Hobbyist vs Provider Why?

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2. Dudes are here because we won't (or can't) do better. Almost any dude who could go to a local bar and pick up a girl for 5 drinks instead of $250, WOULD. Originally Posted by Hobby Lobbyist
I believe this to be 90% true for a multitude of reasons and each hobbyist has his own.
Not sure about you, but my time is worth more than that. And while I will on occasion do just that, no matter the quality of the outcome, I am reminded how much time it takes for that hunt.

I would much rather take advantage of services offered by ladies here to get my need for strange satisfied. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I am sure we all think our time is valuable and I am sure there are some wealthy or at least very well off guys here in the hobby. But I know as for myself I can't remember when my time was worth $250 an hour. If it were possible for me to spend a half an hour and buy 4 or 5 drinks and get fucked or sucked off I would not be here paying $200 to $250 an hour just to get a YMMV experience. It's been said that all guys enjoy the hunt, but the only ones who enjoy the hunt are the ones who have had success at the hunt. If your success in the hunt is minimal or non existent you don't enjoy the hunt at all. My main reason for being here is I am married so it is virtually impossible for me to go out drinking and hustling for pussy without raising red flags. Nor do I have the time or energy to try and develope an extramarital relationship.
Boltfan's Avatar
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Boltfan's Avatar
What bar are you visiting where you can spend only a half hour or hour and hook up? At least with a mildly attractive lady? 5 drinks in a half hour? She would be passed out, not a fuck machine.

My time isn't worth $250 an hour. But a couple hours, quality drinks, at it approaches that for sure.

That's the line between decision for sure thing and some fun hunting.
I guess in response to Darkey's question, I did not know I was looked upon as a jaded person.

I do have conflict issues with girls who are on this board who seem to form an uppity opinion and have no class to back that opinion up with. In that case, I show no respect for them. And, in that case, I will usually finally use my words to tell them what I think of them - using their OWN words to show them how ignorant they are.

I don't think that makes me a jaded person though.

I think that makes me want to shut down an ignorant person from running their mouth like they know what the fuck they are talking about and all they are is a, well, I better not get going.

As far as the guys go, there are some that run their mouths like they run this "little hobby world", but I've formed my own opinion of them, and I've just stayed out of it. If it were the old board, sure. I would have jumped in. But honestly, I'm too busy for the guy side of the drama and keeping up with all that mess. You boys can have your own sword fights. I really don't care. I know whom of you I won't see. I know whom of you are intelligent enough with your rebuttals and or chiming in's that it's sexy.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Good question. I think some of the guys think they are better than providers. In fact I know that to be true in some cases. I don't know why a guy on here thinks he is any better than the sex workers that he pays to see. Some of the girls have been conditioned by "asshole" clients and girls who are managed are probably conditioned to think of us as "marks" or "tricks". I don't think pimps think highly of us. Even though we support their lifestyle. Also providers know that most of us are cheating on someone and that is hard to respect.

I don't think of myself as better than anyone, prostitutes included. I try to treat any lady with respect including the ladies that I meet from eccie. I believe that most of the ladies that I have met on this site would agree with that. I hope they would. I do sense from some of the ladies that I have met from eccie hold me in contempt for one reason or another. I only see those ladies once. Some people are just jaded and you can't usually fix that. I do usually get along with the providers that I see and I consider a few to be friends. Everyone has a story and I listen to their story if they want to tell it. I am genuinely interested most of the time. Many of these girls have had a hard time in life and I take no joy in hearing about their struggles. I don't try to "save" them, but I do listen.

So, if you think of a provider as a lowdown, filthy, whore or a "hooktard" that attitude will come through to them and it will further damage a girl who probably already has a hard time trusting men. And ladies if you look at us as just an ATM you will never make as much money as you deserve for what you do. I do know several ladies on here that appreciate their clients and care about customer service. One of them owns 2 houses and several cars. And when I say own I mean that these items are paid for. I think that is awesome!

I don't always succeed at doing the things that I am talking about especially when I drink. Plano Jim is a good example of a hobbyist that treats everyone with respect. And he sees some of the most beautiful girls on here. Hobby on, my friends.
I'm just feisty.

I've calmed down a lot on the boards in the past year or so. When I first got on here I got caught up in the "microphone to the world" mentality that comes along with internet forums. But as soon as you start enjoying that too much then you make yourself a target. I've been that target and learned from it. Now I pick my battles depending on whether or not I really feel It's worth saying anything. Usually it's not. I don't take ANYTHING I read here seriously because that's just a rabbit hole to nowhere.

I don't think it's gotten worse, I think it's gotten better. The reason for that is probably because of how I let it effect me.

Its just words on a screen. Nothing more.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Good question. I think some of the guys think they are better than providers. In fact I know that to be true in some cases. I don't know why a guy on here thinks he is any better than the sex workers that he pays to see. Some of the girls have been conditioned by "asshole" clients and girls who are managed are probably conditioned to think of us as "marks" or "tricks". I don't think pimps think highly of us. Even though we support their lifestyle. Also providers know that most of us are cheating on someone and that is hard to respect.

I don't think of myself as better than anyone, prostitutes included. I try to treat any lady with respect including the ladies that I meet from eccie. I believe that most of the ladies that I have met on this site would agree with that. I hope they would. I do sense from some of the ladies that I have met from eccie hold me in contempt for one reason or another. I only see those ladies once. Some people are just jaded and you can't usually fix that. I do usually get along with the providers that I see and I consider a few to be friends. Everyone has a story and I listen to their story if they want to tell it. I am genuinely interested most of the time. Many of these girls have had a hard time in life and I take no joy in hearing about their struggles. I don't try to "save" them, but I do listen.

So, if you think of a provider as a lowdown, filthy, whore or a "hooktard" that attitude will come through to them and it will further damage a girl who probably already has a hard time trusting men. And ladies if you look at us as just an ATM you will never make as much money as you deserve for what you do. I do know several ladies on here that appreciate their clients and care about customer service. One of them owns 2 houses and several cars. And when I say own I mean that these items are paid for. I think that is awesome!

I don't always succeed at doing the things that I am talking about especially when I drink. Plano Jim is a good example of a hobbyist that treats everyone with respect. And he sees some of the most beautiful girls on here. Hobby on, my friends. Originally Posted by Mavs fan

I really liked what you wrote. Well said IMO
plove35's Avatar
It is enough drama in the real world to bring drama to our fantasy world. Do not involve yourself in the high schoolery of this, but more into having a good time.

I do notice that alot of posters say things to make themselves seem more important or better yet a part of something.

For me, I am just here for the strange, I really do not want to have a real affair or even have a bar hook up. That shit gets crazy and brings real life drama.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-11-2016, 06:54 AM
I'm talking about meeting, and picking up a chick at the local bar, resulting in one-night of great fun, with no strings.

I've done it. But sometimes I want the guarantee instead of gambling, so I turn to the hobby.

As I said, most of the dudes here are unable due to lack of game, looks or enough self-respect (to keep themselves attractive to the fairer sex). But because of this inability, they have built hostility toward girls because as human beings, it's a lot easier for us to put the blame for our shortcomings on others instead of ourselves.

Originally Posted by Hobby Lobbyist
Speak for yourself....you don't know why "MOST" guys do anything. You have only know why YOU do something.

Those type of generalizations are ignorant.
When I first got on here I got caught up in the "microphone to the world" mentality that comes along with internet forums. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Great assertion THN!

Do you all find that, most of the time, a person's face to face persona may not be the equivalent of that which they exhibit on the board?

For example, I know I have scheduled with ladies that come off as complete biatches! However, in person, they seem like the sweetest human beings you would want to meet. Also, I have had the opposite happen to me as well, ladies who everyone lauded as sweet and all that have gone full Debitche Mode on me.

However, I guess that is just human nature, sometimes we feel (like a nut, j/k lol!) it, sometimes we don't.

FTR Angie, I don't think you're jaded at all. As a matter of fact, I think you're one of the ones who's board persona doesn't necessarily reflect your personality. You're a fun gal!
Most of my clients are married and could easily pick up a woman at a bar or a mall.

To me Its like this: slaughtering and processing a cow to take home and eat is a lot more work than going to a restaurant or grocery store and buying a steak. Kinda the same concept.

Add to that discretion and respect of privacy and you can see why intelligent, attractive, respectable men who want their sexual needs men delve into the hobby. It's not because they can't get laid, its because they can and don't want the crazy that often comes with it when feelings are involved.

It's definitely not just for losers who can't get laid. But yes, there are those too.
It's definitely not just for losers who can't get laid. But yes, there are those too. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Hey, I resemble that statement, lol. Although I may be a loser, and although I may not be able to get laid. I.......ummm.......what were we talking about here? LMAO! Go ECCIE!
Hey Darkey, I'll be around in the evenings all week if your loser ass wants to get laid.
Hey Darkey, I'll be around in the evenings all week if your loser ass wants to get laid. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

Losers need ass too!
Thanks Darkey,
I try to be fun.
Well, maybe not try. I kinda just am fun.