Just MORE Election Fraud by Democrats

That will never happen. Maga far-right conspiracy theory extremist don't live in reality. Originally Posted by rmg_35
... Now, now there, mate - just look at how far
YOU'VE come! ... From the days of you claiming
"NO voter fraud" to "still no MASSIVE voter fraud"...

... So there's "some" voter fraud - just not "massive"??
Ok, I think that I surely understand your position now.

... I'm proud of you.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Let us not forget Salty that the Democrats have a LONG history of committing voter fraud and rigging elections, even against other Democrats

Remember when former DNC Chair Donna Brazile and Senator Elizabeth Warren said the Democratic party rigged the 2016 primary in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders?

How about now when the DNC is rigging the 2024 primary in favor of Senile Biden over RFK Jr?

Democrats constantly cheat in elections
rmg_35's Avatar
Let us not forget Salty that the Democrats have a LONG history of committing voter fraud and rigging elections, even against other Democrats

Remember when former DNC Chair Donna Brazile and Senator Elizabeth Warren said the Democratic party rigged the 2016 primary in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders?

How about now when the DNC is rigging the 2024 primary in favor of Senile Biden over RFK Jr?

Democrats constantly cheat in elections Originally Posted by berryberry
Provide the proof... you can't. You just continue to post unsubstantiated claims, lies, and far-right conspiracy theory extremist bullshit.
You are a fucking idiot. It’s fine, I’ll take the penalty from the mods. Some things just need to be said.
Dr-epg's Avatar
You are a fucking idiot. It’s fine, I’ll take the penalty from the mods. Some things just need to be said. Originally Posted by luv2sixtynine69
#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
berryberry's Avatar
David Archie is just another in a long line of victims of Democrat voter fraud

It's just that this case is unusual because it is Democrat on Democrat crime. Usually the voter fraud is in the general election to cheat for the leftists against the conservative
No proof of election fraud. None.