America's Staggering Defense Budget, in Charts!!!

Freedom42's Avatar
No, only putting the one word and deleting the rest is misleading. The rest of the words are there. Promote means to support or actively encourage. It's not misleading to say that they meant differently than you contend.

You made two errors, btw, both highlighted. I don't know what a Justine is? Originally Posted by WombRaider
True, I made two typos due to autocorrect

Your error is in the meaning of the reference you put forward. "Support" and "actively encourage" are very different from "give" in this context and more importantly you are ignoring the work "general" (not a military rank in this context) in front of "welfare".

Look, I'm NOT against helping the poor and those that are less well off than I am. I both believe in it and practice it. However, to claim that this is a constitutional requirement of the federal government based on the preamble to the U.S. Constitution is taking literary freedom a step to far (not the lilierary freedom has anything to do with the consitition in the first place).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's do a financial, quality and efficiency audit of the Defense Department by independent auditors, and put to rest the bullshit that cutting the defense budget costs lives. On September 10, 2001, Rumsfeld announced that the department "misplaced" several billion (trillion?) dollars. You think that Each dime appropriated goes to where it is supposed to? Bullshit. We're lining pockets of defense contractors which could cost more lives. I'm convinced that with a proper audit we could have a stronger, more efficient military on half the current budget or less.

Then let's do the same audit on the rest of the departments, the Fed and IRS. We could drastically cut our budget if we cut out inefficiency, waste, and corruption.
Let's do a financial, quality and efficiency audit of the Defense Department by independent auditors, and put to rest the bullshit that cutting the defense budget costs lives. On September 10, 2001, Rumsfeld announced that the department "misplaced" several billion (trillion?) dollars. You think that Each dime appropriated goes to where it is supposed to? Bullshit. We're lining pockets of defense contractors which could cost more lives. I'm convinced that with a proper audit we could have a stronger, more efficient military on half the current budget or less.

Then let's do the same audit on the rest of the departments, the Fed and IRS. We could drastically cut our budget if we cut out inefficiency, waste, and corruption. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I couldn't agree with you more but this fucking train has left the station. If you want to see where the money is going and WHY it's going there, just look at who lobbies DC the hardest. Follow the money and you find out what's really going on.

Let's look at the years 1998-2014 - who are the top lobbys in DC

Number 3 on the list, General Electric. GE is a big time defense contractor. They supply military communication systems.

Number 9 on that list, Northrup Grumman - In 2012, NG was ranked the number three defense contractor, with arms sales of $28 Billion.

At Number 11 we have Boeing - In 2012, Boeing was ranked the number two defense contractor, with arms sales of $31.4 Billion.

At Number 13 we have Lockheed Martin - In 2012, LM was ranked number one defense contractor, with sales of $35.4 Billion.

Those 4 companies alone, between 1998 and 2014, spent over $1 Billion JUST lobbying in DC.

They are perennial favorites to be on the top 20 list every year of money spent by lobbyists.

This country is no longer run by the people, sadly. We have the illusion of power, but any real power has long since been taken out of our hands. They let us choose the president, as if that matters anymore.

They worth it, every penny.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And your point is? Should he not try and clean up the mess that Bush left? Or would you have him hang our men out to dry? Originally Posted by WombRaider

I don't think you understand much of anything. Bush won the war in Iraq, Obama lost the peace. All of the troops left from Bush's war as you like to call it. The troops there now are there only because Obama fucked up.

Think back to 1992. George HW Bush put troops into Somalia to feed the people. Clinton came along and changed the mission to nation building. We started chasing Mohammed Adid and it got a bunch of men killed. Clinton blamed it on Bush (typical democratic ploy I take it) even after he changed the mission paramenters and denied the military the equipment necessary to win or protect themselves.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wombat has a junior high level of understanding of the Constitution. Your family must be impressed.
Bravo! Please accept my heartfelt tribute right here, military style of course.

I don't think you understand much of anything. Bush won the war in Iraq, Obama lost the peace. All of the troops left from Bush's war as you like to call it. The troops there now are there only because Obama fucked up.

Think back to 1992. George HW Bush put troops into Somalia to feed the people. Clinton came along and changed the mission to nation building. We started chasing Mohammed Adid and it got a bunch of men killed. Clinton blamed it on Bush (typical democratic ploy I take it) even after he changed the mission paramenters and denied the military the equipment necessary to win or protect themselves. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't think you KNOW much of anything, so let me school you for a second.

Bush didn't win shit, in Iraq. If he won, then why in June of 2007 did we launch Operation Phantom Thunder? It was "one of the biggest military operations in Iraq since the U.S. invasion in 2003". So if we're winning, why is Bush launching a huge invasion?

In September of 2007, the Petraeus report was released. In it he suggested that the 20K extra troops used in the Surge would be returned home by July 2008, but could return later, after Bush left office and into Obama's first term. This would seem to disagree with your notion that all of Bush's troops had left Iraq. Simply not true.

In fact, it was Bush who signed the status of forces agreement saying that all troops would be home by 2011, not Obama. Bush put in motion our leaving of Iraq, creating a vacuum. Not Obama. How exactly did Obama fuck up by carrying out exactly what Bush put in motion?

So you don't like nation building in Somalia under a democrat, but nation building in Iraq under a Republican is ok with you?

For someone who misspells as much as you do and has syntax errors in every post, i wouldn't talk about someone else's education level.
I don't think you understand much of anything. Bush won the war in Iraq, Obama lost the peace. All of the troops left from Bush's war as you like to call it. The troops there now are there only because Obama fucked up.

Think back to 1992. George HW Bush put troops into Somalia to feed the people. Clinton came along and changed the mission to nation building. We started chasing Mohammed Adid and it got a bunch of men killed. Clinton blamed it on Bush (typical democratic ploy I take it) even after he changed the mission paramenters and denied the military the equipment necessary to win or protect themselves. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Poor barleycornball, all he can do is blame a democrat for his boy's fuckup.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There wouldn't have been a mess if Bush hadn't put us there in the first place you Odumbo fucktard minion. The best part of you was the little bit your mom licked off the side of her mouth and swallowed. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It's gotta be Odumbo's mess, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, because he declared everything was hunky-dory when he pulled the troops out in 2011:

[W]e’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. Odumbo, Dec. 14, 2011.

Obama doesn't stop it and even prolongs it. Yet, the defense budget clearly skyrocketed after 9/11 (which I personally believe was an inside job as an excuse for invading Iraq). Goes to show you how the elite continue to use their "own rule of law" to intimidate the rest of us 99 percent, using money from taxpayers to foot their exercise of control and power. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Socialism has been tried, and it has failed on every occasion. In every instance, a ruling class emerged, took charge and imposed its views on the majority. Your perennial myopia and ignorance of history is as disturbing as it is profound.

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. — Margaret Thatcher
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking idiot IBIDiot. Triumph the Insult Comic Dipshit!

What do you call your mother? I mean, how many words do you use to say Mommy?

When did she refuse to continue wiping your dirty little bum?

Or was that, Obama's mess too?

I submit that you lost control of your bowels around the time Mommy made you start cleaning yourself, Corpy.

Best estimate on when that happened was sometime in 2008. You've shat yourself regularly since then.

And Mommy won't clean it up!

How embarrassing that must be.

dirty dog's Avatar
Let's do a financial, quality and efficiency audit of the Defense Department by independent auditors, and put to rest the bullshit that cutting the defense budget costs lives. On September 10, 2001, Rumsfeld announced that the department "misplaced" several billion (trillion?) dollars. You think that Each dime appropriated goes to where it is supposed to? Bullshit. We're lining pockets of defense contractors which could cost more lives. I'm convinced that with a proper audit we could have a stronger, more efficient military on half the current budget or less.

Then let's do the same audit on the rest of the departments, the Fed and IRS. We could drastically cut our budget if we cut out inefficiency, waste, and corruption. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
While I am a strong supporter of the military and can accept that due to the role our government has put us in over the last 50 years we must maintain a strong and technologically advanced military I have to agree with COG that there is a ton of money being wasted, stolen, and funneled back to the pockets of the government. An individual audit and some jail time would do wonders and I would suggest that doing so we would still maintain the strongest most advanced military in the world and a much reduced cost to the people. COG you are right on with your remarks here.
dirty dog's Avatar
I don't think you understand much of anything. Bush won the war in Iraq, Obama lost the peace. All of the troops left from Bush's war as you like to call it. The troops there now are there only because Obama fucked up.

Think back to 1992. George HW Bush put troops into Somalia to feed the people. Clinton came along and changed the mission to nation building. We started chasing Mohammed Adid and it got a bunch of men killed. Clinton blamed it on Bush (typical democratic ploy I take it) even after he changed the mission paramenters and denied the military the equipment necessary to win or protect themselves. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I agreed with going into Afghanistan, but I have always said Iraq was a mistake. We may have won the battles but we lost the war because it was a can of worms with no bottom. We spend years, millions and the lives of thousands and we achieved none of the goals we set out to achieve. While I am not a Bush basher I do believe that Iraq was a mistake that was solely his responsibility. That being said, Obama's handling of the war only made a bad thing worse.
It's gotta be Odumbo's mess, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, because he declared everything was hunky-dory when he pulled the troops out in 2011:

Socialism has been tried, and it has failed on every occasion. In every instance, a ruling class emerged, took charge and imposed its views on the majority. Your perennial myopia and ignorance of history is as disturbing as it is profound. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Who set the troop withdrawal in motion you ignorant cunt? Your man Bushy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't think you understand much of anything. Bush won the war in Iraq, Obama lost the peace. All of the troops left from Bush's war as you like to call it. The troops there now are there only because Obama fucked up.

Think back to 1992. George HW Bush put troops into Somalia to feed the people. Clinton came along and changed the mission to nation building. We started chasing Mohammed Adid and it got a bunch of men killed. Clinton blamed it on Bush (typical democratic ploy I take it) even after he changed the mission paramenters and denied the military the equipment necessary to win or protect themselves. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Typical Bush apologist. The worst kind of hypocrite.