GOP Senator fathers child with daughter of another GOP Senator

Look, trying to keep count as to which Political Party has the most sleaze bags in it is an exercize in futility...... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Correct, the point is after the allegations have credence, how the party deals with their accused tells the true values of that party.

People in both parties, and voters, would be well advised to quit worrying about the private lives of public servants and start worrying about their policies. We'd all be better off. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I notice counselor that you left off worrying about ethics violations. Why?

What people that respect the law want are facts that support this right wing blogs contention that he had sex with underage women.

Should someone on the left start a blog and post that Cruz had sex with an underage girl, I would afford him the same courtesy.

You do understand this accusation was made right before the election? That does not mean it is not correct but it damn sure smells fishy. Bring some evidence. That is WTF people on the left are asking for. Originally Posted by WTF
This is the "evidence" that the FBI had:

Its an email. The emailer provided names and phone numbers of the women. All of the women are of age.

Another email tells to the FBI to contact a hooker. The hooker said that Menendez liked them young. I don't read spanish well anymore.

I agree these emails aren't a high level of proof. I would expect that the FBI gets tons of emails everyday (just from COG ) and that before something was leaked the investigation was not a total dead end. Again, just conjecture.

But WTF this is more than a blog entry. The "other" reality is that the Secret Service agent wouldn't've jilt the Colombian hooker her fee, they would still have their jobs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There was no allegation of sex with minors before the election. The allegation before the election was that he interfered with HLS about a staffer who was an illegal alien and a sex offender. That turned out to be true and once the digging began...AFTER THE ELECTION!
Then go look up the recent scandals and get back to me. Generally, in the recent decade or two, the Republican generally shun those who get caught AND they force them to resign. Larry Craig is the exception.


Craig is no exception. We have David Vitter (R-LA) accused in repeated crimes with a hooker as he wore baby diapers and Vitter's aide accused in two separate abuse cases where both girlfriends suffered Jason Gideon-like injuries at his hands and in both cases, Vitter refused to suspend or fire him until the firestorm was out of control and he had been convicted in one case.

He pled guilty to toe tapping which was a disorderly conduct charge and finished out his term. Weiner fought it tooth and nail for 3 weeks before he opted to resign AND got backing from the liberal media.

We've also got Senator John Ensign (R-NV) who screwed his staffer on an ongoing basis with the possible scenario of her silence being bought because she needed her job and then we have Ensign paying off her and the husband with a hundred thousand dollar check from Ensign's parents and Ensign's illegal aid and persuasion in landing the husband of his mistress a sweet lobbying gig.

He only resigned after the continued scandal reported for over two years dropped his poll number enough to make him realize he probably couldn't win re-election and that if he did, ethics charges might soon follow on the lobbying job rules he broke by getting his ex-staffer's husband a lobbying job.

How about Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) (of hiking the Appalachia Trail fame) who was finally forced to resign after being caught flying to Argentina to boink his longtime mistress but who is now back running for office again "blessed" by a God of "Second Chances"? LMAO! We have others in both parties.

Lemme ask you this: if a Republican was caught doing what Barney Frank did, how long do you think s/he would be able to keep their office? Mark Foley resigned because he did what Barney Frank did only Foley's crime was with UNDERAGE boys and in a non-consensual way unlike Frank's lovers being well over the age of mutual consent.

Oh, I agree situations can happen with candidates of either major party. Its how they handle them that is telling. Republicans usually force them out or marginalize them, in Clinton's cause its lauded. Same with Teddy Kennedy.

At least you finally admit after throwing out a completely different comparison that it is not all Democrats and Republicans - the first sane political comment you've had in most of this thread. I acknowledge John Edwards' dastardly deed while he should have been supporting a dying wife but when are we going to recognize that these failures are human failures and not party-specific?

I have issues with Menendez. Back in the 2000s I mongered in foreign countries. The law he helped pass that made it a crime for a US citizen to have sex with underaged women on foreign soil was a threat to me and my crew - not that we were looking for underaged women. For the most part we went the the Zonas that have some type of regulations. BUT, it doesn't mean those people in Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, etc cant let someone slip thru. THAT meant we could be arrested. The reason we were going out of the US was to not break the US laws (and get good, cheap pussy).

The asshole got caught violating the law he himself passed. The other issue is he wanted to cut down on the sex tourism trade that he himself participated in. I don't blame him for wanting to partake of the LBFMs but don't make it harder for me, and don't do it under the guise of some lobbyist who is basically paying you off. Originally Posted by gnadfly

This board would be a lot better off if people weren't so quick to try to marginalize their political opponents with guilt by party affiliation or guilt by association. It is a human condition not unlike what each of us chooses by entering this "hobby". Sure, there are basic philosophical differences but none so great that we can't look down deep inside and see that the extent to which things have deteriorated are simply unhealthy for mending the country and finding the badly-needed middle ground to again embrace solid foundations upon which meaningful change can be built.

Once you abandoned the partisan nature of your claims and began to show us you knew that the "sins" transcended party lines, you begin to show what GOOD can come of rationally looking into the human condition and abandoning the notion that it s one party or the other.

Thank you for your input.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

This board would be a lot better off if people weren't so quick to try to marginalize their political opponents with guilt by party affiliation or guilt by association.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I actually agree with that. I wish the media did, as well.
I actually agree with that. I wish the media did, as well. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Excuse me, after reading the disingenuous cocksucker's last post, I think I am going to:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, BTLD. At least you finally accomplished something.
Well, BTLD. At least you finally accomplished something. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's at least one step further along than you............ disingenuous cocksucker!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Look who just learned how to spell "disingenuous". You're funny, BTLD!