No. A good GFE would keep her clients expectations in check and not let it get out of hand.
If it did get out of hand, a good GFE would not air her dirty laundry in a public thrAD.
And a good person wouldn't badger the general population with insultingly stupid displays of shameless self-promotion.
It is interesting how many ladies will write threads about the hazards of lower cost providers and then embarrass themselves chasing free marketing.
Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Obviously you haven't read the thread.. Real expectations were set by letting him know when I would be back in the area...
And this is all to real.... what is the board for? For feedback, suggestions etc... NOT for bashing each other.. as usual you my dear are wayyyy off topic....
I really do need to promote you help out really well with that for me.....
This thread was for thoughts on dealing with Overbearing clients... without being rude! And was meant for providers not hobby it anyhow... ONCE AGAIN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE SAYING... AS USUAL