So long, Farewell, AufWiedersehen, Goodbye

  • Paven
  • 03-05-2012, 08:35 AM
Oh Maxeen I'm very sorry to hear this, but I have high hopes for you.

Life can be such a roller coaster ride at times and I will keep you in my thoughts
and prayers. You are such a strong woman I know that you will beat this
and it will make you even stronger. Taking this time to heal is the best thing for you and I'm happy that you have a family that can take care of you during this trying time.

Much aloha to you sister.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Maxeen I'm so sorry to hear about your plight. I have seen you a couple of times and you are a very happy and very vivacious woman.

Nothing is more important than your health. You take the time to heal and rest. If it is meant to be then you will be back playing in our play land as soon as it is possible.

My well-wishes go with you.
Maxeen, I wish you could have retired on terms of your own choosing but life sometimes make them for us. You will be truly missed by this community. You are a strong, confident and independent woman and this is just a bump in your life's path. You will come out of this bump as strong if not stronger. Although I have only known you for a little under a year, I know you have made many friends in this community that love and adore you. Take those friendships and memories and keep them close to you. They will help you along this new path in your life. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
Sammy75's Avatar
Bloody fucking hell, that totally sucks!

I enjoyed partying with you, Max, I wish you all the best for health and happiness!
This is a sad day indeed. I hope that you will look in on your community from time to time and when necessary nudge us back to the center of the path.

I have been around for a very long time and, when I think of you, my dear, I think of all of the good things that are and could ever be associated with the moniker "Austin Adorables"!! You truly are what was in the person's mind that thought up the token of endearment that was meant when they coined the nickname "Austin Adorables".

In the words of Commander Spock, "I have been and shall always be your friend." I truly mean that, and if you should ever be in need, remember to call on your friend(s).

You will be sorely missed!

May you always have sunshine on your face and fair, gentle breezes at your back!

squiretuck's Avatar
Dearest Max; I've read all the posts so far. They pretty much say it all. I cannot top any of them. You are a truly special, strong, fun woman! I had wonderful times and laughs playing with you, and being invited to your parties. You treated me as a dear friend as you do all your clients/friends. For having you in my life even for a very short time I am most grateful! Bless you; heal up and go on to doing wonderful things.

PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 03-05-2012, 09:00 PM
Maxeen, my heart sank the moment I heard you had to go back to the hospital on Friday. I am so, so sorry.. I hope that it's only smooth sailing and you recover and heal back to 100%!

I can't pretend to know how you're feeling or what you're going through, but know I love you and you're in my heart! If you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask!

You're my golden dove! Come back only if you are able, you push yourself so hard, please take care!


I have known you for a long time and seen you go through some rough times, but you always come back to the top. You are a dear friend and always will be, take care my dear. It will be good again I promise.

Your friend forever,

NipLover's Avatar
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Oh noooo....

Maxeen, I'm truly saddened to hear this. I've been away from the boards and I thought that you were well on the mend. Now this....

Tsk Uggh! Fuckshitdammittohellsonofabitc h....GRRRRR!!

This entire ordeal is just full of suck, Maxeen, and my heart goes out to you!

You do whatever you have to in order to beat this thing and get yourself well.
Just don't forget that you've carved a special place in a lot of our hearts and
that we're pulling for you. If ever there's anything I can do, anything, please
don't hesitate to call. You know how to reach me and I will be absolutely bent
if you don't.

You've been a great friend and I luv you for that but make no mistake about
this; I will haunt your dreams if you forget about me. You know that I will,
fu~kker, so don't test me. LoL! So do what you need to do and know that
you've got an open-invitation to call. Ai'ite? AI'ITE??!

I'm sorry for all of this crap that's landed on your lap and I'm sorry that sorry
isn't enough. But your friends are here to help you get through all of this, so let
us. That's what friends do.

With the fondest of thoughts and the warmest of wishes,
your friend,

I'll gladly give you big hugs in-person, but as you well know, you make me boner, so don't say that you weren't warned


Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 03-07-2012, 12:01 PM
DTorrchia's Avatar
Your class, humor and spunk will be missed here. I wish you all the best, a speedy recovery and the peace of mind to know you're doing the right thing for yourself. Nothing is more important than your health. Good luck Maxeen and take good care of yourself!
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
OMG! I am so sorry to hear that!!!! I really hope you do get better... You are such an awsome lady! Please keep in contact with me... I would love to come visit you when I come back if your feeling up to it!!!
gman44's Avatar

Take care and I wish you the best. I'm glad that I got to meet you. I will always think of you as my friend. Don't be a stranger
Guest062716's Avatar

It is indeed a sad day for me as well as for many of the Austin ECCIE community. It seems like only yesterday that we met on the “P” when we both first arrived on the scene together, all those years ago.

To be sure, the times have been good, at times they were great, and on occasion, the times have been quite the challenge. You have been through a lot these past few years. The loss of family, the loss of friends, the loss of health…..... Throughout all of that, your strength of character and your will have carried you far.

It has been genuinely said, that you are a true “Austin Adorable” and that, my dear, is a title you have earned and will carry well upon your retirement.

You have been a help and an inspiration to many in our community, providers and hobbyist alike. You always went our of your way to make all feel welcome. Many of us owe you a great debt that cannot be repaid. Know that as you physically leave us, the marks you leave on our lives and hearts cannot be erased.

You always know how to reach me. Never hesitate to do so.

God speed and God bless.

Heartfelt and most respectfully,
