Serious funny guys... just dont read this

CryptKicker's Avatar
Being an escort or working for an escort service in itself is not illegal. I asked this situation with a policeman friend of mine this morning that we have breakfast with a couple of times a month. I told him it was on a Showtime movie last night (LOL).... he said that as long as their was nothing visual that was obviously illegal, and an autopsy did not show anything illegal, then there would be nothing more to it. Of course there was a little vagueness in the conversation since he has no idea I am on this board.
dirty dog's Avatar
You met on a website decided to hook up, no one needs to know money exchanged hands, he certainly isnt going to say so. As long as their is no signs of foul play there wouldnt be much to it.
oh geez I would never try to dump the body or anything!
I just think it would be horrible enough to have someone die on you......and on top of that...they haul you off to jail!!
would they ask questions? would the wife be able to call me and what explanations?
I like the pulse idea....what constitutes too high?
I always tell a guy to relax for a minute or ask if he is ok. thanks for the great advice
so guys....please bring in your drivers licenses!! lol
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Just say you met at a bar/restaurant. You don't have to know his name. You could just say he told you a certain name, it was a 1 time spur of the moment hookup, and your sexual awesomeness was clearly to much for him. :-) Shockingly, people hook up outside the hobby all the time.
thanks KC smut! great idea.....the bar thing! its perfect...I barely know him....I think he said his name was Eugene
kcbill's Avatar
...the bar thing! its perfect...I barely know him... Originally Posted by Angel in KC was a 1 time spur of the moment hookup Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Believe me, if it's with a lady half my age, questions will be asked! lol
JRLawrence's Avatar
well, why Gemma is because some of my clients or older...not that that matters. Anyone can have a heart attack.....I hear it happens frequently during sex.
Sometimes when the fun is done , a client may be breathing really hard and I am always worried....what if???
a defib? really? Originally Posted by Angel in KC

Can't pass this up!. The use of the phrase "he died", or "he died for her" or anything like that is a reverse euphemism for a sexual male orgasm. William Shakespeare used this phrase. During a course in English Literature one professor explained a example of this expression with a straight face. During the early 60's, no one dared even crack a smile. It is still funny.

AllThisMeat's Avatar
You cant fix dead with CPR.

What do you mean "what would I do?" You would do the right thing, I would hope. Being an Internet Hooker is the least of your worries compared to the other crimes involved at that point if you should decide to opt-out on doing the right thing.

Besides, there's nothing illegal about dying during sex. Not your fault he was married, a father, a politician, a preacher, etc.

Or just put his corpse into a tarp, and then into an old, used roll of carpet, and then place him into your trunk and take him down to the river at night. Yeah, that's what I would do.

Dont forget to remove the strap-on from his ass.

Better yet - leave it in. Trust me on this.
</humor> Originally Posted by BottomFeederKC

Depends on how he died... Could be he choked on his own saliva... also, it depends on how long he has been dead.
Can't help but think of the episode of CSI where the big girl killed the guy she hooked up with. Direct quote, "I just thought he was a good cuddler at first..."
pyramider's Avatar
You people ever hear of shallow graves?
Helicopter206's Avatar
If the client die's before they get their nut, will they get a refund.
just for the guys that take money out of the donation.
you know they are thinking of the this question.

I feel that if anything were to happen to any body, the person still alive will do the right thing.
But if they have a Pimp or Management, all hell is going to break lose...
ok funny guys.....some of that was pretty funny. Of course I would do CPR and call 911. what I meant was how would I explain it to the cops?
say we are lovers? make sure to know their real full name? but many wont give that so grab the drivers license before they arrive. I think we all need to make up a common story in case it happens to guy or girl. that way we would all be on the same page! Originally Posted by Angel in KC

Mine is simple dont clear out the room that's wasting precious time! When the cops come u can say he's a lover, a one night stand, or even ur daddy if you feel more comfortable, say he called u heavy breathing and u rushed to him worried to find him like that.
I'd hate to lose a client I'd feel so horrible, I've had a client tell me she love to go that way she'd go with a smile on, i would never want that to happen ever not to anyone
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I reference my heart issues here from time to time, so it's no secret that this is a very real possibility for me. Also one of the main reasons I hobby so infrequently, because the medications I take to not stroke out have certain side effects that are non-conducive to party time. It takes planning to come off the medications long enough for them to clear out of my system. Even more of a risk of having something happening.

On a personal level, I would hope that at least the paramedics would be called. I have a living will that no extraordinary measures be taken to keep me alive longer than what it takes to harvest what they need out of me. It's really of no consequence to me what story is concocted, there is really nobody in my personal life that I am concerned with finding anything out, mainly just professional concerns. Me dropping dead in a hookers bed might get back to the folks at work, but hell at that point, I'm in the clear anyway. If I stroke out or have a heart attack, and survive it, I'll tell the truth; I went off my meds to bang some broad.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
The bar scenario might not work in some cases. Suppose you have a dead guy in your bed at 3:00 in the afternoon, 20 years older than you, and weighing maybe 350lbs. You met him in a bar this afternoon, huh? Hmmm...maybe not too plausible. I'd love to find a bar like that!

And I guess the shoe could be on the other foot, too. What if you ended up with a dead provider in your bed? Wasn't that the plot of a movie?