Obama scandals show signs of lasting a long, long time.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is there a special group for tranny Corprophiliacs?

You know, a place where all you and your asshole buddies can go and shoot the shit?
I can't believe that after all of this there are still partisans carrying water for this administration.

To all the partisans on both sides, you are ridiculous, our nation is sinking further and further into fascism and neither side is interested in real reform or real individual liberty.

But at least you might take a break from mindlessly blasting the other side and look around you and see which way your ship is sinking.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 02:21 PM
Is there a special group for tranny Corprophiliacs?

You know, a place where all you and your asshole buddies can go and shoot the shit? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

literally or figuratively ???
I can't believe that after all of this there are still partisans carrying water for this administration.

To all the partisans on both sides, you are ridiculous, our nation is sinking further and further into fascism and neither side is interested in real reform or real individual liberty.

But at least you might take a break from mindlessly blasting the other side and look around you and see which way your ship is sinking. Originally Posted by spear88
Ships always go down, not up, when they sink....right? If they went up, you wouldn't say "That ship is sinking." You'd say "That ship is rising." Or "That ship is ascending."

So....I mean....you don't really need to "look around you" to see "which way your ship is sinking." Right?

I also take issue with the term "mindless blasting".....the vast majority of the blasting we do around here is quite mindful. Well....some of it is anyway.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
maybe not.

Sometimes it's hard to walk into a move nearly two thirds done and understand the subplots...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
literally or figuratively ??? Originally Posted by CJ7
I B Hankering's Avatar
How lame can you get? Take a look a MY reviews, dipshit.

I recommend the reviews of Monet Moore and her sister Aeryn. See what REAL women look like.

Not those New Orleans he-she skanks that fucked you in the ass. Yeah, I said it. You're a catcher. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You can take your unread, fantasy reviews and shove them up your well abused ass, you obnoxious Yankee prick. BTW, your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorant, lying Yankee hypocrite.

IB the plagiarizing sperm sipper is parroting same old same old not a fresh idea in his dick ridden head Poor IB. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ekim the Inbred, what in your ignorant, inbred blubbering is related to the well known fact that your brother/father/cousin/boyfriend is too busy with your inbred ass to entertain any other clients?

Is there a special group for tranny Corprophiliacs?

You know, a place where all you and your asshole buddies can go and shoot the shit?

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka"Corpy")to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The dumb-fuck golem jackass is looking for a place to continue its deviant sexual fantasies; that's one of the reasons the dumb-fuck golem jackass was elected to be:

literally or figuratively ??? Originally Posted by CJ7
And CBJ7 enthusiastically wants to join the dumb-golem jackass in his deviant, fantasy obsessions.


Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka"Corpy")to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes!!! Your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected:

Regarding the OP:

Obama scandals show signs of lasting a long, long time.
by Jennifer Rubin

Liberal sycophants in the media have been insisting that the Obama administration scandals (three if you count only the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Justice and and Benghazi, Libya; four if you add the Department of Health and Human Services) will fade away. If anything, the controversies are intensifying. How can you tell the scandals aren't vanishing?

1. The White House refers questions about possible perjury back to the accused's own department.

2. You throw a spin session and major media outlets won't show up.

3. Even Democrats want a special prosecutor. ("A Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday shows 76 percent for a special counsel vs. 17 percent against. All told, 88 percent of Republicans, 63 percent of Democrats and 78 percent of independents want a special prosecutor.)

4. Even Vice President Biden knows to stay out of sight. (Where's he been lately?)

5. It's hard to tell House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia (President Obama has "lost focus," is "disconnected") from New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd ("wistful and petulant aren't getting him anywhere").

6. Losing on gun legislation is the least of his worries.

7. Conservatives love watching Jon Stewart these days.

8. Headlines from The New York Times ("Holder Faces New Round of Criticism After Leak Inquiries") are interchangeable with headlines from my blog.

9. Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley isn't nuts to consider a presidential run in 2016.

10. Eric Holder has become less credible than Jay Carney.

You can take your unread, fantasy reviews and shove them up your well abused ass, you obnoxious Yankee prick. BTW, your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorant, lying Yankee hypocrite. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You like my sig line, don't you Corpy?

You'll like it even more if you make ME post the link to my poll! TICK TOCK DIPSHIT!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
You like my sig line, don't you Corpy?

You'll like it even more if you make ME post the link to my poll! TICK TOCK DIPSHIT!

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka"Corpy")to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your signature line betrays you for the hypocrite you truly are, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. That's one of the reasons your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher". Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorantly, bigoted Yankee jackass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dumb-fuck golem. Isn't that supposed to be capitalized?

Get your licks in now, Corpy. You'll be Running and Hiding again soon.

THE TRUTH is coming!
Bet your train ridden ass is as red as a Baboon's IB you love the big red one...
Your "modus operandi" is still showing, you ignorantly, bigoted Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Post a review. Of a woman. If you have the money. Tranny fucker.

And you're still a "catcher".
Look a Squirrel^^^