To the guy that walked up to me in the grocery today....

Works both ways
I have mostly asian friends and nothing worse than a hot 20+ Asian girl showing recognition at Asian restaurant or H-Mart
Been lucky so far that none have approached, but the big Smile and recognition are still concerning.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Interesting that you all lead such intriguing lives, that even a brief moment of interacting with another human (of the opposite sex, particularly) sets off these cues, bells, whistles, and red flags...apparently to whomever's already suspicious about your Batman style nightlife. If life is that complicated for you, then [whispering] maybe you shouldn't be showing your face pics on a hooker board (for those that it applies to).

I get it. Before you call me all kinds of idiots and whatnot, I get it that you don't want to live with 100 impromptu "Hey, _____ (board handle, not real name). How are you doing? I had a great time with you last week. How about another appointment, and bring _____ from with you." while you're shopping for eggs and flip-flops. It's like being a celebrity a little bit. A local celebrity, and the average joe is very excited to see you. I'm not saying it's right, but you have to be a bit forgiving. Be the bigger person, even.

Ball caps and sunglasses are quite effective.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
*Was it daft behaviour? Yes. Do I think he meant malice? No. Maybe, he was too young, or too uneducated on etiquette? I think he showed bad judgement and nothing more. If he had wanted to muck things up he could've done far, far worse. Having a go at the blokes bad use of judgement isn't a logical way of changing poor choice making. We all agree he behaved like a cunt, now let's get on with it.

Well, maybe you were looking so hot and approachable at that moment, that he felt overly compelled to say something.

I'm sure he meant well. Maybe he didn't want to waste an opportunity to see a provider that he really covets. One thing about us guys, many of us, is, we hate to blow a prime opportunity. Nothing is worst to us than saying to ourselves afterwards is, 'I should've...'.

Maybe he realized his error afterwards. Aww, man. I came on a little strong. She's going to hate me now. He probably feels bad about it. Now you've come on the board and cussed him out and shit, people piling on. His psyche is DESTROYED now.

Nothing's worse than a man with no confidence.

Forgive him, ~Ze~, and you will be blessed.

Btw, do we actually pronounce ~~'s in your name, does that work, exactly? Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
no glove no love's Avatar
Ahhhh the lost art of discretion

I swear if I ever see you in public I will only tell you to "kiss my ass" as I discretely walk by....sheeze what an idiot!

Grace Preston's Avatar
Interesting that you all lead such intriguing lives, that even a brief moment of interacting with another human (of the opposite sex, particularly) sets off these cues, bells, whistles, and red flags...apparently to whomever's already suspicious about your Batman style nightlife. If life is that complicated for you, then [whispering] maybe you shouldn't be showing your face pics on a hooker board (for those that it applies to).
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
In the interest of fairness... the OP does not post facial pics.. or any OTHER pics for that matter.

Moreover-- the simple fact that she didn't flat out put the moron on blast, handle and all, shows a level of forgiveness. But the reminder that such behavior is a poor decision is good for all.
Sometimes we all need an etiquette reminder...
Randall Creed's Avatar
In the interest of fairness... the OP does not post facial pics.. or any OTHER pics for that matter.

Moreover-- the simple fact that she didn't flat out put the moron on blast, handle and all, shows a level of forgiveness. But the reminder that such behavior is a poor decision is good for all. Originally Posted by GracePreston
If the guy had walked up and literally said out loud, "Hey, ~Ze~!! How's it going?", I doubt anyone would've cared...or paid much attention.

Keep in mind that the average joe and jane walking around have THEIR OWN LIVES to be concerned about. They don't give a hoot about who's on Eccie. The odds of another hobbyist or provider being within earshot of either of them are as unlikely as us discovering life in the universe. If anyone would've heard him actually say 'Ze', at worst they probably would've thought the two were cool with each other and maybe assumed her name was Zoey, or something related to the letter Z. Odds are non-existent that in the minds of nearby people the thought of, "Oh, she's ~Ze~ from Eccie, and the guy is _____ from Eccie."

I'm pretty sure no one would've cared. They might've looked at both of you and thought, 'oh, that's a cute couple'. At worst.

Beyond that...nothing.

The average, every day non hobbyist/provider person isn't walking around thinking about Eccie.
no glove no love's Avatar
Therein lies the problem Rambro, other folks and people not knowledgable about Eccie might have thought "oh, they're a cute couple" seeing them standing together talking. But what if her Husband or BF had just walked to the next isle to get his favorite cereal? Oh and hey what if her Husband or BF is friends with the Manager of that Supermarket? Maybe her kid was over in the candy isle, or the restroom? Now do you see where the problem is?
Therein lies the problem Rambro, other folks and people not knowledgable about Eccie might have thought "oh, they're a cute couple" seeing them standing together talking. But what if her Husband or BF had just walked to the next isle to get his favorite cereal? Oh and hey what if her Husband or BF is friends with the Manager of that Supermarket? Maybe her kid was over in the candy isle, or the restroom? Now do you see where the problem is? Originally Posted by no glove no love
Charlie Brown's Avatar
You know you don't have to worry too much about being recognized when many of your regulars say to you : " You're right, I think we have met " !
Randall Creed's Avatar
Therein lies the problem Rambro, other folks and people not knowledgable about Eccie might have thought "oh, they're a cute couple" seeing them standing together talking. But what if her Husband or BF had just walked to the next isle to get his favorite cereal? Oh and hey what if her Husband or BF is friends with the Manager of that Supermarket? Maybe her kid was over in the candy isle, or the restroom? Now do you see where the problem is? Originally Posted by no glove no love
Sure, I guess. That could happen. I see hot chicks all the time that are suddenly joined by a guy out of nowhere with one item in his hands to dump in a basket she's pushing. And I've thought to myself, "Damn. I'm glad I didn't go over and make a move."

I could see it that way. But let's spin it forward a little bit.

Say she was with a dude, and he was grabbing bacon from another aisle, and on his way back a guy, or even a hobbyist, walks up on hot chick or provider.

I ask this, does she NOT have ready-made 'woman game' to run the approacher off? Does she have the think on her feet ability to ward off dude AND keep husband/boyfriend off guard about her 'Batman' nightlife?

I'm just being the advocate here to, I guess make providers think a little bit about their hobby life and real life, and the thin line that separates them.

I ask this to ALL providers: do you look the same in provider mode and real life mode? If so, then it's POSSIBLE that maybe you need to disguise one of them a little better. I'm not saying go incognito, Michael Jackson mask on the face or anything. Maybe pin your hair up with a baseball cap or something. Sunglasses are very good broad daylight disguises.

I know as a free American you have the right to dress the way you want, be in public the way you want. Sure, but there may be consequences. Just like celebrities. People MAY recognize you if you're looking regular. If you're a HOT CHICK, PRETTY, AND POPULAR, people may get excited when they see you, and in that one split second that people see you, they want to get their dime in. They may not be processing that they need to keep a low pro and not put you on the spot.

I'm NOT defending his actions, particularly, but more so saying that you have to be weary of people and their shortcomings and be ready to be the bigger person in the awkward situation.

If you are with someone, you should have an out for the situation.

[perplexed facial expression] "I don't know where he/she knows me from. Mmmm, maybe a book convention a couple years ago. I dunno. People are weird." [shrug]

If you calls you by your handle (i.e. hey Sweet Cakes), you could go, "I have NO IDEA who that was. I must look like his favorite stripper or something."

People look like each other. It could work.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I can't decide between facepalm or smh. (Maybe all caps, for emphasis?)
Randall Creed's Avatar
Facepalm of great agreement, eh?

Thanks, dude.
doug_dfw's Avatar
*Was it daft behaviour? Yes. Do I think he meant malice? No. Maybe, he was too young, or too uneducated on etiquette? I think he showed bad judgement and nothing more. If he had wanted to muck things up he could've done far, far worse. Having a go at the blokes bad use of judgement isn't a logical way of changing poor choice making. We all agree he behaved like a cunt, now let's get on with it. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
What acted like a C? How about a P? dude