Maximum Wage

Randy4Candy's Avatar
T2D, no you didn't - unless your group is involved in something in the Middle East, directly or not.

Oh, and BTW, your Karl Rove trick of saying your opponents are doing what YOU are actually doing hasn't worked in about 6 years. It's a feminine way of arguing, i.e. passive aggressive.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-20-2012, 07:17 PM
Oh, and BTW, your Karl Rove trick of saying your opponents are doing what YOU are actually doing hasn't worked in about 6 years. It's a feminine way of arguing, i.e. passive aggressive. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Kind of like COG claiming every argument is a straw man? Particularly the ones where he has no valid response? Or kind of like COG claiming other posters on here act like 13 year old girls?

Or maybe T2D saying this:

"You people and your disdain over what people earn. It is disgusting how insanely jealous you are of peoples success. Just amazing."

In the very same post where he said this:

"There are some pretty dumbass actors that get paid way more than that and that arent (sic) even any godd(sic)"

And this:

"Adn (sic) dont (sic) get me started on them overpaid women uglyass (sic) actresses."

And this:

"warren (sic) Buffet, oh wait he pays himself a dollar so he can avoid employment taxes, income tax rates and makes his money off of dividends."

Is that what you mean, Randy?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Still cant answer the question that is the topic of the thread.
I personally increased my wealth during the Bush years with no dealings in the war, middle east or anything involved with that.
You have been brainwashed into believing something that is not true.
I live in Texas and Texas has prospered and continues to prosper.

So what do you socialists think enough is?
Is it that hard for you to answer. Your leader seems to think that there is a point where something is enough but what is it? Is it more than you hve? Is it more than you are willing to work for?
Is it more than you are willing to risk whatever you have in order to achieve it?
Watt is it?
What is the point that you Marxists become so jealous of the success of others that you say enough?
What is the point that your personal inadequacy makes you feel inferior to those that strive to achieve?

The problem with you pathetic socialists is that your lack of ambition forces you to compensate by saying we have to help the vulnerable and the children because of your inability to put forth a little additional effort in order to rise above your mediocrity and when you see those around you that have become successful through their hard work and effort you must feel emasculated.

Then comes your narcissism and chest thumping and claims that you are doing whatever for the greater good as though you are sacraficng in some great manner when in fact you are afraid of success.

Of course the ultra rich liberals are so guilt ridden that they will throw their money at each and every cause and proclaim how much they are for the little people while riding in their private jets and being driven around in their limos to their various estates or social gatherings to mingle with the other guilt ridden hoping that they will not become targets because they have taken up the cause..

Sop how much is enough. Is it George Soros enough or Warren Buffet enough or is it the guy athat has worked his ass off to make a decent living and made a few wise investments and has a little more than you do.?
What is enough?

I use less in government services and pay 100 times your earnings taxes and you will tell me that I am not paying "enough"? You will say that what I am paying isnt a fair share and not enough.
What is enough.

You and your parrot Doove humiliate yourselves with each post.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Being blind makes it difficult to proof my typing. I tend to make a number of typing errors. I learned on an old Remington manual and I still have a heavy hand on the keyboards. I think you get my point but then again you may be more thick headed than I first thought.

Say Doove, do you have any idea of what is going on in the world and who the puppets of the Obama regime are?
Do you have a dis-associative problem because if so I will leave you alone as I sincerely do not want to pick on those with actual mental in-capacities and If I have I apologize.