Man forced to shit in front of cops, given forced digital anal probing, Xrays, and 3 enemas without consent (Lawsuits pending) I shit you not...LOL (pun intended)

I B Hankering's Avatar
Admit it.

When you first read about the anal probings, the enemas, and the shitting, the first thing you thought was "That sounds like a hot Friday night." Originally Posted by ExNYer
Actually no, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Nonetheless, it's not the least bit surprising to find that you are rather conversant on the subject, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-06-2013, 10:51 AM
Actually no, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Nonetheless, it's not the least bit surprising to find that you are rather conversant on the subject, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Really? You are actually plagiarizing me from a different thread?

Here is the original (mine) responding to IFFY:

I have no fucking clue what that is.

Nonetheless, I'm not the least be surprised you are conversant on the subject. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Here is the link:

Did you get tired of cutting and pasting from Wiki? So now you are cutting and pasting from me?


You are just proving my case.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You all had better shut up or I'm turning this website around.

I came here to ask (yes, someone beat me to it) to if anyone supported this gross violation of civil rights and find you all throwing shit at each other. To get back to it, putting someone under for a colonoscopy entails some risk (call that assault), keeping someone in the hospital after the warrant expired, (call that kidnapping), and detaining someone without evidence (call that a constitutional violation of the fourth amendment) is so far over the top that it is nearly unbelievable. A check of the Internet comfirms that more than one site is reporting so it is credible. How far do they have to go to fix this? The patrolman? His sargeant? The DA? The judge who granted the warrant? The police chief. They all seem to be culpable or should have known. Can the hospital be charged? Should they? When it comes down to it, what punishment should be assigned to guarantee this doesn't happen again?
You all had better shut up or I'm turning this website around.

I came here to ask (yes, someone beat me to it) to if anyone supported this gross violation of civil rights and find you all throwing shit at each other. To get back to it, putting someone under for a colonoscopy entails some risk (call that assault), keeping someone in the hospital after the warrant expired, (call that kidnapping), and detaining someone without evidence (call that a constitutional violation of the fourth amendment) is so far over the top that it is nearly unbelievable. A check of the Internet comfirms that more than one site is reporting so it is credible. How far do they have to go to fix this? The patrolman? His sargeant? The DA? The judge who granted the warrant? The police chief. They all seem to be culpable or should have known. Can the hospital be charged? Should they? When it comes down to it, what punishment should be assigned to guarantee this doesn't happen again? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Heads should roll across the board. Fire ALL the cops and charge them with assault. If the judge is an elected official, he should be voted out next time around.

Sue the hospital and arrest the doctors for assault. If they had said "No" like the first hospital did, then in all likelihood none of this would have happened.

It just goes to show what happens what ignorant people do when they get a little power.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
AGREED with both of you. Should be aggravated assault. In fact, the fucking subject is aggravating me.

BTW -- do you know what Corpy and the DC Sniper have in common?

They both went APESHIT for 23 days.

Any bets that Mr. Congeniality outlasts the Sniper?
I didn't think it was possible, but it gets worse:

The hospital sent the guy a bill for $6000 after they anally raped him. I shit you not (pun intended).

And here is another interesting quote from his lawyer (Kennedy):

"The apparent justification for the search, Kennedy said, was that police believed Eckert's buttocks were clenched during the traffic stop.
But, she said, it's also possible the officers just didn't like how her client looks.

"Maybe the officers who did this don't like him living in their community," said Kennedy. "He's a white boy, a scraggly white boy, and all these officers are Hispanic. It's a New Mexico thing."
Kennedy said her client, 63-years-old when he was detained, looks somewhat like rocker Tom Petty and says he denies standing with his buttocks clenched.

It gets even stupider:

"In the search warrant affidavit that sought permission for an anal cavity probe, one police officer said he asked Eckert for permission to physically search him after the minor traffic stop. When Eckert refused, the document says, a police K-9 dog alerted them to the side of his car. Kennedy alleges the dog is not certified to search for drugs and may actually be a pet.

A LOT of New Mexico cops and medical personnel need to be fired and go to jail. And they ALL need to be sued blind.
LexusLover's Avatar
You all need to go back and reread the information .. the spin on this deal is ridiculous ...

this was nothing more than a disgruntled applicant for ObaminableCare who was being incooperative during the evaluation and qualification phase to get his application approved for January 1st coverage.

Geezzz ... civil rights?

You all are making a tumor out of a mole. Let the panel do its work and move on.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wonder what's in store for .day 24...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There are two possibilites here; the first is this IS Obamacare and the other is....well, remember how space aliens crashed in Roswell NM? My guess is that the aliens have infiltrated the police department and are still doing anal probes.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Really? You are actually plagiarizing me from a different thread?

Here is the original (mine) responding to IFFY:

Here is the link:

Did you get tired of cutting and pasting from Wiki? So now you are cutting and pasting from me?


You are just proving my case.
Originally Posted by ExNYer

That post had exactly the effect it was supposed to have, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass: it rattled your cage. And judging by your hissy fit, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, as BigKoTex would say: "MISSION ACCOMPLISED!"

BTW, you hypocritical, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, these are a but a FEW of your wiki "cut and paste" posts -- and all from one thread!





And your bullshit spin about Missouri doesn't match the facts:

Key quotes:
In the election of 1860, Missouri’s newly elected governor was Claiborne "Fox" Jackson, a career politician and an ardent supporter of the South. Jackson campaigned as a Douglas Democrat, favoring a conciliatory program on issues that divided the country. After Jackson’s election, however, he immediately began working behind the scenes to promote Missouri’s secession. In addition to planning to seize the federal arsenal at St. Louis (see below), Jackson conspired with senior Missouri bankers to illegally divert money from the banks to arm state troops, a measure that the Missouri General Assembly had so far refused to take.

So, your great Missouri governor - who you say was NOT going to secede - intended to secede even BEFORE he took office and began secret plots as soon as he took office. And he was planning on attacking the federal government (seizing federal arsenals) and embezzling money to raise his own Confederate troops without approval of the MO assembly.

Another key quote:
Jackson and Price, who were working to construct the new Missouri State Guard in nine military districts state-wide, wanted to contain the Federal toe-hold to the Unionist stronghold of St. Louis. Jackson demand that Federal forces be limited to the boundaries of St. Louis, and that pro-Unionist Missouri "Home Guards" in several Missouri town be disbanded. Lyon refused, and stated that if Jackson insisted on so limiting the power of the Federal Government "This means war".

So basically, Jackson was telling the federal government what it could and could not do with its military in Missouri. Governors and state legislature do not have that power. So that is de facto secession.

Missouri pretended to have a postion of "armed neutrality". But that is bullshit. If you are IN the Union, you do not have the power to tell the federal government what to do with its troops. If Lincoln wanted to move more of them into Missouri, the state could not refuse. So Jackson was effectively seceding even WITHOUT a secession vote.

And then there is this:
Jackson and the pro-Confederate politicians fled to the southern part of the state. Jackson and a rump of the General Assembly eventually set up a government-in-exile in Neosho, Missouri and announced an Ordinance of Secession. This government was recognized by the Confederacy, despite that fact that the "Act" was not endorsed by a plebiscite (as required by Missouri state law) and that Jackson's government was all but powerless inside Missouri.
Originally Posted by ExNYer

Wonder what's in store for .day 24... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't worry, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, your nurse will bring you your psychotropic cocktail blended with Geritol just like he does every morning.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can't do it Corpy... After 25 days of nuclear drama meltdown, you can't really make anybody believe anything anymore.

Chit, even your insults are those of a broken man.

Your late-model HUFF is waiting for you. You will be leaving in it soon.

Happy Day 25, asswipe.

Here's a little something you might find helpful.
That post had exactly the effect it was supposed to have, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass: it rattled your cage. And judging by your hissy fit, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, as BigKoTex would say: "MISSION ACCOMPLISED!" Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ooooh, is that what it is? It was all part of your brilliant plan? Plagiarism was your diabolically evil strategem? You must think of yourself as a master tactician.

And my point about cutting and pasting from ME instead of from Wiki wasn't the cut and paste part, it was the lack of attribution. You will note that in your example below, I cited Wiki when I cut and pasted.

YOU, on the other hand, have thrown out facts without mentioning where you got them. Like when you referenced 40,000 Missourians fighting for the Confederacy - and omitted the 100,000 that fought for the Union.

You didn't cite the Wiki page because you didn't want others to read the part about 100K Missourians fighting for the Union vs. 40K fighting for the Confederates.

That is becuase you are a lying, tranny fucking hypocrite.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-07-2013, 10:38 AM

Ooooh, is that what it is? It was all part of your brilliant plan? Plagiarism was your diabolically evil strategem? You must think of yourself as a master tactician.

And my point about cutting and pasting from ME instead of from Wiki wasn't the cut and paste part, it was the lack of attribution. You will note that in your example below, I cited Wiki when I cut and pasted.

YOU, on the other hand, have thrown out facts without mentioning where you got them. Like when you referenced 40,000 Missourians fighting for the Confederacy - and omitted the 100,000 that fought for the Union.

You didn't cite the Wiki page because you didn't want others to read the part about 100K Missourians fighting for the Union vs. 40K fighting for the Confederates.

That is becuase you are a lying, tranny fucking hypocrite. Originally Posted by ExNYer

I B Hankering's Avatar

Ooooh, is that what it is? It was all part of your brilliant plan? Plagiarism was your diabolically evil strategem? You must think of yourself as a master tactician.

And my point about cutting and pasting from ME instead of from Wiki wasn't the cut and paste part, it was the lack of attribution. You will note that in your example below, I cited Wiki when I cut and pasted.

YOU, on the other hand, have thrown out facts without mentioning where you got them. Like when you referenced 40,000 Missourians fighting for the Confederacy - and omitted the 100,000 that fought for the Union.

You didn't cite the Wiki page because you didn't want others to read the part about 100K Missourians fighting for the Union vs. 40K fighting for the Confederates.

That is becuase you are a lying, tranny fucking hypocrite.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Actually, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, you're the one that came up with the "40K" number -- btw, from Wiki (which you didn't cite), you plagiarizing, hypocritical, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. And you're a liar, you lying, plagiarizing, hypocritical, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, because you've made that "cut and paste from wiki" remark more than once, you lying, plagiarizing, hypocritical, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
AGAIN. Missouri was also a star on the US flag all through the war. Don't you know i'd read the same source as you? And Missouri fielded only about 40K troops. for the Confederacy, but 100K troops for the Union. You omitted THAT, too The Confederacy's bogus claims to Missouri were based on the phony legislature in exile. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Meanwhile, IBH's cited -- non-Wiki -- source put the number at 52,664, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

4. Missouri is represented by a star on the "Stars and Bars", so your ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass attempt to dismiss its government in exile and the combat units Missouri fielded for the Confederate cause is disingenuous, you ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Hence, you've been demonstrably proved wrong again, you ignorant, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering