The Art of Everyday Decadence

knotty man's Avatar
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
So, I'm confused. Is this a high class post, or a low class post? Originally Posted by Damon Bradley

Well, I guess I never considered making it a resolution to classify posts. I suppose classifying posts would fall under a resolution to desire more ways to waste time.
TaylorMaiden29 said: My new years resolution is to focus on prioritizing daily bullshit...

Well, I guess I never considered making it a resolution to classify posts.

As, most posts fall into the bullshit category, why not?

TaylorMaiden29 said: I suppose classifying posts would fall under a resolution to desire more ways to waste time.

Seems to me the idea of classifying and prioritizing daily bullshit, every day, every moment, is, indeed a major time waster. Not really a good way to live in the moment, in blissful decadence, and let go of all the bullshit.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
back from vacation and back to being venomous to the ladies now are ya?........................... ...blah blah blah blah............
On the subject of "class"... you already displayed your total lack of any but if you want to start a thread on the subject I'll oblige you there...... Originally Posted by Whispers
You are so right, this is about decadent art. Not New Years resolutions. I posted in the wrong thread. My bad. Now, lets steer this thread back on topic please.
Whispers's Avatar
You are so right,....... I posted in the wrong thread. My bad. ....... Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
atta girl.......

now your getting it!

I kinda like this Dom/Sub relationship you and I are getting into! Now I need to find you a Ball Gag and some Leather mittens to keep ya from typing any more!

Do Ball Gags come in a variety of sizes?
Do Ball Gags come in a variety of sizes?

Why yes they do. I have 3 different sizes. Would you like to borrow them?
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Oooh, what a lovely topic. Thank you Natalie!

The author Jon Kabat-Zinn writes about "voluntary simplicity". He means not letting the siren call of our to-do lists, our constant mental chatter and our very busy lives pull us away from the real moment we are living and experiencing right now. I think that this practice is my own personal luxury. I feel relief letting go of constant worry about things that haven't happened yet. I receive so much from being connected to the people around me. I enjoy touch, love, fresh air, health, food, sex, books, beauty, art so much more when the experience of what is happening in this moment has my full attention.

In addition: fresh flowers, chocolate and peanut butter in combination, a clean house, homemade soup, sleeping in past 7am, collecting stamps on my passport. These are the things I like the most. I think I might enjoy coffee and snuggles with Natalie too. Do you think Mr. Bradley would let us borrow a few toys?
The author Jon Kabat-Zinn writes about "voluntary simplicity". He means not letting the siren call of our to-do lists, our constant mental chatter and our very busy lives pull us away from the real moment we are living and experiencing right now. I think that this practice is my own personal luxury. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
I believe the Eastern practice of mindfulness is the primary reason I enjoy occasional self-indulgence. There are few moments in life so satisfying as the ones where I find myself completely absorbed in the task at hand, and the chaotic world around me just seems to fade into the background.

I think I might enjoy coffee and snuggles with Natalie too. Do you think Mr. Bradley would let us borrow a few toys? Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Why, Miss Sophie Bella! Snuggling in bed with you is a favorite pastime of mine. Add coffee, and I might just be in heaven. I'm certain Mr. Bradley will allow us to borrow some toys. In fact, if we asked nicely, he would probably be kind enough to deliver them to us.
I'm certain Mr. Bradley will allow us to borrow some toys. In fact, if we asked nicely, he would probably be kind enough to deliver them to us. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
If he won't, I will!
Guest102312's Avatar
Wow Sixx What do I look like to you?
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Britney and Maci came in and cuddled up in bed with us, and we all reflected on the prior evening's activities.

Gee, now you are just bragging! We could have sent Maci to go and cook us some breakfast or pick something up!
Guest102312's Avatar
I loved waking up and snuggling up to my new lovers..........I just did not wake up in time for the morning sex....damn it. Oh well I got to kiss Brit and Nat at midnight at the same time......YAY!!!!

In addition: fresh flowers, chocolate and peanut butter in combination, a clean house, homemade soup, sleeping in past 7am, collecting stamps on my passport. These are the things I like the most. I think I might enjoy coffee and snuggles with Natalie too. Do you think Mr. Bradley would let us borrow a few toys? Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella

Why, Miss Sophie Bella! Snuggling in bed with you is a favorite pastime of mine. Add coffee, and I might just be in heaven. I'm certain Mr. Bradley will allow us to borrow some toys. In fact, if we asked nicely, he would probably be kind enough to deliver them to us. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Britney and Maci came in and cuddled up in bed with us, and we all reflected on the prior evening's activities. Originally Posted by Maci Lynn
I loved waking up and snuggling up to my new lovers..........I just did not wake up in time for the morning sex....damn it. Oh well I got to kiss Brit and Nat at midnight at the same time......YAY!!!! Originally Posted by Maci Lynn

I love my life. The Epitome of daily decadence.

Maci, you gotta get up a little earlier next time.....
sixxbach's Avatar
Wow Sixx What do I look like to you?
Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Britney and Maci came in and cuddled up in bed with us, and we all reflected on the prior evening's activities.

Gee, now you are just bragging! We could have sent Maci to go and cook us some breakfast or pick something up!
Originally Posted by Maci Lynn
It was a joke silly.......

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
There is an art to finding joy and indulgence, even decadence, in the simple things. The Japanese are notoriously good at this. Things like trimming a tree, feeling water course over your skin, feel of sand under you, simple tasks that have become art form by the sheer focus it takes to allow all other things to fall to the wayside and show the oneness of the person and result..

Once you learn to achieve that kind of focus, it's not the object or sensory experience you are enjoying anymore, but the experience of being.
dliler's Avatar
Rand stole the words out of my moth!