This is for all you Bozos that don't think LE doesn't get information from reviews and use it in investigations!

Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Chill out dude, I asked for evidence because your initial posts didn’t have them.

Quit your crying.

It really should be noted that NOTHING YOU POST HERE isn’t already being read so again instead of whining, come up with some fucking solutions.

From the BEGINNING, I’ve said we should exercise caution so don’t lump me in with the people who don’t think nothing is happening.

Come up with solutions. Or all you’re doing is crying. Originally Posted by Aoi
I'm not crying, I am making people aware that we need to change the way we are doing things here. Everyone finds there own way to change. What works for you may not work for me and so on. If you call me out on an issue that's what you are going to get, rebuttal. I provided evidence and if you already knew it why are you asking me to provide it for you? I'm not here making shit up for your entertainment. I am speaking in facts. If you doubt me that's your right but don't come at me like I'm spewing garbage and fictional tales. As a matter of fact if you want to keep debating this have at it. I'm not going anywhere. Don't be surprised if you don't like what I say to you in return. I am a voice of reason. I am an advocate for change. I am looking for a better solution. I stand behind this community. I offer suggestions and push for more discretion. I don't hide my feelings behind a keyboard or phone. I am honest about my intentions. If you guys have an issue about my stance in this hobby then I am right here. Address me. I stand firm on my position but I am also open to reasonable ideas that will benefit everyone(including you AOI).
I am trying to align our thoughts suggestions and ideas for a better solution. Some of you just criticize, assume, speculate and conjure up disbelief.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 11-06-2019, 01:06 PM
Dude, come up with ideas. Or all you’re doing is crying.

Quit being a part of the problem by not doing anything and come up with a solution.
Dude, come up with ideas. Or all you’re doing is crying.

Quit being a part of the problem by not doing anything and come up with a solution. Originally Posted by Aoi
He has and so have I. We need to adjust our posting of reviews and leave out information that's indicating a crime has occurred. No more explicit listing of activities and no more mentioning money. You can't believe just how easy of a job we're making it for LE on this board. We might as well walk up to one of them on the street and tell them "See that spa over there? Yeah there's sex being traded for money in there.".
Don’t forget. Mamason and the ladies are making good money. More than many of the politicians and the LE who very likely are not getting nookie at home. These situations can get very frustrating.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Dude, come up with ideas. Or all you’re doing is crying.

Quit being a part of the problem by not doing anything and come up with a solution. Originally Posted by Aoi
Sounds like you're the one crying like a big baby. Hey cry baby, do you need someone to hold your hand through the process of being discreet on this board? Of course you do. Do you need someone to do your thinking for you? Ummm yes! Do you need someone to spell out what we need to do here to change things up? Sure sounds like it. It's funny that you're the only person that's asking for assistance because you can't even come up with your own ideas. If you look at my posts and past the smokey haze in your mind you can see that I have been offering ideas and suggestions all along. You probably didn't know that just like you didn't even know that the State and Federal Government are helping fund the operations that are shutting down the local Spas/AMPs in the area. You just don't get it do you? No worries because I will continue with the agenda at hand. Good day sir!
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
He has and so have I. We need to adjust our posting of reviews and leave out information that's indicating a crime has occurred. No more explicit listing of activities and no more mentioning money. You can't believe just how easy of a job we're making it for LE on this board. We might as well walk up to one of them on the street and tell them "See that spa over there? Yeah there's sex being traded for money in there.". Originally Posted by twitch760
I know I have. He's just not following along and being difficult. He's like the student in class that you hate to see raise his hand.

I don't know how many times we need to get the point across to be more discreet, change up the way you write reviews, don't bring unnecessary attention to yourself, don't reveal illegal activities, keep a low profile and on and on. What I tried to point out to him is that people are going to do what works for them when it comes to making changes. What works for one person may not work for another so you have to do it your own way as long as its being done. For example, the way one person writes a very discreet review may not be the way another person wants to write theirs. There is not an exact template but there is the knowledge of what needs to be done to change the way we do things because the old way is not working anymore. The old way has gotten us to where we are now. The old way has been assisting LE with their investigations. The old way of doing things has caused them to put new laws in place to circumvent what we are doing. There is nothing wrong with change as long as it's in the right direction and it's beneficial to the hobby as a whole.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 11-06-2019, 05:54 PM
I'm not crying, I am making people aware that we need to change the way we are doing things here. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
I agree. And I've said we needed to be careful on how to do things. However, the difference is, I'm not shitting my pants the way you are. You better go change your diapers there, scrub.

Everyone finds there own way to change. What works for you may not work for me and so on.
How is this even a response? "everyone finds their own way to change" You didn't even give an example of how YOU would change. You provide generalities which doesn't mean jack shit here, scrub. "What works for you may not for me" What the FUCK are you on? Again. Ambiguous. General. Vague. Not a solution.

If you call me out on an issue that's what you are going to get, rebuttal.
No, I asked you to CITE information because this thread, up to your response to my question, you did not provide anything. Also, it's interesting : You cite Abbott's proposal to dedicate thousands of dollars to fighting trafficking. Then why the fuck are AMP's STILL open? Do you have any idea how much EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS what is going on in there? Do you not know that it's literally meme now, of just how obvious these establishments are? No, you act like LE and politicians don't know what "Massage place" is. You're either severely overestimating your cunning or you're underestimating the elephant in the room, either way, you haven't really solved a fucking thing by pointing out the obvious.

And that brings us to another point : Do you not know that trafficking exists all over Texas in the form of illegal immigration? You're forgetting that major gangs traffick people all over the fucking world. Do you really think Abbott is specifically going to be going after lowhanging fruit like AMPs, which provide THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS of tax money every year compared to cartels kidnapping, trafficking and abusing people along the border? Texas has a huge illegal immigration population. You're so hung up on the idea of AMP's that you forget the obvious that other, far more serious (and less lucrative) problems exist.

I provided evidence and if you already knew it why are you asking me to provide it for you?
Because you didn't provide specifics. You didn't provide how much of the pie you think AMPs are potentially involved in. You, instead, sat in your corner, shitting your diapers.

I'm not here making shit up for your entertainment.
Nobody is. The difference is, we're not crying about how to move forward like you are.

I am speaking in facts.
No, you're not. You don't know the exact reason as to why AMPs close beyond raids, why certain ones are raided and others aren't or why they open and close at the rates. What you have are assumptions and a graphic which shows that the government wants to fight trafficking, which is an issue far beyond what you think you know about AMP's.

If you doubt me that's your right but don't come at me like I'm spewing garbage and fictional tales.
I'm challenging you to provide sufficient facts beyond "Texas is coming after everything!" You have yet to provide shit.

As a matter of fact if you want to keep debating this have at it. I'm not going anywhere. Don't be surprised if you don't like what I say to you in return.
On the contrary, I want there to be a solution, but you haven't provided anything concrete. You say you want to control the language here. Okay. How? Give us an example that won't incriminate the OBVIOUS THAT THIS IS A FORUM ABOUT PROVIDERS AND THAT THE AMPS STICK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB AND THE FACT THAT LE CAN EASILY MAKE AN ACCOUNT AND READ ROS DETAILS. Seriously. Give us a template that will somehow bypass ALL of that. Go ahead. But until then, all you're doing is crying.

I am a voice of reason.
What reason? You haven't provided a solution. You're like those moron protesters in the street crying about how we should all stop driving cars because of climate change or some shit.

I am an advocate for change.
You want to advocate for change? Provide an example. But don't wait for someone else to come up with one while you say "Game over man, Game over!"

I am looking for a better solution.
And crying about it is how you go about it?

I stand behind this community.
"Community"? lmao.

I offer suggestions and push for more discretion.
Right. Because being more discreet is really going to show LE what was already archived, how obvious AMPs are and the obvious nature of this forum. You really think people reading are that stupid? It must be nice, being as naive as you.

I don't hide my feelings behind a keyboard or phone. I am honest about my intentions. If you guys have an issue about my stance in this hobby then I am right here. Address me. I stand firm on my position but I am also open to reasonable ideas that will benefit everyone(including you AOI).
Real talk: You want to know what reasonable would be? You showing the ADMINS AND MODS in PRIVATE about potential solutions. Not out in the fucking open where literally everyone can read yours and others posted ideas. You wanna know what's even more reasonable? Reaching out to the owners of -x- spa and looking into finding a venue that doesn't scream the obvious.

Did you come up with any of that? Nope. You just sat there, crying and shitting your diapers.

I am trying to align our thoughts suggestions and ideas for a better solution. Some of you just criticize, assume, speculate and conjure up disbelief.
I'm actually on board for the indy idea. Or, maybe something like an agency. Somewhere that doesn't have an "Open" sign on the front fucking door.

You don't get to cry about the forum while not providing a template or an example of a solution.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 11-06-2019, 05:59 PM
He has and so have I. We need to adjust our posting of reviews and leave out information that's indicating a crime has occurred. No more explicit listing of activities and no more mentioning money. You can't believe just how easy of a job we're making it for LE on this board. We might as well walk up to one of them on the street and tell them "See that spa over there? Yeah there's sex being traded for money in there.". Originally Posted by twitch760
Oh, of course. Because, you know, it isn't like the powers-that-be WON'T know what this forum is! They WON'T know what discretion is, especially now that we have Mental here blabbing out about it in public like the village idiot! And they certainly WON'T know about the obvious AMP in the corner there!

You say mentioning no more explicit reviews. Okay. Give us an example of a review that would work.

Don't include talk of money? Yeah, most people here who know anything already won't do that.

Do you REALLY think LE doesn't know what is talk about here, no matter how discrete anyone here tries to be? You really think LE doesn't already know what that corner shop is?

Man, how naive are you?

You want my idea? I think the girls should somehow change venues to something far more discreet, like an agency or something even private. It shouldn't be right smack dab in the open next to a taco shop.

Sounds like you're the one crying like a big baby. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
No, it's just you looking through your tear-filled eyes.

Hey cry baby, do you need someone to hold your hand through the process of being discreet on this board?
Yes. Being discreet in this forum which serves a very specific purpose. And to somehow mask the very obvious AMP in the corner that everyone already knows ab out. you want me to teach you a lesson on what being public means?

Of course you do. Do you need someone to do your thinking for you? Ummm yes!
Says the person who can't come up with even a template for a review that he thinks should change. You're pretty bad at this.

Do you need someone to spell out what we need to do here to change things up? Sure sounds like it.
Lead by example. Oh, you aren't? Then stop crying.

It's funny that you're the only person that's asking for assistance because you can't even come up with your own ideas.
I literally never said I had ideas. I am calling YOU out to come up with ideas because YOU'RE the one advocating for change. YOU'RE the one who started this thread. YOU'RE the one who claims he cares about this community. Yet YOU'RE not doing a fucking thing.

If you look at my posts and past the smokey haze in your mind you can see that I have been offering ideas and suggestions all along.
Oh, right. "We gotta be more discreet!"

First of all, you just fucking announced you plan out in the open for everyone to read. So there goes any attempt at discretion.


Third, if you care so much about discretion and advocating for change, did you go to the webmaster and try to work with them directly on how to come up with a solution? Probably not.

Instead, you come here, crying.

You probably didn't know that just like you didn't even know that the State and Federal Government are helping fund the operations that are shutting down the local Spas/AMPs in the area.
You think shutting down locals spas and AMPs are really the thing of concern when these establishments provide literal money to the very government to get rich? If the government is so bent on getting the AMPs, why the fuck are they still open? It's not hard to spot an AMP. And it's not hard to figure out what this forum is. This place ain't your little hideout.

So, again I ask you : Where is your proof that AMP's are the thing the government is focused on when there are far less lucrative options they can go after?

You just don't get it do you? No worries because I will continue with the agenda at hand. Good day sir!
Oh. I do. I understand the AMP situation needs to change. I'm all for moving the venues to private locations that don't have a LITERAL FUCKING SIGN POINTING TO IT.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
I agree. And I've said we needed to be careful on how to do things. However, the difference is, I'm not shitting my pants the way you are. You better go change your diapers there, scrub.

How is this even a response? "everyone finds their own way to change" You didn't even give an example of how YOU would change. You provide generalities which doesn't mean jack shit here, scrub. "What works for you may not for me" What the FUCK are you on? Again. Ambiguous. General. Vague. Not a solution.

No, I asked you to CITE information because this thread, up to your response to my question, you did not provide anything. Also, it's interesting : You cite Abbott's proposal to dedicate thousands of dollars to fighting trafficking. Then why the fuck are AMP's STILL open? Do you have any idea how much EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS what is going on in there? Do you not know that it's literally meme now, of just how obvious these establishments are? No, you act like LE and politicians don't know what "Massage place" is. You're either severely overestimating your cunning or you're underestimating the elephant in the room, either way, you haven't really solved a fucking thing by pointing out the obvious.

And that brings us to another point : Do you not know that trafficking exists all over Texas in the form of illegal immigration? You're forgetting that major gangs traffick people all over the fucking world. Do you really think Abbott is specifically going to be going after lowhanging fruit like AMPs, which provide THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS of tax money every year compared to cartels kidnapping, trafficking and abusing people along the border? Texas has a huge illegal immigration population. You're so hung up on the idea of AMP's that you forget the obvious that other, far more serious (and less lucrative) problems exist.

Because you didn't provide specifics. You didn't provide how much of the pie you think AMPs are potentially involved in. You, instead, sat in your corner, shitting your diapers.

Nobody is. The difference is, we're not crying about how to move forward like you are.

No, you're not. You don't know the exact reason as to why AMPs close beyond raids, why certain ones are raided and others aren't or why they open and close at the rates. What you have are assumptions and a graphic which shows that the government wants to fight trafficking, which is an issue far beyond what you think you know about AMP's.

I'm challenging you to provide sufficient facts beyond "Texas is coming after everything!" You have yet to provide shit.

On the contrary, I want there to be a solution, but you haven't provided anything concrete. You say you want to control the language here. Okay. How? Give us an example that won't incriminate the OBVIOUS THAT THIS IS A FORUM ABOUT PROVIDERS AND THAT THE AMPS STICK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB AND THE FACT THAT LE CAN EASILY MAKE AN ACCOUNT AND READ ROS DETAILS. Seriously. Give us a template that will somehow bypass ALL of that. Go ahead. But until then, all you're doing is crying.

What reason? You haven't provided a solution. You're like those moron protesters in the street crying about how we should all stop driving cars because of climate change or some shit.

You want to advocate for change? Provide an example. But don't wait for someone else to come up with one while you say "Game over man, Game over!"

And crying about it is how you go about it?

"Community"? lmao.

Right. Because being more discreet is really going to show LE what was already archived, how obvious AMPs are and the obvious nature of this forum. You really think people reading are that stupid? It must be nice, being as naive as you.

Real talk: You want to know what reasonable would be? You showing the ADMINS AND MODS in PRIVATE about potential solutions. Not out in the fucking open where literally everyone can read yours and others posted ideas. You wanna know what's even more reasonable? Reaching out to the owners of -x- spa and looking into finding a venue that doesn't scream the obvious.

Did you come up with any of that? Nope. You just sat there, crying and shitting your diapers.

I'm actually on board for the indy idea. Or, maybe something like an agency. Somewhere that doesn't have an "Open" sign on the front fucking door.

You don't get to cry about the forum while not providing a template or an example of a solution. Originally Posted by Aoi
That rambling was as worthless as a Mexican Peso. It's quite comical if you ask me. I didn't shit any diapers but I almost shit my pants from laughing so hard. Is that why you have been sweating me to post specific ideas and solutions but then turn around and say to do it in private so the public can't see it? Like I said worthless ramblings because you don't like the way I'm doing things. Everyone has to do their own thing when it comes to change and solutions. It doesn't have to be posted in a public forum like you were begging me to do. I think the majority of the hobbyists here understand what's going on and how to proceed. We don't have to show the likes of you a step by step demonstration on how it's done. Oh yeah, trying to convince spa girls to go indy? Well good luck with that loser approach. The AMP scene isn't going anywhere. They will play the shell game and move around. Others will fill the void. We can't control what the AMPs do, we only can control ourselves. Good luck with trying to convince the Spa owners to go along with your idea. You will probably get laughed out of Dallas. Those people are gamblers and what they are doing is gambling with LE. They don't need you to direct their path. Your ideas may work if they were practical but they aren't.

I guess the only thing we can do at this point AOI is agree to disagree and I'm fine with that sir.
Chung Tran's Avatar
what I'm interested in, is a Christian Funeral for the Dead Horse that has been beaten to death.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 11-06-2019, 07:31 PM
That rambling was as worthless as a Mexican Peso. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
A Mexican peso has more worth than your utter non-solutions.

It's quite comical if you ask me.
I did ask you. And you had jack shit, which, ironically, is still worth more than your posting.

Is that why you have been sweating me to post specific ideas and solutions

No, I'm asking you to post specific ideas and solutions, because YOU'RE THE ONE BRAGGING ABOUT HOW YOU WANT TO ADVOCATE FOR CHANGE.

Put your money where your fucking mouth is, because all you're doing is talking shit now and not giving us even an idea of what type of content we should be posting. You're telling everyone else to do it yet you don't a damn thing.

but then turn around and say to do it in private so the public can't see it?
I think a more private location would be great, yes. It removes the a fucking sign that practically says "Fucky fucky here"

Like I said worthless ramblings because you don't like the way I'm doing things.
Newsflash, chump. You ain't doing shit beyond telling people what to do but not even giving an example of what type of thing they should post.

Everyone has to do their own thing when it comes to change and solutions.
Your solution was that we should watch what we say. Granted.

What do YOU think we should say, while maintaining the status quota here and for the obvious AMP scene? Put up or shut up, dude.

I am open to any examples. But don't bitch out on me now after your fucking preaching.

It doesn't have to be posted in a public forum like you were begging me to do.
Then where can it be posted? Specifics dude. do you ANYTHING?

I think the majority of the hobbyists here understand what's going on and how to proceed.
Clearly we don't, if you found the need to post this thread and act like the sky is falling (which it very well may be, but that would be the burden of proof on you).

This is you :

"We need to change how we do things ,but you should do things your own way"

Okay... and what is it that YOU would do that would be better than what is here? Either put up or shut up.

We don't have to show the likes of you a step by step demonstration on how it's done.
Never said "WE" had to. I said YOU have to. YOU are the one bitching here about how things are going down. YOU are the one saying we should change. YOU are the one virtue signalling.

So I challenge you : Beyond a general "We need to change how we say things" what type of verbiage would YOU suggest in order to maintain the type of... information here but still not have it so that LE won't use it in legal endeavors. (Newsflash, they'll use it anyway).

Oh yeah, trying to convince spa girls to go indy?
Maybe not indy, but part of an agency, like Hotdream or something. Again. Ideas are welcome. But you clearly do not have shit. So all you're doing is crying.

Well good luck with that loser approach.
And what's your approach? Oh.........................

The AMP scene isn't going anywhere. They will play the shell game and move around. Others will fill the void.
You started like, two threads POSTING THE EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE. Seriously, how dull are you?

We can't control what the AMPs do, we only can control ourselves.
And you clearly can't even give us an example of HOW we should do things.

See, when someone is advocating for change ,they should usually provide an example of how it can be done. Otherwise, they're loser virtue signalling losers who want the world to do things they themselves aren't putting foot forward to do.

That's what you are. You're lazy.

Good luck with trying to convince the Spa owners to go along with your idea. You will probably get laughed out of Dallas. These people are gamblers and what they are doing is gambling with LE. They don't need you to direct their path. Your ideas may work if they were practical but they aren't.
Like others have said, it's a fat change and laughable. I admit this, but I also think it's safer and something that can possibly be cultivated.

The agency "House" is made up of former AMP providers.

I guess the only thing we can do at this point AOI is agree to disagree and I'm fine with that sir.
What. the. fuck. are. you. babbling. about.

Agree to disagree? Scrub, you didn't provide anything TO disagree with. You didn't provide a solution to what type of content we should post, how we should go about ourselves and how to word things. You didn't provide a fucking thing.

All you're doing is putting out catch phrases and running from an argument.

tldr : you don't have a solution so can it.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 11-06-2019, 07:35 PM
what I'm interested in, is a Christian Funeral for the Dead Horse that has been beaten to death. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Honestly man, I actually think there can be a conversation on how to find that balance of "nothing is going to happen" to "how to be more careful"

What I don't care for is mental preaching like that idiot in the corner holding up an Armageddon sign.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Honestly man, I actually think there can be a conversation on how to find that balance of "nothing is going to happen" to "how to be more careful"

What I don't care for is mental preaching like that idiot in the corner holding up an Armageddon sign. Originally Posted by Aoi
Just for you Aoi.....

There is no question that we are in a period of serious enforcement. The real reason behind this is still a bit murky even to seasoned hobbyists.

There is no doubt that LE has been using hobbyists reviews as Intel. But I would wager a significant bet that it is from other sites which specialize in Amp related ratings for these amp related raids. It is quite easy to get insider access there and very easily indexed by Spa and area. Eccie reviews are colorful, but indexing is very poor for amps. Worst case scenario, they use this site for cross verification, nothing more ( this is just my opinion unsupported by any hard proof).

This site members can agree to be discreet. But that doesn't stop information shared in other sites. I am pretty sure that most amp hobbyists in Dallas are aware of the happenings without having to cry the sky is falling every other post. The key fact that is missed in these discussions are the individual hobbyist's risk thresholds. A retired 60+ guy with no family to speak of has a different profile than a 40+ guy with a career, close family and friends and a presence in the local society. As adults we need to know our risk threshold and act accordingly. As to me, I don't even drive on the lane closest to the amps anymore. And I have hobbied through the first black Friday Amp crackdown (circa 2005).
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
There is no question that we are in a period of serious enforcement. The real reason behind this is still a bit murky even to seasoned hobbyists.

There is no doubt that LE has been using hobbyists reviews as Intel. But I would wager a significant bet that it is from other sites which specialize in Amp related ratings for these amp related raids. It is quite easy to get insider access there and very easily indexed by Spa and area. Eccie reviews are colorful, but indexing is very poor for amps. Worst case scenario, they use this site for cross verification, nothing more ( this is just my opinion unsupported by any hard proof).

This site members can agree to be discreet. But that doesn't stop information shared in other sites. I am pretty sure that most amp hobbyists in Dallas are aware of the happenings without having to cry the sky is falling every other post. The key fact that is missed in these discussions are the individual hobbyist's risk thresholds. A retired 60+ guy with no family to speak of has a different profile than a 40+ guy with a career, close family and friends and a presence in the local society. As adults we need to know our risk threshold and act accordingly. As to me, I don't even drive on the lane closest to the amps anymore. And I have hobbied through the first black Friday Amp crackdown (circa 2005). Originally Posted by discerning_guy
I definitely agree that LE is collecting intel from multiple sources, websites and probably even from planted informants. We can help to control what goes on in Eccie and other respective websites that we frequent. There is a risk threshold also. I agree that the attitude is different depending on a person's status in life. We as individuals can only do so much. As for myself, I have scaled back my activities somewhat and I am a lot more cautious and aware. I do wish the best for everyone in this hobby of ours. The fun, excitement and satisfaction comes with an associated risk.
Thank you for your input. It's good to have different perspectives and assessments.