Lets talk about something fun~Hobby New Years Resolutions~

Iron Butterfly's Avatar

No CBJ...ever. If a provider pulls the "I just changed my menu to CBJ...c'mon, it's no big deal" excuse, even if my cock is rock hard, I'm walking out the door Originally Posted by Parsifal
You would be a first as most can't controll the little head...but I agree 100% with what you have to say, I'm looking after number one this year, no if and or butts!

JohnnyD321's Avatar
I think for me, it is to get more active in the Group Socials for the board
and finding a few drama-free friends I can fully trust on reviews / recommendations.
TittiesNBeer's Avatar

I heartily agree with you on all three points! I have had similar experiences and agree with each of your resolutions. I also plan to do more doubles sessions with my ATF's.
RandB fan's Avatar
JD good luck with that as DRAMA has been attending recently. My bandle has spotted out to me that our resident 2XLBBW award winning porn star has been seen there. There were stories here, but no one other than a couple of gals will admit to seeing her there. Therefor, I will no longer allow my Bandle to attend CK's gatherings and he's pissed about it!!!

Keep an eye on the Mods you may meet there. Interesting people.

I think for me, it is to get more active in the Group Socials for the board
and finding a few drama-free friends I can fully trust on reviews / recommendations. Originally Posted by JohnnyD321
JD good luck with that as DRAMA has been attending recently. My bandle has spotted out to me that our resident 2XLBBW award winning porn star has been seen there. There were stories here, but no one other than a couple of gals will admit to seeing her there. Therefor, I will no longer allow my Bandle to attend CK's gatherings and he's pissed about it!!!

Keep an eye on the Mods you may meet there. Interesting people. Originally Posted by RandB fan
I understand that it's real easy to ride the coattails of your other vindictive troll friend who has enthusiastically tried campaigning against me recently, but the proof is in the pudding. Notice the complete lack of validation he (or you) receives for your bullying, fabrication of lies, and rallying on the board against me, or just in general. Its likely that everyone else my just have a different opinion than you, but you'd have to actually be involved in the community, go to socials, etc, to understand that. Some of us just like to go and have a good time in person, it's usually pretty safe to say that the folks who are willing to meet in person are the more reasonable and good natured ones. With the exception of an occasional Christmas party, that which I actually don't think we will have to worry about anymore!

I would say the absolute resounding chirp of crickets regarding a response or agreeance from ANYONE who has actually been to the socials and been around me should tell you at least something. Funny, I always seem to recall getting lots of hugs, friendly greetings, good conversations, eating, drinking, laughing, play... drama? Not so much. Hate to tell ya, the only stories you've heard about me were born and raised in Whispers head. I also keep continually getting invited to every social event that goes on, despite these "legit claims." I have been involved for some time in person, as in outside of the online board.. and the silly board drama is always addressed as just an eye-rolling, head shaking joke that we all just laugh off. But to be honest... its mainly not even talked about at all, probably because the "real world" presents opportunity to discuss and mingle about plenty far more interesting topics.

Some folks presence is just never meant to leave the board, not that they add anything profitable or meaningful to that either. Just as everyone already knows Whispers longtime MO, they know how to react when such info is presented. Just as certain others allegations are taken with a very small grain of salt based on their previous character assaulting MOs.

So there's that.
fun2come's Avatar
... I also keep continually getting invited to every social event that goes on, despite these "legit claims." Originally Posted by JadeRose
So all the events that you don't get invited to are what? Anti-social ???
Yes, you got it.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I don't know about my New Year's resolutions...

But I sure wish the Eccie Co-Ed Vigilantes aka Khaki Docker Wearing Kroger Dads flexing their rapidly atrophying dad bod muscles and hiding behind their Macs would at least resolve to wipe the Chee-Tos dust off their hands before they pinball each other's peen juice via keyboard.

It would be a New Year's Miracle!!!
knotty man's Avatar
I don't know about my New Year's resolutions...

But I sure wish the Eccie Co-Ed Vigilantes aka Khaki Docker Wearing Kroger Dads flexing their rapidly atrophying dad bod muscles and hiding behind their Macs would at least resolve to wipe the Chee-Tos dust of their hands before they pinball each other's peen juice via keyboard. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
what she said
...whatever the fuck it was
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 01-02-2016, 10:36 AM
I don't know about my New Year's resolutions...

But I sure wish the Eccie Co-Ed Vigilantes aka Khaki Docker Wearing Kroger Dads flexing their rapidly atrophying dad bod muscles and hiding behind their Macs would at least resolve to wipe the Chee-Tos dust of their hands before they pinball each other's peen juice via keyboard. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Mmmmmmm Cheetos....
TravelerMan's Avatar
Unicorn threesomes, and more naughty roleplaying.
budman33's Avatar
I don't know about my New Year's resolutions...

But I sure wish the Eccie Co-Ed Vigilantes aka Khaki Docker Wearing Kroger Dads flexing their rapidly atrophying dad bod muscles and hiding behind their Macs would at least resolve to wipe the Chee-Tos dust off their hands before they pinball each other's peen juice via keyboard.

It would be a New Year's Miracle!!! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
+100, Hate mac's too
mrkobayashi's Avatar
Asian Ann! True beauty and sharp as a tack. Originally Posted by JadeRose
So the consensus is that Asian Ann is pretty damn awesome? An Asian persuasion encounter is definitely high on my bucket list too!
Whispers's Avatar
So the consensus is that Asian Ann is pretty damn awesome? An Asian persuasion encounter is definitely high on my bucket list too! Originally Posted by galaxon00
Back in the mix so soon Jade?

You've left this handle alone for about a week using the Travelerman one. If/When they tie this one to you they restart that Ban Clock!

It's more than IP matching....... They have a few other tricks as well......

Jade Travelerman.jpg