Mob Mentality / Lynch Mobs / Crowd Hysteria

Let's say, for argument's sake, someone is lying. Do we really know who? Only those two REALLY know. Who are we to say what is true and what isn't? What if "the lynch mob" was wrong? Then what? I'm just playing devil's advocate here.

Who are we to dole out punishments and decipher what that should be for someone?

People around here talk and lie way too much about other people's business. It ruins lives. Personally, I hear more than I care to know. I think a lot of us do.

Hell, I even heard my entire story of my leave from the board ,from a total hobby stranger. He might be a nice guy, but what if he isn't? It's not too comforting to know my story is being spilled out so carelessly.

What right is It of anyone to fuck with people's lives, especially if they didn't see or hear it themselves?

Outing someone is one of the lowest things you can do to someone. Anonymity is something we are all supposed to have, on the board, or there wouldn't be such serious implications for breaking that rule. Right?

I'm not saying some thief shouldn't get theirs, but shouldn't it be taken care of off the board?

Off the board- Handle the situation accordingly? Whatever accordingly means. Again, the only person who can know is the victim. Then, let's hope the punishment fits the crime??

Granted, I did not read the entire alert, but it seems like a slippery slope to me. Why not just put the alert where the ladies can see it or post the alert in public, letting each individual draw their own conclusion?

I am not saying the lady is lying. I tend to believe her, because I think I am smart enough to figure it out. But there in lies the problem! What if my ego got in the way? It does happen around here ya know. We ALL like to think we are smart enough to figure "it" out.

Good questions.

And cops? No way. That's just my opinion.
Whispers's Avatar
Let me play the role of Advocatus Diaboli for a moment if I may with all the respect due the OP as he knows I have.

Perhaps by dint of having been raised by a den of bloviating alpha males and making no bones about my continued interest in them, I will concede immediately that perhaps this has made me somewhat deaf to this behavior and though I saw a lot of jumping around and chest puffery I did not see the lynchmob effect as has been described. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina

I wanted to talk generalities but it seems some specifics need to be put out there.....

No? I can acknowledge that it is hard to see the LynchMob forming from within it's ranks....

In a thread where a lady says a guy is creepy and didn't leave immediately when asked.... BUT DID IN FACT LEAVE with noone hurt..... we have

1- The "victim" suggesting everyone chill she was just trying to tell folks the guy was creepy.....

Then we have a few pages of insults back and forth..... typical board crap..... pretty predictable..... and as some said in the thread...... easy enough to know would occur from prior posting history..... So people got exactly what they were giving....

Then we hear a story about a young kid that walks in scared and is concerned and finds himself being told to get out.... he hesitates but does in fact leave.... OP is describing him now as dangerous..... but nothing in the story indicates such.....

Now others jump in to play detective and build the drama.....

2- A member asks the provider for the guys phone number.....

I'm sorry.... I have a problem with a provider giving a guys phone number to other members of the board for..... what? Walking in and then leaving?

One guy properly summarizes it as another "he Said She Said".....

Another points out that the OP is letting someone get an emotional rise out of her with insults....

THEN BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!

3) A provider claims to have his Drivers License and names the school he attends? And offers to start sharing it with anyone that asks for it?

Is this a lady that ANYONE WILL EVER AGAIN TRUST WITH SCREENING INFORMATION? Why of course... not everyone reads the boards...... Maybe we will lynch the next guy that gives her is license to screen him....

Once again. In a thread where the OP mentioned a creepy guy showed up and left when asked... not fast enough but did leave.....

Now some more posturing on both sides and the crowd gathered starts to be worked up......

4) The "kid" is taunted, replies and then labeled a "terrorist"?

For what?

We are then fed information that is being shared offline......that paints a picture of who this kid is.... He is described, his nationality provided, a name perhaps in the way something is spelled?.... more get involved that are part of the "in crowd" that have been given a hobbyists information.....

REALLY? Guys are passing around this kids information and digging into his life after a lady sends it out.... .and they share it with anyone that asks?

Images of suicide, references to what awaits a terrorist of a nationality on the other side....


5) The kid is labeled a potential serial killer? Because he displays traits?

Excuse me folks but isn't a common trait of some of the most FAMOUS serial killers that they are well liked and respected within their community? Should we be afraid of Still Looking?.... He does after all pose all of his "victims" with a creepy little doll and keeps the pictures as trophies.....

Pretty Silly huh? (Note: I have been informed by SL's legal team that any and all of my really long winded posts need to contain some reference of him so as to not draw anything away from his limelight)

Once again... .In a thread where an OP tells us a guy was creepy and left after he was told to. Not as fast as he should... but he left....

6) Another joins the fray and analyzes the kid as "violently mentally unstable"?

Is anyone adding up the guideline infractions yet?

7) another member of the crowd shouts out that if someone will send him the kids picture he will fly it as an avatar/meme because the kid robs providers?

Were providers robbed? Or did Providers not handle their business in a proper manner? They saw a guy that warnings were already out about without screening and they did not get a donation up front.....

Sounds like lack of professionalism meets an opportunist

I'll pause to summarize that we now have a violent mentally unstable terroristic serial killer robbing providers... Or so the crowd is telling us.....

Yet no one has been hurt and everything that happened could have been avoided by the PROFESSIONAL in the transaction handling business...... Ids are being emailed and personal information shared and information is being leaked onto the board now...

More stupid remarks from the kid being egged on by those gathering to lynch him.... Does anyone really expect less? He responds to the suggestions that people are going to find him with typical male bravado of how he will defend himself.....

really? you folks take that shit serious?....... you know your dealing with a kid right?

Now we pause for a little UT humor.....

and getting close to the 100 post mark the guy that commands the stage the most announces the kid is his pet project for the week.... (Note: I believe this is where the motivation for everything else originates)

and more information trickles out..... the kid is told folks know where he lives

8) and the nature of his education is narrowed a little more....

9) What? ..... Someone gave a guy the kid's bank card number?

10) And the RingMaster of the circus directs one of the "others working on this" to email the information to the newest person to ask for the kids info.....

WOW! They are all organized and directed by a leader!

More use of the words "terrorist" and "predator"....


And a lady acknowledges tha yet another one of the GUYS IS SHARING THIS KIDS INFORMATION.... RECAP! Provider shares personal information with guys in the community and all we still have is a bunch of he said she said?

references to the kids family.....

11) and a provider suggesting the kid is a paranoid schizophrenic?

Several infractions by this point folks.... Anyone count them?

and the kid is now given credit for having a pattern and being predictable and

12) suggestions start to come as to how to "set him up and take him down"?

At this point the kids ID, provided by a lady not one of the injured parties mind you, has been shared.......... So Our RingMaster draws attention to public records and insinuates there are arrest records.....

OK..... Does it take a rocket scientist to understand exactly how outing is occurring? Information is spoon fed and then people are told how to find more? But Wait... It gets better!

13) The OP is excited.... She announces the kid has been arrested in the past....

and then BOOM..... AGAIN....

BIG BOOM actually....

14) A new person enters the crowd and begins summarizing all the information throwing out the names of people in the kids life, how to get the information to him, naming the kid in a play on words yet again.....feeding the crowd The date and court of a conviction as well as the crime AND PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO SEE HOW THIS IS OUTING? He continues to shower personal information on us providing sex and number of siblings.....

HEY WAIT! WHERE IS ROCKER RICK? Didn't you once fight a battle over a picture of a dog that was posted saying it should be removed because a provider had a similar dog and it could out her? I have a hard time understanding where any of this was acceptable to you.

heaven forbid what happens next..... A Provider suggests everyone is overreacting.... She reminds us this is really all about a couple of professionals not handling business in a professional manner.....

15) and our RingMaster calls for Jihad?

16) Another of the ladies diagnoses the kid with sociopathic tendencies or mental illness....

Folks do know it is a violation of the guidelines to suggest someone has some specific medical or mental condition right? About the only allowable exception is when they tell us in their own words.....

Who has the counter?

More throwing around of the kids name under pretense of other things.....

As a couple begin to get the idea that perhaps the kid has learned enough our RingMaster wants none of that...... No way will he be allowing any "attrition or apolgies"...

17) Now another member calls the kid out by his name....... not once but twice........

Is the counter clicking?

18) Another suggestion that perhaps someone should direct the police to drop by his parents house.....

Another call for for some rational thinking by a Provider...... with a well stated summary of what could occur if people don't ratchet it down a notch.....

Our RingMaster does not appreciate any dissenters in the crowd and continues to name the kid in a manner that long ago quit being subtle....

Our Legal Eagle returns to make sure it does not calm down..... with words like "who pulled the trigger" and gives the masses additional information on exactly how to fuck with the kid as well as how to do it anonymously..... who folks might approach and how to get more information......

And promises more will be revealed......

No Lynch Mob Mentality here? Really?

19) Another member shouts from the crown that he will go collect money if someone will forward the kids address to him....

Our rational provider points out the principle of collateral damage......... The Kid MAY retaliate against the ones he knows.... since he can't deal with the ones in hiding that fuck with him...... An excellent point.....

Is anyone listening?


Not a Lynch MOB?

Keep in mind that over the last few pages the kid has been quiet....... It's been the RingMaster's Circus.......

20) and now appearing in the center ring is a new provider discussing how she and others are armed and know how to shoot

DING DING DING DING DING....... Where are all those that made an issue of the kid commenting in a similar manner?

and we get a few new racial slurs...... Someone click that counter..... a few more times for good measure....

Kid makes an appearance and responds to our legaleagle with some immaturity and emotion..... Can we expect less?

RingMaster makes like his response justifies everything up to this point?

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Recap...... A provider thinks a guy is creepy and asks him to leave......He does..... It's determined that a couple of other providers made the mistake of seeing someone there was an alert on and not collecting money.....

No one has been physically hurt....... No one really has any proof of any wrong doing...

A Kid has been outed and more than a few here are unwilling to acknowledge that perhaps enough is enough?

And there is an organized effort being put in to deal with the "potential serial killer that is violently mentally unstable displaying sociopathic tendencies or mental illness that is a terrorist

All of this is based on some "He Said She Said" totally unsubstantiated claims and the emotional utterances of an immature young man?

I'll give some credit to the kid..... He took a lot of you to the edge and pushed you over......
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe Lemmings would be more descriptive than Mob Mentality?
Bringing up family members shit, Oh HELL NO. That shit went too far.
A member that doesn't provide has no business with ID or credit card information.
I thought name and phone # was the main source for alerts but the other stuff, FUCK NO.
Let me stand corrected.
Good thing I can learn something
from this shit. Damn.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Fuck 'em!



Bob McV's Avatar
I wanted to talk generalities but it seems some specifics need to be put out there.....
..:SNIP:.. Originally Posted by Whispers
It seems you oft prefer to speak in generalities, maybe because that allows one to change and redefine the scenario as needed?

In this case I am glad that you seem to have access to the source thread after it was pulled and give a blow by blow interpretation with little chance of a rebuttal as I doubt anyone else had the forethought to save the thread before it was pulled.

Reading the guideline on outing:

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.

Not having access to the source material; I can not comfortably state if any of this information was directly stated. If inferences can be drawn I guess that is where Mods make a judgement call and/ or bow to political pressures.

My question is why are you assuming any of the "outing information" is true? Have you personally verified its validity?

I have felt no need to make that assumption, or go through any effort to independently verify any of this as I have no desire to act on the matter.

However; I do ask in all seriousness. Reading this guideline, it seems to only apply if the information is true. If I were to out you as Bob Dole is that an infraction even if you are not in fact Bob Dole?
If this would have been put in the ladies area only all this drama wouldn't have happened.
Whispers's Avatar
My question is why are you assuming any of the "outing information" is true? Have you personally verified its validity? Originally Posted by Bob McV
I took two items from one post, a total of 5 words, typed them into Google and it yielded a first line hit of an item that named an individual. Some of the information on that page that item addressed was posted to the thread. A search of THAT name in a public database yielded much more information. Almost all of that information I read was also information posted in the thread and the individuals name was used in the thread multiple times.

a) A provider shares a young mans Drivers License and School ID with many others.
b) Some of those others begin to use the young man's name, where he lives, where he goes to school, how many siblings he has and their sex, where his parents live and many other things to try to intimidate him.....
c) An "attorney" summarizes the young man's criminal record providing dates and charges.....

5 words in a Googe Search yielded a name and background that is mentioned by several people in a variety of ways and there is no mistaking it when you compare the information of the person I identified with the story many were presenting to us.

Is it true that "John Smith" was outed by the Lynch Mob? I believe it is. It took me less than 20 minutes to know what they do and and I had his name on the first search using information from the thread....

Considering that they shared the DL and school ID and had more than one step forward and say YEAH... That's him...... I think it's pretty clear cut.....

Since I have NO first hand knowledge of who walked into and out of some provider's incall or did not pay some other provider I can state it was the guy that did those things....... They seem to think so....
Whispers's Avatar
If this would have been put in the ladies area only all this drama wouldn't have happened. Originally Posted by Jane Doe
LOL... I know... But they won't let me post there!
You are leaving out one important detail, if this member were doing what he was supposed to be doing,

He would have never been here or been involved.

How many threats does it take to constitute someone using terroristic tactics a terrorist Whispers?

Should this be turned over to law enforcement, FBI, Homeland Security? That would involve everyone on Worldwide? Including YOU Whispers! Still the right way to handle it?

And before you say it, YES kingman was identified as slinkky in the now removed thread.

And there again he is gloating about ripping someone off, and threatening people's lives!

So Ztonk while reviewing that thread make sure not to miss the part where kingman is identified by his picture as being the banned member slinkky, and ban kingman as well
RR- Yeah. No doubt. If the guy was doing what he was supposed to, none of it would have happened. But if it would have been put in the ladies area only, afterwards, maybe the whole thing wouldn't have gone that far. Some things are better left in the ml or powder room, imo. I only got to page two of the alert.

I just wish people wouldn't out each other. It can ruin the lives of many.
JD I can empathize with the sentiment that people shouldn't be outed, however in this instance kingman, slinkky, oh and don't forget tman, changes handles and keeps doing it!
If it were only in the ladies area, half of the ability to keep our community safe is gone.
kingman had no problem threatening violence or death, on male members, so it's not really only a ladies problem.
What good is our alerts section, if because of someone like kingman, no ladies should post in it?
Whispers's Avatar
You are leaving out one important detail, if this member were doing what he was supposed to be doing,

He would have never been here or been involved.

How many threats does it take to constitute someone using terroristic tactics a terrorist Whispers?

Should this be turned over to law enforcement, FBI, Homeland Security? That would involve everyone on Worldwide? Including YOU Whispers! Still the right way to handle it?

And before you say it, YES kingman was identified as slinkky in the now removed thread.

And there again he is gloating about ripping someone off, and threatening people's lives!

So Ztonk while reviewing that thread make sure not to miss the part where kingman is identified by his picture as being the banned member slinkky, and ban kingman as well Originally Posted by rockerrick
Come on Rick... Someone SAYING it does not make it so.... And someone coming back from a banned handle does not qualify for outing does it?

Gloating? I don't read his responses as anything more than immature bravado from someone being hounded.

I highly doubt ztonk is going through that thread by himself....
@Whispers and anyone else believing precedent is being set here, a bad guy known as The Crazy Marine has been identified several times by name, and links to The Dirty website that has his pictures as well. No precedent!

Not to mention his full name has been posted on Eccie several times in alerts and review threads and edited out, without any banning.
But I'm not going to do your homework for you.
Come on Rick... Someone SAYING it does not make it so.... And someone coming back from a banned handle does not qualify for outing does it?

Gloating? I don't read his responses as anything more than immature bravado from someone being hounded.

I highly doubt ztonk is going through that thread by himself.... Originally Posted by Whispers
I know he's not because I RTM my post to make sure.

You are conveniently leaving out the multiple gun violence and death threats!