Hoe-flation is Alive and Well at CL!

freedom3542's Avatar
sometimes, we just have to say "fuck no" to these ridiculous prices,
keep it in your pants for little longer. CL is famous for up-charging
sometimes, we just have to say "fuck no" to these ridiculous prices,
keep it in your pants for little longer. CL is famous for up-charging Originally Posted by freedom3542

I've had multiple girls there try to up-charge me on DANCES!
What do you think would happen if NO ONE bought anything other than dances from the girls at CL for a week?
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
What do you think would happen if NO ONE bought anything other than dances from the girls at CL for a week? Originally Posted by Jack Ruby
We should try. We'd all win in the end.
What do you think would happen if NO ONE bought anything other than dances from the girls at CL for a week? Originally Posted by Jack Ruby
The pretty girls would conclude we are either cheap or broke and go elsewhere or do something else - we would be left with girls that Jerry Jones would not describe as "the pick of the litter".
If the pretty girls could do better somewhere else they'd already be there.
Ronin3's Avatar
If the pretty girls could do better somewhere else they'd already be there. Originally Posted by Jack Ruby
Perhaps the most accurate post I’ve ever seen in my 16 years on these boards.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Beta males always get used and taken advantage of. They can smell you a mile away. That goes for strip clubs and in the RW.