Providers that use their incalls as work and home. How do you customers feel about that?

BBW Katrina's Avatar
I am sure the girls who get the stalkers are the one with over 100 reviews and people feel like they have a "famous" feel to them and just want be like star struck or something like that... is that it? like Ms. Tara Evans i bet some guys would stalk the crap out of her. She is an internet sensations. But little ol chicks like me who arent a house hold name.... dont have nearly as many problems if any....

Never the less i cant wait till i get a stalker sounds like they are good money lol. It would be real expensive to stalk me lol, but seriously what makes a stalker, does he continue to schedule everyday of the week? or does he just sit outside your apartment in obvious view watching your door with no activity (or i guess if you have high volume customers he will be watching all the action) then what does he get out of this?

he knows that if he has the money he can see you... i dont see why men would stalk a provider... and i dont see why providers if they felt a guy was a danger, would hesitate to call the police and get a restrainging order or have them come ask the man why he is sitting in his car at 2am for no reason and he does not live in this area....

i thought men only stalked women they could not have.... like the lady at the grocery store, or the banking lady , most never even talk to the people they are stalkinig.

are these men wanting to take the provider out of the hobby and make her his wife?
If that is the case not so bad if he is gonna take care of me , i could learn to love him (lol j/k)

but seriously what is the motive to stalk a provider?

I probably havent gotten any stalkers because i dont lead men on to think there is anything more there than it is. Perhaps some ladies tend to like to play with mens emotions to get more money out of them and sometimes just give them money do not even give them a session just like a gift for nothing, for being pretty.... Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
You my dear are the most presumptuous person I have ever ran across. The things that come out of that MOUTH on a daily basis fucking floor me. Ohhh to be young and naive again. Sorry if that seems rude, but sometimes a person can only take so much ignorance in a 24hr period. Go ahead and shoot back..I'm ready.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Tara, Mya.......Both of you are beautiful women and I an looking forward to spending time together over and over again....

SweetAterPie's Avatar
I cannot help but express an appreciation of the courage it must take to out one’s self.
Yes a major mark was missed here. Let's just say I am a hobbyist, I have reviews and no past. I show up to your incall location aka your house, I have access to look around see your nice tv, stereo, computer ect.... I then have an inside to your house where I can not only see where you just stashed your cash, you obviously don't put all your money in your bank account. Leave a window open, have my session. I then use a second handle or have a friend call you for an outcall...... you fill in the rest.... never trust anyone
a.c.jobim's Avatar
For ladies out there thinking about doing this - be on the second level or higher!! Never be on the ground level = ever!!!

When I visit ladies in their places where they live, I tell them the risk they are taking. Many say, "Wow, I didn't think of that!" I also tell them, "I hope you have some defense items in this house - and please don't tell me or show me them!!!" Many of them do show me there weapons stash after they feel comfortable with me. Not sure if it was meant as a deterrent or to put me at ease to let me know they could take care of themselves! LOL!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Yes a major mark was missed here. Let's just say I am a hobbyist, I have reviews and no past. I show up to your incall location aka your house, I have access to look around see your nice tv, stereo, computer ect.... I then have an inside to your house where I can not only see where you just stashed your cash, you obviously don't put all your money in your bank account. Leave a window open, have my session. I then use a second handle or have a friend call you for an outcall...... you fill in the rest.... never trust anyone Originally Posted by Lolabrea01
Exactly!!! Some people are too naive to realize that type of stuff. In California a dancer friend of mine saw a client on the side at her apartment and when she decided to stop seeing him he burned the place down!

Also what if a client gets pissed and wants to out you to the apartment managers now not only to you have to find an incall but you need to find a place to live too!

Also I hate to break it to you Mya but clients do gossip A LOT!!! I've had clients volunteer to tell me where exactly where other providers incall without me even asking. You piss off the wrong bat shit crazy provider or client and your whole life can be turned upside down.

You don't think these pimps that you constantly are bashing on this board along with their girls dont have you on their radar?? Sometimes it's better to say less and fuck more matter of fact 95% of the time that is the case here in the hobby.

Why draw that type of attention to yourself? Sure there are the drama kings praising you and pumping you up because they feed off drama but I'm telling you now most of the good ones say little and sit back and observe.

Soon enough you may have more attention than you need or want honey
cheatercheater's Avatar
As long as two things don't happen:

1. Someone knocks at the door and says honey do you know where I put the other box of shotgun shells

2. a small hand slaps me on my bare ass and a voice says get off my mommy
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
The couple of ladies I saw at their residence both ended up having to move. One had to to move after police involvement and isn't even in the hobby now. I cannot help but think the fact they had random guys showing up at their home at all hours of the day played a part in that.

Even without the stalker issue there is just too much risk I would imagine.
TinMan's Avatar
Good points on the danger of neighbor nosiness if you are a high volume provider. I, too, will stay away if I perceive a lady is seeing a lot of gents out of her home.

I've known several women to reduce that risk by seeing all new clients in a hotel, then using their home only for regulars. That cuts down on the traffic and allows you to weed out many of the creeps before you let them know where you live.
Been there done that, both BP & ECCIE/ASPD.

BP gal - she advertised massage or maybe bodyrub. I was naked on the table in the spare bedroom in her apartment, she was getting comfortable, then suddenly quipped that she needed to go make sure she had locked the front door so kids who were playing outside did not surprise us. Had a good time with her, but always questioned her smarts.

ASPD - several ladies. Sometimes knew it was their home as well as incall, sometimes did not learn till later.

For the ladies, all you need to do is look at the number of times some stalker or crazy dude causes an issue. Pretty frequent. From the guy's standpoint, assuming they keep home & incall clean, and traffic is not an issue, I think the risk is minimal. Recognize, whether it is an incall only or doubles as a residence, you always have to worry some nut-case is going to visit a gal, then stake out the incall to see who visits next.

I always get a kick from guys who read an review, then reply they are seeing the same lady the next morning, afternoon, etc. Anyone who has seen the lady need only stake out her place for a couple of hours to be able to associate a face, car license, and any other pertinent information with the guy's handle. This is as dumb in my eyes as the guy who states he is at a certain hotel, strip club, etc. and wants to get services rendered at a specific time. Anyone, LE or some nut-case has a good chance of locating you from the information and creating havoc.

Finally, my last rant is the reverse of the lady using her residence as her incall: Guys who do outcalls to their own home or hotel room with unknown BP ladies or ladies with suspect reputations. It would be one thing to invite, say a Jules, over to your place for an outcall. She is a known entity. But to invite an unknown provider, now her, her driver, her pimp, and whoever she uses for security (no lady should do an outcall without telling at least one other person where they are going.) knows your address, associated with your hobby information. Address means they can track who the heck you are. Also, the lady can case your place for valuables to come back later and steal. the line of problems goes on and on.

Overall, as a hobbyist, I don't see a big risk for the guy when the lady uses her residence as her incall. The risk is on the lady. And the most critical issue that arises is her ability to SCREEN.
You my dear are the most presumptuous person I have ever ran across. The things that come out of that MOUTH on a daily basis fucking floor me. Ohhh to be young and naive again. Sorry if that seems rude, but sometimes a person can only take so much ignorance in a 24hr period. Go ahead and shoot back..I'm ready. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Thank you
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
All good points people, but the fact is a guy can decide to stalk you from real life, in fact i think its more likely real life than hobby, Most hobbyist unless he is just born rich and doesnt have anything to do all day , usually have jobs to tend to and wives and kids of their own. In todays day and age you have to really get under a persons skin to stalk you. It can also go both ways as the fellow said. If you are not doing anything to provoke issues, i suspect you wont have any.

ALSO another good point is that i do NOT trust other providers to come to my incall, i do worry about THEM wanting to come back and steal stuff, I have only let like 2 girls come to my incall and that was after we hung out in a public place first. Youre right a provider and her pimp are way more likely to be the culrpits of robbery and mal intentions than a hobbyist actually. Hobbyist let alot more info go than providers do, especially to those girls whom have a completely nother person doing their screening and booking for them!

I know i have not been around for years and years but in the solid year i have been around i have not experienced any of the issues women complain about constantly on the board... so i mean maybe my "type" just doesnt attract the type or maybe i havent had my lucky day, but ither way i will say i am not afraid to call the police if i need to, i can guarantee that lol. so if someone wants to act crazy one day they will be going to jail. The police help young women when they call about problems with an estranged or stranger man whom has gone too far.

But i really think the stripping is way more likely to get a stalker simply because of the "famous" feeling men can get from women who are int he big spot light. Strippers use fake names and play all kinds of games on guys to trick them and i am sure they have many men that has disdain and animosity towards the tricks and lies they have fallen for out of a stripper.

As a provider i feell it is the optimum most honest line of sex work you can do , imo. It leaves little room for a man to feel jipped or played if you are conducting business the right way. It also leave very little for the man to become obsessed over... But i do understand there are some very spectacular women that just makes men never want to leave, literally.

PLus if anyone hates me for being independent , i will pray for them lol, to manys surprise i dont EVER get pimps texting me trying to recruit me like i hear alot of girls complain about. Maybe its because i make it clear to dont get down that way. So i will never be afraid to express my disgrunt about that.

I probably shouldnt throw this in here, but i am anyway.... I also dont have to worry about a white guy liking me and then wanting to find out if i f*** black guys. I'm sure that equates for atleast 50% of stalking occasions... in fact im pretty sure black girls just dont get stalked nearly as much as other fairer skinned races. Not trying to pull any race card either ijs
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
You my dear are the most presumptuous person I have ever ran across. The things that come out of that MOUTH on a daily basis fucking floor me. Ohhh to be young and naive again. Sorry if that seems rude, but sometimes a person can only take so much ignorance in a 24hr period. Go ahead and shoot back..I'm ready. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina

What i am confused, where did i offend you at in my post? I thought we were cool katrina what happened?

I hope you did not take the beginning sentences seriously i was kidding when i said i wanted a stalker sounds like they are good money, i was kidding. When i say lol, i mean Lol
I am sure the girls who get the stalkers are the one with over 100 reviews and people feel like they have a "famous" feel to them and just want be like star struck or something like that... is that it? like Ms. Tara Evans i bet some guys would stalk the crap out of her. She is an internet sensations. But little ol chicks like me who arent a house hold name.... dont have nearly as many problems if any....

Never the less i cant wait till i get a stalker sounds like they are good money lol. It would be real expensive to stalk me lol, but seriously what makes a stalker, does he continue to schedule everyday of the week? or does he just sit outside your apartment in obvious view watching your door with no activity (or i guess if you have high volume customers he will be watching all the action) then what does he get out of this?

he knows that if he has the money he can see you... i dont see why men would stalk a provider... and i dont see why providers if they felt a guy was a danger, would hesitate to call the police and get a restrainging order or have them come ask the man why he is sitting in his car at 2am for no reason and he does not live in this area....

i thought men only stalked women they could not have.... like the lady at the grocery store, or the banking lady , most never even talk to the people they are stalkinig.

are these men wanting to take the provider out of the hobby and make her his wife?
If that is the case not so bad if he is gonna take care of me , i could learn to love him (lol j/k)

but seriously what is the motive to stalk a provider?

I probably havent gotten any stalkers because i dont lead men on to think there is anything more there than it is. Perhaps some ladies tend to like to play with mens emotions to get more money out of them and sometimes just give them money do not even give them a session just like a gift for nothing, for being pretty.... Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Internet Sensation, huh? Wow thank you!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
yes tara everytime some makes a list of which provider is best at this or is most pretty you always are on like 9 out of 10 lists.

and to jules, you know i hate to admit it but you are right i know i post too much and talk too much on here but truth is this is my only outlet to talk about the hobby. i dont have any civie friends really or provider friends, in the area atleast MonetLuv is my bestie but she is so far away. I dont wanna make a face book... i need more of a life i really do, i am gonna try this year though to not post so much and find something else to do lol. . . and other people to talk to cause i notice most providers dont post alot, especially the phenomenoms... eccie is my social media, and i must admit i am a little addicted hehe