Review: An epic 75th review

Plastic Man's Avatar
Only a Republican would post political bullshit in a ROS for a site that allows men and women to verify each other for sexual services.
Even on a site that promotes a true free still talk shit
Originally Posted by NC-17
if it ...bothers ya so ...much ...then why ya keep yer pie hole shut whenever it be the ...leftist progressive dumocrat horseshit ...that always be comin outta a couple ol cucks here maybe the comment ...hit close ta home
Penis_Leerie's Avatar
Wow, when I was in Thailand, nothing like this was there!! LOL. But for 12 bucks for 12 hours, I would call it a good deal. Great review!!! And by the way, She had GREAT TITS!!!
EA. Originally Posted by East Amherst
That's cause your a fucking idiot, looking for a big titted white girl in Thailand.

Mods, make it 10 please. And you're welcome. What buffoonery.
NC-17's Avatar
  • NC-17
  • 12-13-2015, 08:28 AM
if it ...bothers ya so ...much ...then why ya keep yer pie hole shut whenever it be the ...leftist progressive dumocrat horseshit ...that always be comin outta a couple ol cucks here maybe the comment ...hit close ta home Originally Posted by Plastic Man
If comments like the one I posted aren't here, you'd have no purpose. So instead of being a GOP dickhead why not send me a thank you PM instead.
Hey NC-17 I was replying to post #9. I presume you did read that, didn't you? I have no axe to grind and am not aligned with any political party, most all politicians seem like scum today. I do, however, recognize an asshole when I see one and there is one sitting in the White House right now. I say that respectfully, of course.
Only a Republican would post political bullshit in a ROS for a site that allows men and women to verify each other for sexual services.
Even on a site that promotes a true free still talk shit
Originally Posted by NC-17
Hey NC-17 I was replying to post #9. I presume you did read that, didn't you? I have no axe to grind and am not aligned with any political party, most all politicians seem like scum today. I do, however, recognize an asshole when I see one and there is one sitting in the White House right now. I say that respectfully, of course. Originally Posted by Micton
Yup. That was BS NC. Micton's post was observational and made no personal political comment -- unlike yours. You are really going to give shit to a guy who has more than 50% of his posts as reviews? He obviously does not over post political blather like some do on here.
NC-17's Avatar
  • NC-17
  • 12-13-2015, 09:12 PM
Yup. That was BS NC. Micton's post was observational and made no personal political comment -- unlike yours. You are really going to give shit to a guy who has more than 50% of his posts as reviews? He obviously does not over post political blather like some do on here. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
My post was meant for The OP and I received a response from the OP. You guys need to unbunch your panties. The guy doesn't need fifteen fucking replies for him. He spoke for himself and that's that.

My post was meant for The OP and I received a response from the OP. You guys need to unbunch your panties. The guy doesn't need fifteen fucking replies for him. He spoke for himself and that's that.
Originally Posted by NC-17
If you prefer to have your posts addressed by one person in private rather than by all, there is something called a PM - use it. If you post for everyone to see in public , don't get YOURS in a bunch when other people respond. Simple concept ,no?
NC-17's Avatar
  • NC-17
  • 12-13-2015, 09:19 PM
If you prefer to have your posts addressed by one person in private rather than by all, there is something called a PM - use it. If you post for everyone to see in public , don't get YOURS in a bunch when other people respond. Simple concept ,no? Originally Posted by Taskmaster

I already made my statement, at this point any reply by you or others is basically trolling.

Fuck a Troll
The Czech Republic was formerly Communist/Socialist and is still having problems 25 years later recovering from Socialist policies. I spoke to a great number of people while I was there and they think we are insane because our country is going to a place where they were and still trying to recover. Though many in this country view Obama as a Socialist the Czechs think he is a classical Communist. Not making judgments - just reporting candidly on what I saw. Originally Posted by Micton
Highwayman64's Avatar
Enough of the insults gents, enjoy the review for what it is. If you have an ax to grind take it elsewhere please.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Enough of the insults gents, enjoy the review for what it is. If you have an ax to grind take it elsewhere please. Originally Posted by Highwayman64
fantastic idear

...yer plastic man gots ya ...covered ...with that elsewhere bein at this

grind yer

I already made my statement, at this point any reply by you or others is basically trolling.

Fuck a Troll
Originally Posted by NC-17
Trolling as defined by you , for your benefit. One could just as easily make the case that your original statement was trolling.

And no thanks on the fuck. I've got better offers.
trojantide's Avatar
Trolling as defined by you , for your benefit. One could just as easily make the case that your original statement was trolling.

And no thanks on the fuck. I've got better offers. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
In a RL 'ho yourselves down, my money's on 17 all day long!!