Dear Fellow Whoremongers and friends of prostitution....

TheeCharlieGirl's Avatar
See you at the haloween party. . Originally Posted by tatasddd
What Halloween Party is that? I surely hope it's not mine you're referring to. Because we've already had this convo. You aren't invited. I'm not trying to be rude or join in on or ruin your party but I believe I told you this already, I would never compromise others good time and safety. I thought you understood that. The only gift I bought for the ladies this party is SECURITY. I don't feel like refereeing the fist fights it would cause with you and other gentlemen as well.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Just to clarify, tatas does not make the rules for this site.
Those are his OPINIONS and not those of the site.

Secondly, please keep the discussion on topic and understand the topic is not the poster but what the poster posts.

Since we know that many of you do not like tatas and tatas has similar feelings please refrain from posting on eithers threads if you cannot stick to topic and must resort to insults. It is ovbious that this is not a "I am just fucking with a buddy" type of thing.

Generally speaking, we tend to moderate with a very light hand but this is getting very old and creating work and I am one lazy ass bastard and when I am forced to work it pisses me off and my extremely good nature fun loving guy will turn into an asshole moderator.

I urge each and everyone of you to read the site guidelines so that when the points start fallling you will fully understand why.

Now, carry on and remember this is about fun and information to share.
tatasddd's Avatar
Thanks "The2Dogs" it was about time this was understood that STAYING ON TOPIC is indeed STAYING ON TOPIC.
CG: as to the Halloween party the fact that I am NOT invited, does not mean I can't invite myself. No security can do shit to me. What will they do? Shoot me, try to fist fight me? They can go ahead. Some fat ass bouncers don't scare me at all. Remember what I told you in our convo, I just want to be left alone and If I am NOT left alone, I have to take action to be. Whether it is your Halloween party or not, I will keep that a secret but nothing is a secret to me :-) If I need info, I can always find it. Take care everyone! Leave me alone and let me be and all will be cool. Promise. That is all I am asking.
TheeCharlieGirl's Avatar
Whatev Tits, you are digging your own hole. And YES I CAN keep you from attending. It is a PRIVATE function. You will not get your big toe in the door. Lmao.Shoot you? How dramatic.There's more than 1 way to skin a cat. But you already know that.
Lesson 101, when dealing with a bitch, never show your hand.
chizzy's Avatar
Chizzi, I know a lot better than you how indys works. I have also seen all the untrue shit written about me by Tieler and the long gone Heidi_Holloway. Plus who told you I only have 1 indys account? You don't know me dude to assume shit about me. I know a lot more about you than you about me. I just haven't opened my mouth so to speak.

Also Chizzi, you have no idea of my finances. Evidently I hobby a lot more than you do and I only review about half the girls I see. Worry about your income bro!!! I can buy any whore. Not sure if you can though.

And thirdaly Chizzi, I have ALREADY fucked indys' Pittsburgh section almost at 100 per cent. There are 2 perhaps 3 providers I haven't fucked yet, nor do I plan to. Also have done many visiting and Ohio ones. The moset recent visiting was Tia this past August. Trust me, I have no problem seeing girls, unlike you. Originally Posted by tatasddd

:laughin g1::laug hing1:
tatasddd's Avatar
Can we stay on topic? I really think you DON"T get it that you need to STAY ON TOPIC.
So the management of this board allows people to threaten other members?
tatasddd's Avatar
So the management of this board allows people to threaten other members? Originally Posted by sjomonty
Are you yet another drama instigator? STAY ON TOPIC.
tatasddd's Avatar
So the management of this board allows people to threaten other members? Originally Posted by sjomonty
Post reported as a drama instigator.
Pfffffft lol
the only and ONLY provider so far who has refused to see me is initialed SD and is a major bipolar disorder bitch. Originally Posted by tatasddd
I guess you're not including the girls who refuse to see you under your various other personas....
tatasddd's Avatar
I guess you're not including the girls who refuse to see you under your various other personas.... Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Not true. Your TOS behind which you hide evidently links all handles together and when you "click" on that green + sign eventually tells you all the shit stupid and totally untrue shit whores write about you. Trust me, been there, seen it, done that. TOS is no protection it's a joke that you rely on some squares to protect you. And NO, no girl has refused to see me except that bipolar disorder one. SM I told you and I repeat, you don't know me to assume shit! My reviews show who sees me and who doesn't. I review about half the girls I see. If I feel a girl didn't perform that well no need to write a pointless review. All you folks are is assumers. I can easily create numerous accounts on TOS and get them vouched with no problem and make your life more interesting. That I don't plan on doing it is a different questions, however if your big mouths continue to talk too much and ASSUME a lot that might change. Last but not least, your stupid assumptions won't stop any girl from seeing me. Let me remind you money talks BS and evidently YOU walks. Don't worry about tats. Concentrate on yourself. I am sure as soon as that toothless skeleton "revealed" my account on TOS YOU, CG, Athena, HOniKitty and a couple more bombarded PI to link my new handle to my old ones. " PI PI PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII he is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!! Cowards!
tatasddd's Avatar
PI, PI do something about tatasDDD he will cause problems he is dangerous, he is abusive blah blah blah retarded Bullshit till you are blue in the face! Tired of this shit man!
Please stay on topic tatas.
tatasddd's Avatar
Please stay on topic tatas. Originally Posted by sjomonty
Dude, I've been trying to tell you all that and if ALL of you did EXACTLY that threads WILL NOT escalate like this and cause work for the mods. The mods are not here to deal with this pointless bullshit a handful of you are causing. And yes for real STAY ON TOPIC, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and no drama will occur.