Agenda: Grinding America Down

They still cling to power but we will get rid of them soon Originally Posted by BJerk
So what you're saying the "White Males" will be gone soon, as in powerless or more or less extinct? There was a time when America was called a "Melting Pot" that was because of the migration of Caucasian immigrants from Europe. They came to America for a better life and to help forge a better America they brought with them a vision and ambition and the passion to better themselves and their families. To these people America was a land of opportunity. Opportunity that was totally open to them and only obstructed by their own limitations. Many greatly adapted and succeeded in America. Blacks, Hispanics and Asians have also had the same opportunities. Their short comings are not a result of any success by white males. Minorities from the above groups are not oppressed nor have they ever been. The only group of oppressed Americans are people of the Native American Indian tribes who have been placed on Government reservations throughout the country. They earn low wages and are restricted in their freedoms and liberties that the rest of us enjoy. Nobody ever mentions the Native Americans. They have been forgotten by politicians and most everyone else. I suspect they actually prefer it that way considering the condition this country is in. It's becoming more of a cesspool than a melting pot because of the overwhelming numbers of people that think just like you do.

BigLouie's Avatar
Blacks, Hispanics and Asians have also had the same opportunities. Their short comings are not a result of any success by white males. Minorities from the above groups are not oppressed nor have they ever been.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That is the stupidest shit I have ever seen posted on this board and I have seen a lot. I guess you missed the part about slavery, Jim Crow laws. What the hell did you think the entire civil rights movement was about. Their short comings was the result of laws and actions by white males. Ever hear of the KKK.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is up to God to say, isn't it? Originally Posted by BJerk
leave DOG out of it.

BJerk, bjork .. what's the difference?

That is the stupidest shit I have ever seen posted on this board and I have seen a lot. I guess you missed the part about slavery, Jim Crow laws. What the hell did you think the entire civil rights movement was about. Their short comings was the result of laws and actions by white males. Ever hear of the KKK. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yeah I've heard of all that and blacks have been able to over come that, even though they will bitch about it forever. But because of Indian treaties which most we've violated the American Indian doesn't get a chance to say shit. They are simply isolated from the rest of us for the most part. You're actually the stupid one and quite selfish too boot.

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