They're Dropping Like (their) Flies

WyldemanATX's Avatar
OK then. Maybe W meant common "sense." That would make more sense, wouldn't it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ok, you caught me on a grammatical error...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Huh? Common since when? Since Bush Sr. nor W followed Reagan's views? I'm confused!

Common Sense... GHB and GWB both grew government spending...

And if one out of every one hundred books about LBJ describes him as a racist, that hardly makes it fact. Originally Posted by Booth

LBJ was a flat out racist...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
It is obvious that the liberals will piss and moan louder than conservatives....

This is just a pissing match that will not change anyones minds on their political views...

I am just gonna say this I am going to agree that we disagree...
  • Booth
  • 05-22-2011, 09:04 AM
Breaking news: bye bye Mitch Daniels!
  • Booth
  • 05-22-2011, 09:07 AM
Ok, you caught me on a grammatical error... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
LBJ was a flat out racists... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
So you're the one making all those great political signs!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Hey Booth, Go review someone or at least fuck someone that you can review...

All this crying and arguing will make you a big fat pussy....
WyldemanATX's Avatar
So you're the one making all those great political signs! Originally Posted by Booth
I already know that all politicians are gonna fuck us in the end I have much better things to do with my time...
  • Booth
  • 05-22-2011, 09:12 AM
Hey Booth, Go review someone or at least fuck someone that you can review...

All this crying and arguing will make you a big fat pussy....
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Come on guy, that's not what this thread is about. Another of the Republican contenders, Mitch Daniels, just announced he isn't running. That's what I'm talkin' about!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ok, you caught me on a grammatical error... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
No, that was a SPELLING error and nobody was trying to "catch" you. I was merely speculating on what you were trying to say.

As for LBJ being a "flat out racist:" I doubt you'll get too many folks around here jumping on that three wheeled bandwagon man. His record clearly states otherwise. In face, in terms of social programs aimed at helping the poor, aged and sick, no US President has come close.

He also was said by a number of people I know/knew who worked for him hto ave been a demanding asshole and a bully. These folks worked for him during his tenure in DC and afterwards here in Austin. Maybe that's what his chauffeur was talking about.

You read that book? Excellent!

And for the record, this has been a civil debate. No need to drag it down into name calling and personal attacks. Just my observation, mind you. I can't speak for others.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Interesting feature in this morning's Statesman about LBJ and the 40th anniversary of the library. Picture of Hillary when she was young and kinda hot.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
No, that was a SPELLING error and nobody was trying ti "catch" you. I was merely speculating 9on what you were trying to say.

It was spelled correctly just the wrong version of the word that makes it a grammatical error or misuse of the word.

As for LBJ being a "flat out racist:" I doubt you'll get too many folks around here jumping on that three wheeled bandwagon man. His record clearly states otherwise. In face, in terms of social programs aimed at helping the poor, aged and sick, no US President has come close.

Just because he had a voting record that looks like it was in favor of minorities doesn't mean the guy was actually looking out for them. His intent was to keep them dependent on the government for control and votes. I would think his Limo driver probably heard more of the real LBJ than anyone else did. His limo driver was a black man.

He also was said by a number of people I know/knew who worked for him hto ave been a demanding asshole and a bully. These folks worked for him during his tenure in DC and afterwards here in Austin. Maybe that's what his chauffeur was talking about.

LBJ was an asshole and a racist. He was known to use the N word often. Too bad we did not have cell phones and youtube back then...

And for the record, this has been a civil debate. No need to drag it down into name calling and personal attacks. Just my observation, mind you. I can't speak for others. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I have not called anyone a name specifically I just said crying and arguing all the time will make you a big fat pussy....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let me get this straight. Just because a guy's lifetime record consistently - and unwaveringly - supports a certain position doesn't prove that he really believes it.

OK. I think I got it now. Makes perfect sense.

But this isn't germane to the discussion. So I'm not going to say any more about LBJ, his driver or the difference between spelling and grammar. Feel free to discuss it by yourself, though.


BACK ON TOPIC -- Who'll be the next Republican to bail? Really, there aren't any who've declared, except for Newt. Pawlenty isn't in yet. Perry keeps saying he isn't going to run (DAMN) and now Dick Armey says he's going to start pushing Paul Ryan. Hope Ryan gets in. He'll REALLY frame the debate!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
OK. You win again! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am sure there are no winners on this...
  • Booth
  • 05-22-2011, 12:01 PM
Obama will be the real winner. Hard to see where the serious challenge will come from.
Obama will be the real winner. Hard to see where the serious challenge will come from. Originally Posted by Booth
Perhaps from his record in office. A large part of second term election is the performance in the first term. In other words, just as much a referendum as an Obama vs R challenger choice.

Lots of time left.