Romney doubles Obama's charitable giving

joe bloe's Avatar
Shut the fuck up you dubmass. So they stop hosting the pic....oooh big deal.

You are so ignorant, uniformed, wrong at every turn and you have the nerve to call someone else stupid?

Id love to see your tax return so we can see if you tithe. ha!

I can't wait till Romneybot loses in Nov so i can piss all over your head on this board.

Originally Posted by markroxny
It's fun rattling your cage.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Mitt Romney gave $4,020,772 to charity in 2011; that's 30% of his income, and paid $1,900,000 in taxes. It should be noted, that once again, Obama gave nothing to family members that live in third world poverty.

Romney doubles Obama's charitable giving

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is releasing a brief summary of 20 years of tax returns on Friday, and his accountant says it will show he gave 13.45 percent of his adjusted gross income to charities.
That's nearly twice the rate of President Obama, who according to his tax returns from 2000 through 2011 donated just less than 7 percent of his adjusted gross income to charities.
Mr. Romney's campaign did not release his returns, but instead had his trustee, Brad Malt, write a blog post giving some details of returns from 1990 through 2009.
The campaign has released Mr. Romney's 2010 return and, later Friday, will release his 2011 return, which he filed with the IRS earlier in the day.
That return will show Mr. Romney and his wife Ann paid $1.9 million in taxes on income of $13.7 million, for a rate of 14.1 percent, Mr. Malt said. Most of that income is from investments, which are usually taxed at a lower rate than salary or wages.


Originally Posted by joe bloe
Who gives a fuck anyways?

This has no bearing on the election. You saw 2 years of returns and to you that means the rest are the same.

You sure know a lot of things you don't know.
If I had mutts money I would give more than Obie.
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  • 09-23-2012, 07:34 AM
Why do other taxpayers have to subsidy Mitt's charitably giving?

Is that a loop hole Mitt will close?

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  • 09-23-2012, 07:43 AM
Okay JB cling on to your struggling hopes that once the American public see how much he gives to charity that they will change their opinion about Romney. . Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

He gives to causes he believes (a good thing) in but the kicker is that it is tax deductible, which means the rest of us have to make up the difference in what he would have paid to the government (a bad thing).

Have any of you been to Salt Lake City and seen that church? It is huge and opulent. Why should I subsidize any church? The real question to me is , why is charity tax deductible. What about Titty Bars. I prefer giving my charity to those girls future. Should the rest of the country subsidize my giving money for their future?

Of course the ignorant joe blows of the world will not be able to answer questions such as these.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Will he get a bounce for this in the next set of polls?

I monitor several blogs (conservative, liberal, independent) and have seen no one make this comparison.

Because it's totally irrelevant if you're not a Bloehard!!!
joe bloe's Avatar
You people sure think you know what's best for other people to do their own money. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Dimo's think, that if you're successful, your wealth belongs to the government (You didn't build that.) They think rich people are a natural resource, to be used as the government sees fit.

The progressive income tax is theft by surrogate. It saves the parasites the trouble of breaking into your house and taking your possessions; they just have the government steal on their behalf. That makes it all nice and legal.

After the inevitable economic collapse, when the government finally has to cut the welfare programs, the parasites will be using the more direct approach to income redistribution; they'll just kick in your door and take what they want.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good on him. Now let us see what he does when he thinks nobody's watching. Originally Posted by Doove
That's why I'd like to see how he conducted his affairs before he was under the microscope. It's his money, but i fucking guarantee you if it wasn't deductible, he wouldn't be doing it.

Plus, hasn't he been "retired" from Bain for the past few years?

The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

It's not about his wealth. It's not about his sense of charity. It's about his utter lack of honesty.
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  • 09-23-2012, 09:01 AM

After the inevitable economic collapse, when the government finally has to cut the welfare programs, the parasites will be using the more direct approach to income redistribution; they'll just kick in your door and take what they want. Originally Posted by joe bloe
joe knows, because he is among the 47% Mitt was talking about.
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  • 09-23-2012, 09:03 AM
That's why I'd like to see how he conducted his affairs before he was under the microscope. It's his money, but i fucking guarantee you if it wasn't deductible, he wouldn't be doing it.

. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Exactly, he is giving my money away. I have to pay more in taxes because of people like Mitt Romney.

I hope the fluck they get rid of the Charity Tax deduction.

Then see how much they give!