Presidential Address

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Right now, like many I have feelings of sadness, anger and disgust. However I am also concerned because statistics have shown that there are more suicides over the Christmas holidays than at any other time of the year. What are the chances of a copycat massacre before the end of the month? In any event, it only appears to be getting worse. Now 20 children, ages 6-7 years old, most of whom have been left with as many as 7-11 bullets in their lifeless bodies. They must be added to the list of the innocent sacrificial victims that is being rationalized to justify the ownership of an assault gun for the greater glorification of the NRA and its obscene hold over too many of the American public. It is discouraging. In the past 13 years since Columbine, there has been 181 school shootings! How many more kids will have to be sacrificed to protect a "responsible citizen's" right to pack a gun? Originally Posted by Browneagle
The idea of a copycat killing worries me, too, BrownEagle. As I said in earlier posts, this situation needs to be thoroughly analyzed, and real action taken. And I also said everything should be on the table, including increased restrictions on guns, but I don't want to start there. We need a serious investigation of this, and similar tragedies, without the desire to promote an agenda, but with the desire to provide a solution.

They had a similar tragedy in Norway a few years ago, so gun control is not the only answer. It may be part of the answer, but it is not the sole answer.

I still think any one of us here would have done anything in our power to stop or mitigate this tragedy, had we been present. We are all united in finding a solution. Your view should be part of the discussion.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-16-2012, 11:49 PM
I only said that Romney was ever so marginally more tolerable than Obama. You were using Romney's position in Massachusetts as a reason for me to not support Romney, which I didn't. Obama has shit all over the Constitution, and you supported ALL OF IT.

If anyone is a hypocrite, it is you, my mentally challenged little friend, not me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
bla bla bla ... you did so therefore Iam ... how typical.

if you were worth my time I'd go back and dig out exactly what you said about willard and his assault weapon ban ... you completely dismissed the simple fact he walked on the constitution just like youre doing now ..

only a simpleton could margianally tolerate crushing the 2nd amendment ... its like being a little pregnant ... regardless who bitches about gun control and on what level, you dont have an inch of wiggle room OR credibility. .. and that my hypocritical old shitstain pal is typical for you too

Yssup Rider's Avatar
answer the question COFalwell!

You're not gonna get away with dodging this, just to look good in front of your homo lovers...
joe bloe's Avatar
I don't have to agree with Joe on every issue to respect his intelligence and thoughtfulness, two qualities you desperately lack. Assup. Joe is one of the smartest posters on here, and while I agree with him that abortion is terrible problem, I disagree with his solution. I do not want to make that decision for someone else.

In a sense, the two issues are related, because the solutions are going to be found in education, detection and early intervention. But otherwise, I do not think the issues are comparable. I am also not going to bash Joe for his opinion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My complaint is against Roe v Wade. Abortion laws should be made by individual states. The federal government has no constitutional authority to make abortion laws. Overturning Roe v Wade would reduce abortion; it would not end it.

Conservative states would be likely to limit abortion to pregancies resulting from rape and incest and abortions necessary to protect the life of the mother. Liberal states would provide abortion on demand including partial birth abortion.

My reason for interjecting the abortion issue in the middle of a thread about the tragedy in Newtown, is to point out that liberals are quick to express their anguish over this tragedy but seem to be oblivious to the slaughter of innocent children caused by their enthusiastic support of Roe v Wade.

Either we care about protecting innocent life or we don't.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
bla bla bla ... you did so therefore Iam ... how typical.

if you were worth my time I'd go back and dig out exactly what you said about willard and his assault weapon ban ... you completely dismissed the simple fact he walked on the constitution just like youre doing now ..

only a simpleton could margianally tolerate crushing the 2nd amendment ... its like being a little pregnant ... regardless who bitches about gun control and on what level, you dont have an inch of wiggle room OR credibility. .. and that my hypocritical old shitstain pal is typical for you too

Originally Posted by CJ7
Do you think Obama will be friendlier to the Second Amendment? No. Obama's and Romney's disrespect of the Second Amendment is just about the same. Does it bother you that Obama has nearly obliterated the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments? And then you call me a hypocrite? Not so, I didn't even vote for Romney. I voted for a man who was dedicated to supporting the entire Bill of Rights. That was my stand then, that is where I stand now.

You voted for a man who wants to desecrate the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments, but I'm the hypocrite? You are truly delusional, CBJ7.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck you. You wouldn't know innocent t life if you made it. and I seriously doubt you have made it.

so do you still maintain that the schoolhouse massacre in Newtown is the same kind of killing as legal, law of the land abortion?

and that .cog is with you on it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2012, 12:00 AM
Do you think Obama will be friendlier to the Second Amendment? No. Obama's and Romney's disrespect of the Second Amendment is just about the same. Does it bother you that Obama has nearly obliterated the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments? And then you call me a hypocrite? Not so, I didn't even vote for Romney. I voted for a man who was dedicated to supporting the entire Bill of Rights. That was my stand then, that is where I stand now.

You voted for a man who wants to desecrate the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments, but I'm the hypocrite? You are truly delusional, CBJ7. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

there you go again ... "wants" conjecture is your last name.

ROMNEY DID ... no ifs and or buts about it ..

you swallow your tounge in a quivering fit because Obie "wants" to .. and are a docile lil twerp when Willard did ..

there you have the foundtion for your credibility ...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're delusional, CBJ7. That's what makes you so entertaining. Obama trashes most of the Constitution, and it's fine. Romney does what Obama wants to do the 2nd amendment, and I'm the hypocrite.

Good one, CBJ7! Thanks for the laughs!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-17-2012, 12:04 AM
yeah, you are
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are a fucking loony, .whineman.

Now tell us how this national tragedy is the same as abortion. yes or no!
You are a fucking loony, .whineman.

Now tell us how this national tragedy is the same as abortion. yes or no! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's not. Abortion kills way more on a daily basis.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Roe Vs Wade has absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy.

You only muddy up the waters with irrelevant issues.

That is a separate debate

The problem before us is that mentally disturbed young men are harming too many innocent children in our country.

. . . What is the solution to that?

My complaint is against Roe v Wade. Abortion laws should be made by individual states. The federal government has no constitutional authority to make abortion laws. Overturning Roe v Wade would reduce abortion; it would not end it.

Conservative states would be likely to limit abortion to pregancies resulting from rape and incest and abortions necessary to protect the life of the mother. Liberal states would provide abortion on demand including partial birth abortion.

My reason for interjecting the abortion issue in the middle of a thread about the tragedy in Newtown, is to point out that liberals are quick to express their anguish over this tragedy but seem to be oblivious to the slaughter of innocent children caused by their enthusiastic support of Roe v Wade.

Either we care about protecting innocent life or we don't. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Roe Vs Wade has absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy.

You only muddy up the waters with irrelevant issues.

That is a separate debate

The problem before us is that mentally disturbed young men are harming too many innocent children in our country.

. . . What is the solution to that?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The shooter was's Obama's fault.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-17-2012, 08:36 AM
The shooter was's Obama's fault. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You shut your Whore mouth!