6th post for newbie. Getting mixed signals.

There is no need for name calling and negative energy, yes its only human to give someone a dose of their own medicine. I know the moderators will tell all ppl not to stoop to ones level and do the same crap. Learned that from a special moderator...
Some feel it's necessary to defend yourself and thats true but don't resort to the same activity. You are RIGHT telling someone don't approach you a negative way when you are not doing that to them. Trust me, the moderators do their jobs very well around here and don't tolerate any BS.
We agree that asking for a DL is out of line and we are here to protect you sweetie..
Sorry someone took advantage of you and we all make mistakes baby...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Anita covered that one very well. Saves me quite a bit of typing.

PJ, don't get too worked up over a few members here. Sometimes they forget which area they are posting in or forget to take their tact pill.
simpleton's Avatar
I wouldn't worry about the cops. I would worry about her. There are too many crazy bitches out there.

Does it bother you that some strange person who could be half crazy has your presonal information? It would me. She has your personal address, date of birth, and id number.
I would concur with getting a new email address and deleting that one.
The female you first mentioned may try to blackmail you out of $ when she realizes you're not going to meet with her.
Was she by any chance somewhere near HWY 6?
I know that doesn't narrow it down a ton. Just curious.

You guys up there near B/CS should get together as a group and lure foxy ladies from Houston Austin and Dallas to your AO. I'm sure any lady with the promise of 3-4 appts would make a 2 day trip that way.

(my retired ass excluded of course)
Still Looking's Avatar
No one wants to go to the gray stone motel or be outed. There are a few things one should remember.

1) If you are NOT offering money for sex, you not committing a crime!
2) It is NOT illegal to ask what’s NOT on the menu.
3) LE as rule go after providers not their prospective clients.
4) Most LE is not interested in the crime of prostitution, rather the crazy shit that comes with it. i.e. Drugs, rip offs, human trafficking, under age providers and hobbyists.
5) No matter how much the little guys says YES, if some thing doesn't feel right tell him no!
SEX) Have sex with some one is NOT illegal.
7) Carrying condoms, toys and Viagra in bulk is NOT illegal.
8) If you drive up to a perspective in call and you see cars with flashing lights ever where, keep driving.
9) Some providers are NOT newbie friendly but many are. Be patient and see a few recognized, established providers and all of this goes away. No one stays a newbie for ever.
10) NEVER give out personal information, DL, SS, Alarm Codes, Safe Combinations, Lotto Numbers etc.
PJ1964's Avatar
Just before I mentioned the reference thingy, with the DL and all, I wrote to her, with the info she provided, and in that message, I mentioned that I had alot of things to protect too, just like she did. Anyway, I sent her ANOTHER email asking 'how was i supposed to be comfortable?' Could she ease my concerns of getting in trouble. Now, I've learned some things since then, and all of them on here, so we dont have to go thru it again, but most importantly.....Thanx. I do appreciate it.
So, when the ball was in her court, she knew that I was cooperative, but not comfortable. Now, between these two emails I sent her, she sent me one back saying I had passed the background check that her 'cop friend' ran on me. Now listen. She might be sweet and a kind person, but I work for a major university. A person can NOT work here if they have a 'checkered past'!! She knew where I worked....in triplicate!
Well, I expected her to write me back today to reassure me that all was good. Y'all remember me being asked to put up who she was? Remember I said I would in due time? Well......she never wrote me back. Never addressed my concerns. I had done it for her, but she didnt show me the same respect so......as a man of my word.....here goes......

*******bobbysims out of Houston. She is blonde, 48, with a 20 tear old girls body, what I feel are perfect looking MM's. She joined ECCIE on 01-03-10. Has 1 review on ECCIE. Now the review is pretty long and this "guy" had reservations about her too(supposedly)but saw her anyway. Review said time went over, it was in an outcall notel, and that he'd recommend her. One ECCIE review promted me to check out her P411 profile & pics. Just to see if she had changed, when she joined, how many reviews she had.....and when I hit the link......"this page does not exist" came up!!!*******

I've had it suggested to me to join P411. To tell you the truth, P411 and that's all one needs?? Sounds a little too good to be true, just like bobbysims' body looked too good to be true. P411, to ME, seems too good to be true. Now that I have done my research, I'm good with ECCIE and TER. Besides, getting ACTUAL provider references is gonna be a whole lot funner!!!! I dont need no stinkin' P411.

*******Now, the reviewer only has 5 reviews. I don't have any, but I haven't been a hoobyist(physically)yet, and only on two sites for less than a month, but this cat has been on ECCIE since 2010. The reviewer has 54 posts. That might be alright in number, but from what I've been able to see, that's not many in almost 2 years, and only 5 reviews on here??
I'm starting to wonder if this bobbysims is really a woman!! Ya know!!?
I took the initiative to let her know that I wasnt comfortable & asked her to assure me. Y'ALL really helped way before she 'didnt' respond!! Again, many thanx.*******

At any rate, I am a man of my word, & I said I'd let y'all know who she was if her answer 'didnt cut the mustard'. Well, no answer doesnt even get the mustard out of the fridge!!
Just goes to show ya, looks arent everything, and first impressions dont mean squat.
Thanx again folks.
Still Looking's Avatar
Sounds like a black widow! Kills after she mates! You dogged a bullet bro! Be happy!
PJ1964's Avatar
Sounds like a black widow! Kills after she mates! You dogged a bullet bro! Be happy! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Thanx dude. Nice pic too!!
WHEW! Yeah. That was a close one, but I pretty much had my mind made up about seein' her after y'all helped me here. I do appreciate it.
pyramider's Avatar
I dont know where you got your information, but I DO use the the search button. Your words came across to me to be rather shitty, so I returned the favor. You apparently cannot take what you dish out. If you dish it out, the take it. If you can't take it, then shut your face/ass!
Do NOT respond to anymore of my posts or comments anymore please. This is an official request or we will visit the moderator. Senority means NOTHING!! Originally Posted by PJ1964

Bring a mod in, I don't care.

You put the subject matter out in a public forum. I do not care how you react to me. Believe it or not I gave good advice. The wise hobbyist learn from the mistakes of others. So give me your best shot ...... I can take or leave anything that is dished out. Now its time for you to start wearing out the RTM button, or grow up.
PJ1964's Avatar
Bring a mod in, I don't care.

You put the subject matter out in a public forum. I do not care how you react to me. Believe it or not I gave good advice. The wise hobbyist learn from the mistakes of others. So give me your best shot ...... I can take or leave anything that is dished out. Now its time for you to start wearing out the RTM button, or grow up. Originally Posted by pyramider
Read posts 36 & 38. Then start to give a damn. You will NOT intimidate me. I will NOT get kicked off of this post due to your cocky ass.
BTW....I can handle myself. I dont need no stinkin' mod!!
And read everything dude. I've thanked everybody for the support, help, concerns and so on. Pay attention! My excuse? I'm a newbie. Yours? You dont have one.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
1. After a little experience, you will look back at this thread and cringe.
2. P411 is the golden key to the hobby world.
3. If you can't fade the heat associated with the hobby, then dont.
4. Try not to sound like a crybaby douche.

are you french? like puppets? just asking.......
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Lets give it a rest with the personal bashing.
PJ1964's Avatar
Its all good. The one that told me Id look back at this and cringe, hasnt practiced what he is preaching. The others.....decided none of them are worth my time, or efforts.
I am accountable though, so I apologize to the mod for allowing myself to stoop the thier levels.
Lets give it a rest with the personal bashing. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
But Chicaaaaa it's Friday night.