seem to have really strong opinions of folks that you have yet to even meet.. and you have been a member here only 3 calendar days....and this because of pm's you have received... have you stopped yet and thought about what those folks (the pmr's) agenda's are about .....ijs....
Originally Posted by anita germane
Hi Anita,
You ask some very good and valid questions. I will gladly address them for you:
1. You are correct, I do have strong opinions about folks I have yet to even met. I have however spent time reading through a large quantity of threads in addition to the ones I have started or replied in and so far what I have been told and who I have been told it about has matched up perfectly in terms of behavior, attitudes, and general demeanor.
2. You are also correct that this information has been solely in PM's I have received.
3. As someone whose educational and experiential background is the clinical social sciences and designs and conducts behavioral research studies - yes, it did indeed occur to me after the first PM containing information and opinions about certain people that the sender might have some sort of personal agenda. It also occurred to me after the second and after the third. After the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth, and so on, and what I had read for myself it became clear that what I was being told was credible. I'm not one inclined towards conspiracies, but even if all these people were working in concert towards some common agenda against other members and/or providers that wouldn't change the fact that what I was seeing - and now experiencing - for myself from the people I was being told about is congruent with what I was being told.
So, that said my question for you would be have you stopped to think that these folks who are suggesting I am a shill for a provider or even that provider herself, a provider whom none of them seemingly have or do patronize and openly mock and/or disparage, have their own agenda of some sort, possibly related to another provider whom they are all in good favor with, whether it is with her involvement or not?
If you are objective, impartial, and unbiased I would think your answer couldn't be anything but a "yes".
It is obvious that there is some degree of animosity between two providers on this site. It is also obvious that these two providers cater towards a different type of clientele with little, if any overlap. It is further obvious that one of these provider's client base is a vocal minority on this site and another is a silent majority with little interaction and overlap between the two, if at all. Both of these providers were recommended to me, some even by the same people. Miss Elizabeth was the overwhelming recommendation, almost four-to-one over Nikki. The only people who seem to be taking issue with me are the people who are open and unabashed in their support for Nikki. If it isn't obvious to you what is really going on, especially with the people implying that I am here to shill for Miss Elizabeth or that I am actually her then I can probably assume with a decent degree of accuracy that you yourself have some sort of personal agenda which is hostile towards Miss Elizabeth.