Sen. Josh Hawley becomes public enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill

Chung Tran's Avatar
The pillow man may be supplying the pillows and trying to partake and make it a 4way fist fest Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I think a pillow case can be made, that he's a right-wing Moron Jackass.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The sad but funny part is all the chicken shits that ran and now nancysss is on the hero tour
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wasn’t that exact issue litigated in the PA state courts.

Uh, yeah, defending the un-constitutional ( State ) position they took supporting the idea that changes to election law could happen even without the Legislature passing such laws which is why Hawley asked the SC to get involved.

Oh yeah it was. So the US Congress wasn’t the place to rearguard the issue.

The US Congress isn't the place to talk about States election law reforms? It was obvious from the Penn. SC that they were not interested in discussing election law reform since they thought what happened was perfectly legal setting off the debate Hawley was trying to make.

If he was legitimately concerned he could have tried to pass legislation long before the election.

How the same hell do you try and pass legislation for something that hasn't happened yet? The whole argument is that these "new laws" were put in place just before the election. You can't try to argue something that hasn't happened yet.

Or suit could have been brought in 2019. He wasn’t concerned enough then I suppose.

"IT" hadn't happened yet. I know damn well you know this but will argue like you didn't.

What he did do was go along with this right wing sentiment that an election was stolen which wasn’t true. All of his actions were purely political.

Now that's rich coming from a guy that supports Nancy Pelosi and her purely political actions. Makes one sound just a bit hypocritical don't you think?

He just though he could become the successor to the Trumpys just like Cruz. He knew that his ploy was doomed to fail.

You mean like going ahead with an impeachment doomed to fail? Like that? Yes what Hawley and Cruz did was political theater. In other words "politics as usual". But any suggestion they knew or should have known those actions would result in what we saw happen, is disingenuous at best at liable at worst.

Mitch was right in his speech and now Hawley and Cruz are reaping what they sow.

As all politicians should do. Nancy Pelosi reaped what she sowed by losing seats in the House. And Trump reaped what he sowed by losing his Presidency and the Senate.

Sadly they will be in Congress for several more years but they are terrible and I hope they are made inconsequential. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Like the two new Senators from Georgia? History may record that the Georgia run-off, featured the four worst candidates in history to pick from and I know you know that too.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Frankly, no one cares to listen to you split hairs.

Except you did care to read and listen to what I wrote and even take time to comment on it. If you didn't care to read what I post, you would put me on ignore like I have done with 5 posters who post nothing I care to read.

Not even Hawley. He didn't decide to object to the certification of the votes because he was so consumed with clarifying Pennsylvania law.

Good fucking grief man, you just made my point. Hawley objected precisely because he wanted Penn. election law clarified, not over turn the election because throwing out Penn. electors ( and even Arizona's ) wasn't going to change the out come. Thank you for agreeing with me even though you didn't known you were agreeing with me.

He was cynically trying to inherit the mantle of the Trump cause and position himself for 2024. That should be evident by his raised fist salute as he walked into Congress to start the shitshow. What is he supposed to be? The leader of a revolution?

You mean like the "revolution" Shumer and other Democrats speak of daily? "Elect the two Senators and we change the country"! Words of revolutionary zeal. And threatened SC justices by inciting his fellow revolutionaries to go after them if they don't vote the way Shumer wants, imitating the exact same behavior you say Trump did.

It blew up in his face. Serves him right. He will never live that photo down. As someone else wrote, it is "Dukakis on a tank photo".

Perhaps. He wasn't my first choice for 2024 anyway.

This is what happens when you have some overly ambitious 40 year old, Ivy League graduate trying to grasp the power he thinks is rightly his.

He is no different than Bill Clinton, but Slick Willy managed to avoid any major faux pas like this. Quite the opposite, Clinton you may recall condemned Sistah Soulja when she made some asinine statement that black folks should stop killing each other and kill white folks instead. Clinton was willing to cut off part of the radical Dem left in order to appeal to the center.

Hawley tried to appeal to the radicals and his career is toast. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210

I was not arguing Hawley's career. I was arguing his motive for calling for debate which you unknowingly agreed with. Thanks