Have you ever bump into or seen your provider on the outside accidentally?

pmdelites's Avatar
I'm a business associate, period.
if we've planned a dinner .... I always dress professionally so as not to draw attention. Originally Posted by Torre Tames
great, so long as the 3rd party doesnt go much deeper.
then you need a story of how/where you met, etc.

that's why i use the volunteer gig or old company relationship.

hmmmmmm, torre, maybe we need to meet for a business consultation w/ lunch before or after :^}
Say What's Avatar
Say What
Three times…all different providers. Each time, we made eye contact, recognized one another, and behaved as if we were complete strangers. The real pros know how to conduct themselves in situations such as these. One of my three is on this thread.

DO TELL! Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Well, once was at a Chili’s when I was with my entire family…kiddos and all. She was at the bar with friends. Eye contact. I wasn’t sure she recognized me. Got a PM from her later that day thanking me for being discreet.

Second was at Bass Pro. Shopping with my son. She was with her hubby. Locked eyes and gave the grin. Not a word.

Third was at another restaurant. She appeared to be with her father. We were sitting at adjacent tables. PM’d her later and had a good laugh.

One of these was with a lady on this thread. She can tell you if she chooses.
WTOilMan's Avatar
Just treat them as a friend. Say Hi and be normal.
Pangolier's Avatar
on a related note, what do you guys thinks about when taking your provider of the morning, noon, or night out to eat (mcdonalds or high end)? what do you do to lessen the risk of soneone you know spotting you there, worse coming over to you, talking w/ you, asking who your friend is, etc ??

over the years, i have taken one or two providers out to eat. i generally go in ahead of them to scan the place, pick a spot away from the door and even out of line of sight (like in the last booth w/ me sitting w/ my back to the restaurant), and hope for the best. sometimes we come up w/ a backstory - we used to work together, we volunteer at the same place, etc.

ever get "caught" while out w/ a provider??
what heppened? what were the consequences?
(it could be your "friend's" story :^} Originally Posted by pmdelites

Been out to eat with 3 different providers, all comped by them, though on 2 occasions before or after a session at no additional charge.

Now that I think about it... One time the girl was visiting my city from out of town, so nobody in my city would have knew / recognized her. I guess someone could have recognized me, but I wouldn't give a shit as no one probes my romantic / sex life and I'm known to be single. I could just call her my friend or new girlfriend if that had happened.

2nd time the girl asked me before heading out not to hold hands with her or put my arm around her in public because she was worried about that scenario. We had a private dining table and area so it's not likely anyone other than the waitress could have seen us "together" and the owner of that restaurant knows me personally.

3rd time yeah, I guess that was kind of risky. But more so for her than me. Again, I'm known to be single, and not known to be a church goer, nor am I a prominent business person or politician in my city. She was "dating" a guy at the time she was a SW. Had he walked into the restaurant, could it have erupted into a fist fight? In theory yes, but I later grew to know this man personally, and I doubt that would have happened looking back on it.

The bigger the city the less likely that is to be a problem. Very large concentrations of people have many different options on where to go to eat on any given night of the week, or even stay home and cook. A small town is where you run into problems, as everyone tends to know everyone, and they mind each other's business. That and you've got a small amount of people with limited choices and where they can go and when. Hanging out with your provider in public in a small town could be asking for trouble. I've never lived in small towns, and never will...
pmdelites's Avatar
Pangolier, yep the risk of it happening is probably small, but depending on one's relationship status, the impact could be majorly big.

i just thank the hobby goddesses & god that i've never be spotted out in public w/ a provider. tho there was one time an acquaintance spotted me driving down the street from a provider. good thing the provider lived near where i worked at the time. so just told the acquaintance that a bunch of us co-workers were having lunch at a co-worker's apt down the street.