.. 1 or 2 every 6 months or so. A lot of the time I will post on a thread just like he said to let everyone know I am still around.. To each their own on how they want to be exposed...
I agree with Wiz on this.. If I see a Coke in a movie it makes me want to drink one lol

It is all about product placement. I don't post many ads.. 1 or 2 every 6 months or so. A lot of the time I will post on a thread just like he said to let everyone know I am still around.. To each their own on how they want to be exposed... Originally Posted by Thequeen
If I see a Coke in a movie it makes me want to drink one lol Originally Posted by Thequeen
Here ya go, Queen...
I am just being conspicuous by my absence on this thread, and that is all I have to say about that......
malwoody's Avatar
I am just being conspicuous by my absence on this thread, and that is all I have to say about that...... Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
For weighing in...BTW...how are your lungs?

And I don mean titties....
I agree with the posts above, I think every post on here by a provider is a ad in one way or another. The posts "advertise" our personalities and opinions. I think many clients choose providers based upon what and how they post. I think making a fuss over threAD's is pointless, I'd like to think we are all smart enough to see things for what they are.

P.S. I have big awesome boobies and a great ass!
I agree with the posts above, I think every post on here by a provider is a ad in one way or another. The posts "advertise" our personalities and opinions. I think many clients choose providers based upon what and how they post. I think making a fuss over threAD's is pointless, I'd like to think we are all smart enough to see things for what they are.

P.S. I have big awesome boobies and a great ass! Originally Posted by Bristol.kc

I don't believe you. Your showcase pic covers your tushy with a pretty pink heart. This IS the Show Me State, so please prove that you do indeed have a great ass

Oh, and show us the boobies too please

I don't believe you. Your showcase pic covers your tushy with a pretty pink heart. This IS the Show Me State, so please prove that you do indeed have a great ass

Oh, and show us the boobies too please Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
P.S. I have big awesome boobies and a great ass! Originally Posted by Bristol.kc
...so please prove that you do indeed have a great ass... Oh, and show us the boobies too please Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I agree! I LOVE BOOBIES AND BOOTIES!! Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
OK Elum, so sometimes threAD hijacks are productive!
algrace's Avatar
Instead of posting on threADs to bring attention to his opinion, I believe the OP should stick to posting here with the link(s) to examples to further the argument.

It is a tiring distraction to see it in multiple threAD postings. The argument has some validity and when/if OP is moderating the board, then it may become a more pressing issue.

Aren't hijacks less well received than even a threAD?
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Algrace, it all depends on the content.
I might be traveling down KC way in a few weeks so stopped to see what was going on and found this thread. All I can think of is that we need Kramer from Seinfeld to to make this a funny thread about nothing.