How do you get a mans attention in here?

She asked for marketing advice, where to post and what not to help her gain clientele. I'm sorry but your post telling her to get to Jenny Craig and lifetime fitness is completely uncalled for and has nothing to do what so ever with the subject of the post. Opinions such as yours rude and hateful should be kept to yourself. This is a grown up (adult board) why do some still act as bullies picking on people as if your in junior high. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Yes Chelitotito should not have worded it the way he did. That's a given.
Her exact question was "How do you get a mans attention in here or even clientele.?"

Clearly a monger with a wallet and a dick is going to have a totally different perspective than a fellow provider will.
If Eccie is any indicator a typical monger is looking at the photos and thinking she is extremely obese and it doesn't really matter where she posts so the remaining advice is to be more physically appealing to get men's attention".

This is substantiated by the thumbs up support he received whether it is politically correct or not.
I don't believe men are being hurtful or mean by merely honestly thinking this way.
Granted the delivery in this case was cold and unkind but the thought was a direct reflection of the unspoken opinion of at least 6 mongers.

Fellow providers won't put food on her table. The mongers will.

When she posted this in a coed forum seeking feedback from both men and women, that opened up the gates to getting two totally different perspectives. Male and female.

I asked you before and it went unanswered. Where as a fellow helpful provider do you think she should advertise that will give her different results than she has gotten here?
Providing her generic answers such as post an ad here when she already has is of zero help to her although it is offering a kind but useless suggestion.

Should all the guys simply look at the photos, think what they think and then just ignore her request for sincere input because they feel what's the point?

Nobody went after her. She came to the guys threw it in their faces in an open forum and basically said why aren't you interested? She could have just kept between you girls.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Advertising is up to that provider... What works for one will not work for another. Im not here to get business for her she was a registered provider on here before so she should know how to advertise. She needs to have her reviews from her previous handle switched to her new handle so she will have her creditability back. Im not here to fight or play with the back and forth drama, however when someone steps out of line to call someone a name or make fun of someone im not just going to sit there quietly and watch people break someone down. Im a bbw and have been in the hobby for almost 5 years 40+ positive reviews on many boards and im perfectly happy with myself. You either like me or you dont if you want to call me names so be it no skin off my back my bills are still paid. No Im not a spinner and dont find them to be a competition for me as we arent in the same market per say and I dont agree that bbws arent in demand on the board thats simply not true. Im on the board why? because I make great money and im in demand on the board... you dont like bbws thats fine move on there are hundreds of others that do your not hurting my financials. I always find it pretty funny the names of some of those who hide and make jokes of the bbws and claim to never be caught dead seeing them and who claim to only see "Spinners" funny how some have seen bbws on the board.
Beagle's Avatar
If Eccie is any indicator a typical monger is looking at the photos and thinking she is extremely obese and it doesn't really matter where she posts so the remaining advice is to be more physically appealing to get men's attention".

I asked you before and it went unanswered. Where as a fellow helpful provider do you think she should advertise that will give her different results than she has gotten here?
Providing her generic answers such as post an ad here when she already has is of zero help to her although it is offering a kind but useless suggestion. Originally Posted by Codybeast
I share those sentiments and NJFY has already done all she can do in the marketing aspect. If demand for something is not there, you just have to come up with something new or improving what you currently have.
Beagle's Avatar
Im on the board why? because I make great money and im in demand on the board... you dont like bbws thats fine move on there are hundreds of others that do your not hurting my financials. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
I don't think the guys necessarily intended to put the BBWs down. It's great that you are satisfied with your number of clients. However, the reason we have this thread in the first place was because the OP indicated that business was slow and wanted to know how to improve her business. Some of the guys who gave feedback are the same clients who would see BBWs. There is a target market for every type of provider physique, but at some point the pool target becomes very limited.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
You can post ads on backpage and .p411 has an ad section board which is free.There will always be ups and downs in calls sometimes you just have to wait out the slow times.Keep your tcb up and those who seek what you offer will call.
Everybody has there own tastes and preferences. You have a type that you like that's fine.. But why is this turning into a BBW bashing thread seriously now can we all act as adults. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
She asked a question, she got answers. People are not always going to like the answers they get. She wants to know why the phone's not ringing. Its not ringing because the people who have seen her showcase are not interested. It's great for the providers to give her marketing advise but the guys are telling her straight up why their not calling which was also part of her question. You say act like adults, there's nothing childish about grown men saying what their preference is. Hunter started this mess by pretending to have a clue about straight mens preferences. Straight men then proceeded to let Hunter know just how wrong her opinions are.

I'm sure there could be a market for OP, and that's where providers can give her advice. As has been pointed out, some of the bbw providers who are busy are not necessary busy because they are bbw, they are busy because of a skill ( great bbbj, huge rack) low prices, personality etc.. that built them a following.
Advertising is up to that provider... What works for one will not work for another. Im not here to get business for her she was a registered provider on here before so she should know how to advertise. She needs to have her reviews from her previous handle switched to her new handle so she will have her creditability back. Im not here to fight or play with the back and forth drama, however when someone steps out of line to call someone a name or make fun of someone im not just going to sit there quietly and watch people break someone down. Im a bbw and have been in the hobby for almost 5 years 40+ positive reviews on many boards and im perfectly happy with myself. You either like me or you dont if you want to call me names so be it no skin off my back my bills are still paid. No Im not a spinner and dont find them to be a competition for me as we arent in the same market per say and I dont agree that bbws arent in demand on the board thats simply not true. Im on the board why? because I make great money and im in demand on the board... you dont like bbws thats fine move on there are hundreds of others that do your not hurting my financials. I always find it pretty funny the names of some of those who hide and make jokes of the bbws and claim to never be caught dead seeing them and who claim to only see "Spinners" funny how some have seen bbws on the board. Originally Posted by Britttany_love

For someone asking for everyone to act adult you seem to be the only one in the thread getting overly heated and personal. Obviously a nerve has been touched and maybe you do have some oppressed spinner emotions down deep.

As far as the last sentence about spinner people seeing bbw's, I blame that on bad reviews in some cases. Not all hobbyist are truthful in their reviews. If you believe every review in full then all hobbyist have 10inch cocks, make providers cum at least 3 times a session, have providers refuse their money and oh yah she's thick but by no means bbw.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
What Homer said. There is a BBW I have been seeing off and on for several years. There are 2 services she provides me, quite well I might add, at a value that can't be beat. She has been around for a long time and has developed a steady clientele that keeps her in business.
Pricing might also be an issue. I don't remember reading a reply about her prices but I'm sorry $$ for an hour to me puts her out the market for her looks and size.
Pricing might also be an issue. I don't remember reading a reply about her prices but I'm sorry $$ for an hour to me puts her out the market for her looks and size. Originally Posted by homer13
The question is if a provider isn't you're type without even seeing her rates. Does it really even matter what her rates are? What price makes her suddenly attractive to you?

My general rule of thumb is if I wouldn't date someone for free in the civie world then why on earth would I pay for a date in the hobby?
I pay for the fantasy with younger hotter providers I can longer get in the real world. For me that is the whole point of Paying for it.

Otherwise when single I just date attractive women my age in the real world. At this stage in life they are more eager to jump in bed than I am so it really doesn't take the same pain in the ass effort that dating when younger did. Yes some are seeking a life partner but many just want some good sex.
The question is if a provider isn't appealing to you without even seeing her rates. Does it really even matter what her rates are? What price makes her suddenly attractive to you?

My general rule of thumb is if I wouldn't date someone for free in the civie world then why on earth would I pay for a date in the hobby?
I pay for those younger hotter providers I could NEVER get in the civie world. For me that is the whole point of Paying for it.

Otherwise I would just date fit women my age in the real world. At this stage in life they are more eager to jump in bed than I am so it really doesn't take the same pain in the ass effort that dating when younger did. Originally Posted by Codybeast
Agreed, I have said many times that if I wouldn't try to or want to pick up someone when I'm at the club then there not someone I'd pay for. So to me she's not on my radar at any price, nor are some of the other bbw's who have weighed in on this topic. However there is a market for her probably but at 200 an hour its obviously non-existant. The other providers in this thread are charging 160, 150 an hour etc.. and have a client base. She does not, so by realizing she's pricing herself out of her market maybe she can make adjustments.
Agreed, I have said many times that if I wouldn't try to or want to pick up someone when I'm at the club then there not someone I'd pay for. So to me she's not on my radar at any price, nor are some of the other bbw's who have weighed in on this topic. However there is a market for her probably but at 200 an hour its obviously non-existant. The other providers in this thread are charging 160, 150 an hour etc.. and have a client base. She does not, so by realizing she's pricing herself out of her market maybe she can make adjustments. Originally Posted by homer13
Ok Ok, we get it, BBWS are not your thing, but just because YOU wouldn't pay 200/hr doesn't mean someone else won't. What you fail to realize is that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. I have clients who literally worship my body the way it is. I AM the type of girl they would date in the civvie world. I DO charge 200/hr. I think it's wrong to correlate body size with rates. Just because she isn't your cup of tea, does not mean that she should lower her rates. I guarantee you she IS someone else's cup of tea, and that's what I LOVE about this hobby.

The ONLY reason a girl should lower her rates (and this goes for spinners, bbws and everything in between) IMO is if she is not getting calls, her menu has changed, or she needs money fast for a bill etc. BBWs shouldn't automatically have to have lower rates just because we are bigger. If you have good TCB/BCD, you're clean, a have great skills, the men will come.

I get plenty of calls/emails a day, so I'm thankful I don't have a "spinner body" because I can hardly keep up with the requests I get as it is.

Also noteworthy, I've talked to ladies who are spinners and they've complained about business being slow as well. I think it has less to do with body type, and more to do with quality of service.

Please know that just because we aren't popular on the board doesn't mean we aren't popular BCD

In fact, I've seen someone in this thread BCD many times, and he has publically denounced BBWs. Interesting huh??

Have a great weekend ya'll!
Jaime - I agree that BBWs are like mopeheads, fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you. I am sure some guys here, not me, have seen a BBW or gone hogging in the real world. I get it. She, however, can't fill her time at that price point. She asked what she could do differently and I answered and other guys answered. Price point is not adequate considering the goods. In this economic model more is less and less is worth more.

I wish all you gals the best regardless of whether I would consider you attractive or not.
and I agree with you on that, if her rate is XX and she is not getting business, then lowering her rates would be the next step. However I don't agree with those who say she should lower them BECAUSE she is bbw.

What if a guy who was a bbw lover decided he wanted to see a spinner that day because he heard she gives a helluva bbbj. He contacts her and says 'hey I'd love to see you but you're not really my type, physically speaking, could you give me a discount?"

Pretty messed up huh? It happens to BBWs and it's insulting. If you're not into us, that's fine, we are not forcing you to like us or see us BCD.
Jaime - I agree that BBWs are like mopeheads, fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you. I am sure some guys here, not me, have seen a BBW or gone hogging in the real world.
[/B] Originally Posted by Chelitotito
Ok THIS is a flat out attack against BBW's in general.