
LexusLover's Avatar
I never "adopted" anything from you. You were the brainless fuck posting (same scientists same article) Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Written like a true retard.
Written like a true retard. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Yes you are glad that admitting it made you feel better.

I am sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid.
I thought you already knew.
Iam a bit puzzled why so many people regard Snowden as a traitor, or someone out to harm the National Security of America. In essence what this guy really did was give the American citizen the heads up that the NSA was indeed looking into a part of our lives that we would ordinarily regard as private. In other words Snowden saw activity that was in violation of our Fourth Amendment rights. If the Government agency NSA came to a person's house and demanded to see their phone records, email accounts, Bank Account statements, access to their computer to see what kind of activity they engaged in online, all without a warrant, Probable Cause or the written consent of the citizen. I wonder how many people would go for that degree of invasion to our Fourth Amendment rights, that is what was essentially taking place. Now he did betray the NSA in a sense but that was only because of what he discovered.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Be puzzled no more......

Snowden is a coward and a fucking traitor. He needs to come back to the US and stand trial if he is so goddamn certain he did nothing wrong and is a patriot. Bullshit. He belongs in prison.
boardman's Avatar
Be puzzled no more......

Snowden is a coward and a fucking traitor. He needs to come back to the US and stand trial if he is so goddamn certain he did nothing wrong and is a patriot. Bullshit. He belongs in prison. Originally Posted by timpage
A lot of politicians belong in prison as well...
If Snowden want's to come home and the government wants him to face the music then he should be allowed to put everything out on the table. The classified documents that were leaked should be unclassified(They were already leaked) and presented to a jury of regular American Citizens. If anything in those documents appear to be illegal activities violating our rights(maybe referred to a special prosecutor by the same jury) then the person or people responsible should be held to the same standard as they are trying to hold Snowden. Make it a public trial where we get to hear everything. Lay it out like that and either one side or the other will cave. My guess it would be the Government but politics will never let us know the truth.
Be puzzled no more......

Snowden is a coward and a fucking traitor. He needs to come back to the US and stand trial if he is so goddamn certain he did nothing wrong and is a patriot. Bullshit. He belongs in prison. Originally Posted by timpage
If you discovered something at your place of employment that violated employees privacy such as eaves dropping on telephone conversations, personal e-mails, ect. and you knew that the information that was gathered was not work related in any way but in fact a direct violation of their rights and you decided not to take any action to thwart the companies unwarranted actions by informing those that are unaware and could be unjustly scrutinized, to me that's cowardly.

boardman's Avatar
If this had been an unidentifiable source the administration would be spinning it just as they are the Afghanistan leak..."Oh' it was just a mistake that this information got out. We will investigate the matter to find out how and why it happened and hold those responsible accountable." Then in two years it would be "Dude, that's old news".
Isn't he a little young to be a "Cold War Spy"?
I B Hankering's Avatar
He says he tried to go through official channels before leaking information but met dead ends. Among the people he contacted, Snowden siad, was the NSA's general counsel office.
"I reported that there were real problems with the way the NSA was interpreting its legal authorities," Snowden said. "And the response, more or less, in bureaucratic language was, 'you should stop asking questions.'" Originally Posted by boardman
Snowden couldn't work within the system, so he went outside the system. Technically he is a criminal and subject to prosecution, but he did the American people an enormous service by revealing what was happening.
If you discovered something at your place of employment that violated employees privacy such as eaves dropping on telephone conversations, personal e-mails, ect. and you knew that the information that was gathered was not work related in any way but in fact a direct violation of their rights and you decided not to take any action to thwart the companies unwarranted actions by informing those that are unaware and could be unjustly scrutinized, to me that's cowardly.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Are you really unable to draw the distinction between your silly employment scenario and leaking classified intelligence material that is harmful to the interests of the United States? Seriously? Another classic example of how Obama Derangement Syndrome hinders the conservabots ability to reason.

Every single one of you asshats would be screaming for Snowden's head if this shit had happened during a GOP administration.
JCM800's Avatar
Snowden couldn't work within the system, so he went outside the system. Technically he is a criminal and subject to prosecution, but he did the American people an enormous service by revealing what was happening.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

So espionage is only "technically" a crime now?
Are you really unable to draw the distinction between your silly employment scenario and leaking classified intelligence material that is harmful to the interests of the United States? Seriously? Another classic example of how Obama Derangement Syndrome hinders the conservabots ability to reason.

Every single one of you asshats would be screaming for Snowden's head if this shit had happened during a GOP administration. Originally Posted by timpage
Snowden didn't leak anything that was classified. The information he leaked was about the unwarranted surveillance of common citizens. Put aside your political views once in awhile and think about what is right.

I B Hankering's Avatar
So espionage is only "technically" a crime now? Originally Posted by JCM800

So, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout, "technically" still means:
a : based on or marked by a strict or legal interpretation

He doesn't do "initial" links.

He waits until you find one, then "adopts" it as his. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If and when Ekim the Inbred Chimp ever cites a source, be sure to check it out. Nine out of nine times it'll contradict and undermine his POV.
1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well, I see that one of the Idiot twins (IB) is already spreading venom, hate and discontent this morning. It shouldn't be long before his two brothers (JD & JL) and The Patriarch (LexiLiar) along with his loyal smelly ol' Turdfly join him.

It's like a daily family reunion for the Idiot Family!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, I see that one of the Idiot twins (IB) is already spreading venom, hate and discontent this morning. It shouldn't be long before his two brothers (JD & JL) and The Patriarch (LexiLiar) join him.

It's like a daily family reunion for the Idiot Family! Originally Posted by bigtex
Why don't you take your nasty ass for another dip in the canal, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
for another dip in the canal Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I see that you have stole a play from The Patriarch's playbook. It's going to make Poppy Idiot sooooo proud to know that you are carrying on the Idiot Family Tradition! Airborne!

I expect Hank Jr. will break out in song at any moment!