Was Nixon a progressive?

eyecu2's Avatar
Nixon was a selfish arrogant narcissist. He did get the naval nuke program off the ground and forced Congress to use high pressure steam reactors vs thorium salt reactors, which we still see used today despite them being much more dangerous, and the reason is simple. That technology was from his state of California. That said every politician wants to send pork products back home, whether it's senator bird from West Virginia, or every politician from every state. Rarely do they do what is right for the country versus what's right for the voting constituents. Add to that the narcissism that Nixon thought he was above the law until he found out otherwise - kind of like the orange turd that's about to find out the same.
chefnerd's Avatar
Go to google advanced search. Search on domain name eccie.net, with the following terms,

(a) Tiny and "green new deal"

(b) Tiny and saez

(c) Tiny and "revenue maximizing tax rate"

(d) Tiny and fracking

(e) Tiny and Hollande

(f) Tiny and "bernie sanders"

(g) Tiny and "elizabeth warren"

You'll find lots of substantiation, complete with links.

Thanks for telling me about energy companies' capital spending plans. I sure need an education in that. Originally Posted by Tiny
If you had substantiation I wouldn't have to probe through thousands of post to find your one in fifty postings in the thread supposedly support you. You would actually provide them.