Still not safe, Still not effective....

txdot-guy's Avatar
Looks like the other shoe drops. After admitting their experimental mRNA COVID drug actually kills people and lying about it...

AstraZeneca pulls their own COVID vaccines

The excess deaths cannot be kept hidden forever... and the sheep will have to admit they got sheared. Originally Posted by texassapper
This is the way capitalism works. The best product is the last one standing. mRna vaccines are more effective with fewer side effects. It seems like that’s the reason AstraZeneca pulled their product.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is the way capitalism works. The best product is the last one standing. mRna vaccines are more effective with fewer side effects. It seems like that’s the reason AstraZeneca pulled their product. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
GAWD! That's not at all how capitalism works. It's a simple two out of three choices thing! I would sum it up this way:

You can have what you want - Good, Fast, Cheap! Pick any two.

Where you get really Futt Bucked is when government gets into the equation to borrow "other people's" money to make Cheap look real.
texassapper's Avatar
Every thing you do in life has a side effect. In some cases that side effect is death. Getting vaccinated substantially reduces the chance of that particular side effect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
"I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines."

-Dr. Deborah Birx
txdot-guy's Avatar
Every thing you do in life has a side effect. In some cases that side effect is death. Getting vaccinated substantially reduces the chance of that particular side effect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
"I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines."

-Dr. Deborah Birx Originally Posted by texassapper
Wrong again. Quote from Dr. Birx taken out of context.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Wrong again. Quote from Dr. Birx taken out of context. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
From your psuedo-factchecker thingy, she is basically hawking Paxlovid over the clot-shot. Which as you may recall, Paxlovid is a treatment (a crappy one - IMHO) for after the fact, not as a preventative. If you ever saw the musical "Chicago", you would recognize it as The Old Soft Shoe routine, as performed by Richard Greer.

Emphasis mine:
...Cavuto: "I did want to get your take — a lot of people looking at the president having (COVID-19). And a lot of people vaxxed and boosted and they're getting it. The 20% of Americans who have not been vaccinated might look at that and say, 'Why bother? Why bother?' What do you tell them?"

Birx: "If you're across the South and you're in the middle of this wave, what is going to save you is Paxlovid. But once we get through this wave, during that lull, you should get vaccinated and boosted, because we do believe it will protect you, particularly if you're over 70. I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it's not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let's be very clear, 50% of the people who died from the omicron surge were older and vaccinated. Even if you're vaccinated and boosted, if you're unvaccinated, right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. It's effective, it's a great antiviral. And really it's what's going to save your lives right now if you're over 70." ...
But if you don't trust your lying eyes, try your lying ears. It's right at the very beginning:

In the next chapter of Guess Where They Are Now, we tune in to learn that she has secured a phat-role at - Go on. You can say it.. We already know. - a pharmaceutical company. Go figure! Huh?
  • Tiny
  • 05-11-2024, 07:18 AM
I trust my eyes and ears! She said, “You should get vaccinated and boosted, because we believe it will protect you, particularly if you’re over 70.”

That’s plain as day.
I trust my eyes and ears! She said, “You should get vaccinated and boosted, because we believe it will protect you, particularly if you’re over 70.”

That’s plain as day. Originally Posted by Tiny
How can she say they knew the vaccine wouldn't protect you from getting covid and in the same breath she says if you're 70 or over it will protect you from hospitalization or death. If it doesn't protect a young person what makes anyone think it will protect an elderly person. That really is contradictory. These people are on damage control.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I can't believe you guys are still going back and forth about this shit. Have any of you heard the phrase "we are just going to have to agree to disagree"?

Has any person who has posted on any of these Covid threads in the last roughly 4 years actually changed anyone's opinion regardless of how ridiculous it may be? Of course not; yet you folks continue for some odd reason.
texassapper's Avatar
Has any person who has posted on any of these Covid threads in the last roughly 4 years actually changed anyone's opinion regardless of how ridiculous it may be? Of course not; yet you folks continue for some odd reason. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
And you continue to complain. You needn't read any thread I start, in fact if I'm such an annoyance, you could block me entirely. Lord knows I've had to throw a bakers dozen in the bitcan around here as well.

IF you're not so motivated, you can even make LESS effort and just not open the thread at all.

But you do open it. And it does annoy you.

Because you hate hearing about how stupid the lemmings that did what the government told them to do are...

Don't be a lemming.
Whoop de do! The CDC identified 101 people who died from myocarditis or pericarditis after receiving the COVID vaccines, and the vaccines may have caused some part of those deaths.

Well, according to this estimate from October, 2023, the vaccines saved 429,486 lives in the USA! See table A3 on pages 37 to 40.

The Epoch Times is far too pro-vaccine safety by the way. There were probably thousands of people who died from the COVID vaccines, not just a handful. Most of them were old and frail. But the COVID vaccines saved hundreds of thousands from gruesome death, in the USA alone! And millions of people world wide.

Thank you Pfizer, Moderna, and President Trump! Originally Posted by Tiny
That's virtually impossible to determine. The Vaccine is administered to people who are not sick. If the Vaccine was developed to be administered to sick individuals and within a short period of time symptoms began to diminish then the claim the Vaccine may have saved lives would have some validity. As it stands this vaccine program is too controversial to be saving anyone's life.
texassapper's Avatar
I trust my eyes and ears! She said, “You should get vaccinated and boosted, because we believe it will protect you, particularly if you’re over 70.”

That’s plain as day. Originally Posted by Tiny
Do you trust math?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I trust my eyes and ears! She said, “You should get vaccinated and boosted, because we believe it will protect you, particularly if you’re over 70.”... Originally Posted by Tiny
What is plain as day is: I'm not prone to believe the 3rd thing flung out from someone's face when the first couple were blatant lies.
adav8s28's Avatar
This vaccine and all other vaccines will cause problems. Chris Cuomo of CNN interviews a Male Nurse who suffers from Vaccine injury. The Covid-19 vaccine is like playing Russian Roulette, eventually, well you know. Originally Posted by Levianon17

The NYC nurse got a raw deal. In the sense that Germany is helping him more than anyone in the USA. He got one of the two shot vaccines, but which one? How did he get vaccinated in 2020? First responders didn't start getting it until first quarter 2021.
adav8s28's Avatar
"I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines."

-Dr. Deborah Birx Originally Posted by texassapper
She did say the vaccines were overplayed. However, you left out the part where she said the vaccines prevent servere illness, hospitalizations and death from CoVid infection.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
She did say the vaccines were overplayed. However, you left out the part where she said the vaccines prevent servere illness, hospitalizations and death from CoVid infection. Originally Posted by adav8s28
She also tossed in this little nugglet: But let's be very clear, 50% of the people who died from the omicron surge were older and vaccinated. Perhaps you also misremembered that the omicron round was the super mild round and more than likely - caused the unvaxxed to gain natural immunity in droves and had an extremely benign impact overall.

There is a super simple thing called Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) that explains the whole vaxxing against a variant as being, not just stupid, but more like catastrophic. I may post more about it later, but no - it's not unique to the covid. It's true for any and all vaxxes and is well known to people that are even mildly curious.