Dating a provider, female advice needed

DaChef's Avatar
Ok here is the deal. I started dating a new girl and after a few weeks she told me she had previously been a provider and is now in real estate. No problem I can deal with that. Now I find out she provides to some re clients as a way to get sales but says she will stop for a real relationship? So is it possible for a provider to have a true love and separate business from love ? Originally Posted by jman2010
So then in her eyes ya'll are not in a real relationship.
boardman's Avatar
Did you bareback her?
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 03-22-2012, 08:08 AM
does she offer you BBCR ?
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
So is it possible for a provider to have a true love and separate business from love ?

For sure! Many see providing as a job, and just a job. I don't personally date, as I just don't have the time to devote to someone (and it's not fair to string someone along) with everything else on my plate, but I think that it is absolutely possible for a provider to have a normal relationship.

I've dated while providing in the past and while the relationship did end after a few years it had nothing to do with providing - something just had to give in my life as I had too much going on, and unfortunately (for him) it was the relationship that was expendable.
RandyRapido's Avatar
Missy, you could string me along anytime! It's good you have your priorities straight though.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I know a well-known ECCIE highly reviewed provider who shall remain nameless who has a SO who is in the hobby, also a well-known guy.

They met in the hobby and developed a personal relationship while still continuing to enjoy the company of others in the hobby. I told the guy he was crazy and that it would not work. They have been together for maybe 4-5 years now. I was wrong.

It works for them. They have found love while realizing that neither of them can be sexually monogamous. Neither of them is built tht way. He tells me that love and lust are not the same.

For most of us, that would not work, I suspect, but it sure does for them. Both would need the freedom and recognize that the appetite of the other was greater than one person could meet.

And, no, I ain't naming names.
The fact that you question it and have doubts should be suffice to let you know it ain't gonna work, moreover if its hard to accept that she's doing clients for sales then that just adds more weight to the fact that it's not working for you.

Additionally if your paying off a bill for her (car note, child support, mortgage, etc) or you hold rights to some of her property then there is no doubt this girl is keeping you on the hook with the repetitious "I'm going to quit" crap. Originally Posted by mojojo213
There it is! Read it several times if you have to, but let it soak in. The bottom line is that if you both agree that the extracurricular activities should stop but they don't, then she's not someone you should waste your time with. If she agrees to stop and in fact does, then let the past stay there and enjoy a quality relationship. All this talk about accepting this and overlooking that is just rationalizing poor behavior, and is psychobabble bullshit from watching too much daytime TV. In this case, Mojo is wise beyond his years.
My SO used to be a provider. She is in Real Estate and she sometime sleeps with men to close deals. She says she will quit if I ask her to.

We should get them together and see if they hit it off.
mirandalee's Avatar
I agree with Nicole and others, do you really think she will stop?I know some that do stop for a bit then come back to business.. so if she stops are you gonna stop looking on here for providers?
I know a well-known ECCIE highly reviewed provider who shall remain nameless who has a SO who is in the hobby, also a well-known guy.

They met in the hobby and developed a personal relationship while still continuing to enjoy the company of others in the hobby. I told the guy he was crazy and that it would not work. They have been together for maybe 4-5 years now. I was wrong.

It works for them. They have found love while realizing that neither of them can be sexually monogamous. Neither of them is built tht way. He tells me that love and lust are not the same.

For most of us, that would not work, I suspect, but it sure does for them. Both would need the freedom and recognize that the appetite of the other was greater than one person could meet.

And, no, I ain't naming names. Originally Posted by Brer Rabbit
This is my case exactly. I have been in this relationship for over two years now. I suspect we are going to be together for a long time because we are able to separate the hobby life from our personal life. The way we separate it is not by not talking about it but actually by talking about it.
DRSlut's Avatar
Jman2010... She cares about you. In fact, while we were fucking, your name was one of the several she screamed out.

Go for it man!!
My wife was a high priced, fulltime provider. Now she does one session each week or so. She is very pretty and a lot younger than I am. She gets referrals, all of whom are business and professional people. Her ego is enhanced that men pay large amounts for her, and she does not look at it as cheating since she has no emotional links to these guys.

I have gotten used to this situation and live with it. I love her, and she is an excellent companion in all respects. She says that it is OK with her if I use a provider (for oral sex only) as long as I tell her when I do so.

There has been only one real problem with a relationship with a Provider. I am a professional with a lot of clients. My former wife found out about my current wife's activities and sent the information to my business associates and our relatives and family. That created quite a bit of discomfort in many respects. There are people who choose not to understand or accept.
My wife was a high priced, fulltime provider. Now she does one session each week or so. She is very pretty and a lot younger than I am. She gets referrals, all of whom are business and professional people. Her ego is enhanced that men pay large amounts for her, and she does not look at it as cheating since she has no emotional links to these guys.

I have gotten used to this situation and live with it. I love her, and she is an excellent companion in all respects. She says that it is OK with her if I use a provider (for oral sex only) as long as I tell her when I do so.

There has been only one real problem with a relationship with a Provider. I am a professional with a lot of clients. My former wife found out about my current wife's activities and sent the information to my business associates and our relatives and family. That created quite a bit of discomfort in many respects. There are people who choose not to understand or accept. Originally Posted by Nick11796

There have been times when corporate clients of mine have set me up. I wonder if I met your wife.
pepsirexy's Avatar
Anything is possible however...

she's feeding you bullshit to keep the money rolling in and you like an idiot thinking your the only one. People don't change because you want them to they only change when they want to, so it shouldn't be something she'd have to say it should be something she should just do. Originally Posted by mojojo213
My wife was a high priced, fulltime provider. Now she does one session each week or so. ... Originally Posted by Nick11796
So your wife IS a high-priced, fulltime provider.