Nevada Brothels Thread

Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Katrina, I made a trip out to the Mustang last year. If you are interested in details PM me or email me. Hugs, Jenna Originally Posted by Jennasgfe

Thanks. I p'med you.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Thanks to all the ladies who replied to my question. Never working in a brothel the info from ladies who have worked there is a lot help. The biggest positive factor for me was being legal and being in what seems like a safer environment.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Katrina, the other thing you need to know that for the most part many of these places are very remote from any real civilization. The "Vegas" ranches for instance are a good hour drive or more from town. The Reno/Carson City ranches are much closer to town but still removed. The northern Nevada ranches are a LONG way from much of anything. If you haven't traveled out here before, it a whole different world from Houston, or most anywhere else for that matter.

There is plenty of other information to share if you are interested.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Katrina, the other thing you need to know that for the most part many of these places are very remote from any real civilization. The "Vegas" ranches for instance are a good hour drive or more from town. The Reno/Carson City ranches are much closer to town but still removed. The northern Nevada ranches are a LONG way from much of anything. If you haven't traveled out here before, it a whole different world from Houston, or most anywhere else for that matter.

There is plenty of other information to share if you are interested. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yes I am interested to learn. I love what I do and being able to do it legally at brothels is the biggest factor for me. I have a few ladies who said they would p'm me but anymore info you would like to share is also great. Feel free to p'm me I am very interested in the whole topic. For me it is a case of being legal .VS. making better money. The more info the better!!
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 07-29-2013, 05:53 AM
Other than keeping personal info private, why would we be sharing this info via PM?

Is this not the purpose of this forum, information exchange? If you get all your answers via PM, how will it help the next person with the same or similar question?

LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 07-29-2013, 05:55 AM
Double post, please remove.
niceguy's Avatar
As a person who lived in Nevada off and on for 15 years I can assure you the brothels in Nevada are only good for the owners, and no one else.

The prices are sky high mostly for mediocre service, and the girls are way over charged for almost everything they get from the owners.

The locations are very inconvenient as well.

Much better value can be found with the independents in Las Vegas or Reno, and the risk is no greater than anywhere else maybe even a bit less.

That being said though many of these ladies charge very inflated rates for what they offer, but good value can be found.

Many "weekend warriors" come to Vegas from Los Angeles (To Reno from San Francisco and other California cities), and many times can be found at a hotel bar.

The best way to approach these ladies is to make small talk at the bar and buy them a drink or 2.

You might even want to go so far as to offer dinner.

Not all these ladies you find here will be pros, and you might get "really" lucky. Just be yourself, assuming you are not a jerk in real life, and go with the flow.

The non pros are out of town to have fun, and that means different things to different ladies.