Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

I B Hankering's Avatar
Every time I show the poll workers my voter card, they carefully look up the name and have me sign. I've never seen them try to get me to sign the wrong name, but I could see how it could occasionally happen. However, since 756 names matched perfectly for name, DOB, and SS number, someone would have had to move to the other state and left their old registration intact, and they voted in their new state, and someone else accidentally voted in their name in the old state. Once or twice seems logical, but not 756 times. However, I can't imagine that same scam is going to be repeated, now that people are watching. That alone should could down on the fraud now that the word is out it is being checked, and will bolster your tired old argument about fraud being insignificant, since people will now stop. So, we will both get what we want. We want less fraud, you want to claim you are right. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
... not to mention the 81 "dead" people who voted.
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  • 04-03-2014, 05:09 PM

>>>>Republicans leaders immediately touted the preliminary report as evidence they were justified in approving sweeping elections changes last year that include requiring voters to present photo ID at the polls, cutting days from the period for early voting and ending a popular civics program that encouraged high school students to pre-register to vote in advance of their 18th birthdays.<<<<< Originally Posted by timpage
Is cutting back days to vote wanting to make sure those that are eligible to vote can....have anything to with voter ID?

Is ending a civics program that encourages eligible voters to vote in advance.... have anything to with voter ID?

This is where the GOP is full of shit with their voter ID laws.

Voter ID is one thing...limiting voting days and registration is really where the bullshit resides.
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  • WTF
  • 04-03-2014, 05:10 PM
... not to mention the 81 "dead" people who voted. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Maybe they voted before they died!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe they voted before they died! Originally Posted by WTF
In some cases, it appears, that's actually what happened.

"Eighty-one of those individuals, she said, died before an election in which they are recorded as having voted.

"Strach cautioned that about 30 of those 81 voters appear to have legally cast their votes early via absentee ballot and then died before Election Day."

That said, there are still incidents like this:

"Russell Glassop was one of six people accused of voter fraud in 2012 in Hamilton County [Ohio].

"Russell Glassop pleaded guilty ...

"Glassop admitted that he submitted his wife's absentee ballot after she died."
Timmy, CJ, AssUp, and most of the liberal crowd in the Political Forum are extremists, far outside what defines the political mainstream of America............ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That's you you're talking about asshat, and you know it.

You and your stupid you lift your posts straight off of the RWW websites you must troll every morning? Post something provocative or entertaining you fucking idiot. This press-release corn-pone right wing bullshit you throw out is getting old. I can read my e-mail from politicians wanting money if I want to read stupid canned boiler-plate shit like "far outside what defines the political mainstream of America."

On a related note....Are you seriously stupid enough or crazy enough to believe that you are part of the "political mainstream of America"? I'm just wondering.....or do you realize you are a seriously deranged zealot who advocates positions that the majority thinks is .....nuts?
Maybe they voted before they died! Originally Posted by WTF
Of course they were thinking of the country's future. I can just imagine how it went down. "Hey kids, I know I don't have much time left. Quick, unhook me from all this shit and rush me down to the Polls so I can vote for the Hawaiian guy", lol.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-03-2014, 06:11 PM
In some cases, it appears, that's actually what happened. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
They probably voted for Romney and listened to Whirly's 'trending Romney' and kicked the bucket when Obama got reelected!

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
What will you have to say when it's discovered that all of those bogus votes went to dimocrats? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

You righty morons, This is all the news on Fox, The Blaze and other totally righty propaganda outlets, but not a single reputable news outlet. Wonder what that means?

Even with the number claimed (that all reputable reporting does not substantiate) none of the claimed "fraud" would have made a difference in any election except the one for Secretary of State (and that isn't one claimed as affected).

Even with the numbers of alleged (and it is only alleged) fraud the fraud is insignificant and for now those numbers are more fraudulent than the fraud claimed.

BTW, all voters verify their identity when they register to vote. Why should they have to prove it again and again by producing documents they often don't have it they are poor, minority, old or women, when they have done it once already and there is no evidence that there is statistically significant voter fraud (and much of it is caught anyway without picture ID)?

The whole "voter fraud" issue is a sham to influence elections toward a party that is rapidly becoming a regional and non-influential party. Sad AND pathetic.
Tip of the iceberg.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Tip of the iceberg. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You are still a moron.
I B Hankering's Avatar

You righty morons, This is all the news on Fox, The Blaze and other totally righty propaganda outlets, but not a single reputable news outlet. Wonder what that means?

Even with the number claimed (that all reputable reporting does not substantiate) none of the claimed "fraud" would have made a difference in any election except the one for Secretary of State (and that isn't one claimed as affected).

Even with the numbers of alleged (and it is only alleged) fraud the fraud is insignificant and for now those numbers are more fraudulent than the fraud claimed.

BTW, all voters verify their identity when they register to vote. Why should they have to prove it again and again by producing documents they often don't have it they are poor, minority, old or women, when they have done it once already and there is no evidence that there is statistically significant voter fraud (and much of it is caught anyway without picture ID)?

The whole "voter fraud" issue is a sham to influence elections toward a party that is rapidly becoming a regional and non-influential party. Sad AND pathetic. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
Hey LordBieberdick, you're a dumb mutha fuckin' lib-retarded moron! The news outlet is WRAL in Raleigh, NC, and they published verbatim the findings of the North Carolina State Board of Elections, jackass.

 765 voters exact match of first and last name, DOB
and last four of SSN---registered in NC and another
state and voted in NC and the other state in 2012
general election.
 35,750 voters with first and last name and DOB
match that are registered in NC and another state
and voted in both in 2012 general election.
 155,692 voters exact match of first and last name,
DOB and last four of SSN---registered in NC and
another state and NC is not the latest date of
registration or activity.

These results are being investigated by our office.
You are still a moron. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
And he is still Hanoi COG's personal ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
And he is still Hanoi COG's personal ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY! Originally Posted by bigtex
+1 - no doubt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What nickname did you give the dead voters, SupercalifragilisticIBIdiotsat rocious?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Is cutting back days to vote wanting to make sure those that are eligible to vote can....have anything to with voter ID?

Is ending a civics program that encourages eligible voters to vote in advance.... have anything to with voter ID?

This is where the GOP is full of shit with their voter ID laws.

Voter ID is one thing...limiting voting days and registration is really where the bullshit resides. Originally Posted by WTF
Limiting voting days? In the last decade or so, they have greatly expanded the number of days, allowing early voting for what seems like weeks leading up to the election.
Only lazy fuckers don't vote these days.
By the way, how do you function in life without an ID? Pay cash for everything and live in a notel motel?
Seems like I pull out my ID all the time for stupid shit.