66% Want To See Bolton Testify In Senate Impeachment Trial

  • oeb11
  • 01-14-2020, 04:48 PM
McConnell hs made it clear there will not be a dismissal
The senate will take the Impeachment trial seriously - possibly with witnesses called "From Both Sides"!
The house Impeachment was a travesty - The Senate deliberation must take the Contsitution and the process seriously and with the proper deliberation - and McConnell has assured Nazi Pelosi he will use the 1999 Rules - adopted 100-0.

No chance for the Fascist DPST's to set up a travesty of conviction in the Senate without a hearing/trial - as nazi Pelosi and her minions like Schumer, et al desire.

Looks like Nazi Pelosi finally decided she has no leverage to "fix" a Senate trial - and Schumer couldn't do it either. - she will forward the Articles.

Trial next week.
  • oeb11
  • 01-14-2020, 04:49 PM
j666 - how about "Try Trump" for avatar???
You could keep it for Impeachment 2021!
Originally Posted by oeb11
I think a dismissal prior to airing the case is a grave error -

NGIT-it just might be before the american people

but before the eyes of an abstract lady justice, not so much

and it is a very tempting response to the travesty that is this impeachment

The House Impeachment is indeed a travesty. The Senate should show there is respect in at least one chamber of Congress for the Constitution. Time to hear the House case and with respect for the gravity of the Constitution and process - examine it closely and Vote.

And if the Senate desires further witnesses after the House presentation - so be it.

Let the Senate not respond to a travesty of an Impeachment with disregard - and thus creating another travesty.

The American people are owed that.

IMHO Originally Posted by oeb11

my thought is, if something is illegitimate, as this is

it should be treated as illegitimate
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2020, 07:38 AM
NGIT - I think the best way to show the illegitimacy of the House Impeachment - is to air it thoroughly and fully at the trial in Senate the Constitution requires.

I agree - tempting to dismiss - but McConnell is taking the Right approach - IMHO.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I'm still waiting for the CRIME part there idiots right along with the media

pelosi is trying her darnedest to infuse this joke of an impeachment with the grave loftiness of sincere duty and that its the stuff of heroic heraldry to be taught all school children

she calls it a indelible stain on president trump when its truly that the ink has spilt on her hands alone