Encounter: Overtaking the Sherpa? Foxy 3.0

+1 Jtbc
  • Jtbc
  • 12-01-2019, 09:43 PM
Thank you.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Foxy has been getting YMMV reviews. She is very hot and some can not look past that. I had a great time with her but others have not. Originally Posted by Ghostrider
I had a great time, too, but Foxy is clearly YMMV.. the question becomes "how much potential slack do you afford a girl, who is widely considered to be the hottest girl in Dallas"?

but going into a Foxy session, you don't know what end of the YMMV stick you will get.. it's like the old quote from the Macy's CEO.. "I waste half of my advertising budget... but I don't know which half"..
Ghostrider's Avatar
Agreed Chung. The potential is there however Foxy controls her future in this business
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 12-05-2019, 08:09 PM
Foxy truly is the most beautiful girl in the current AMP scene and that goes a long way, but you also have to temper your expectations.

Not going to say she'll be best for everyone. Something to always consider with everyone, but with Foxy, the odds are slightly not as high.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Foxy truly is the most beautiful girl in the current AMP scene and that goes a long way, but you also have to temper your expectations. Originally Posted by Aoi

I don't know of anyone else who is currently heralded as the most beautiful. used to be Kiss until Foxy came along, and Kiss left the building. but much has been written about Foxy, nobody should be surprised during a session, there has been more Foxy info than about any girl ever, from my memory.

my personal memory is glorious, but I realize others think different.
BigBamboo's Avatar

I don't know of anyone else who is currently heralded as the most beautiful. used to be Kiss until Foxy came along, and Kiss left the building. but much has been written about Foxy, nobody should be surprised during a session, there has been more Foxy info than about any girl ever, from my memory.

my personal memory is glorious, but I realize others think different. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
This stuff goes in cycles. Orange, Sky, Kara, Linda, Kiss... it’s whoever is hottest at that time gets the attention - especially if Catholic. So I’m not surprised to see Foxy getting so much exposure. She’s certainly worthy.
It sounds like if you have a tiny dick, you will have a great time with her..
3dom's Avatar
  • 3dom
  • 12-07-2019, 04:37 AM
Why does Foxy’s dentition have a unique flair that brings to mind a mix of George Washington’s grill and Gollum from Lord of the Rings?
If there were not such a stark contrast with her other physical attributes, one wouldn’t as soon notice her grayish cock soiled gums, and misshapen margarine lumps that are actually her teeth!
How could that exist on the same planet? That little ass and pussy is lavishly located on the steps of Versailles. Find yourself Frolicking a couple northernly steps and you are in the cock pit of Tijuana...
it wouldn’t be so bad if she could or would shut up. In fact, I probably would not even notice the teeth if she was not constantly testing boundaries and behaving in such a cock limpening fashion. Funny how that goes.
Moral of the story is:
When seeking a princess who is “Foxy”...
Beware of
Beauty, and the snaggled tooth beast
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  • 3dom
  • 12-07-2019, 05:13 AM
On a brighter and much whiter note, take Lara... The harmonious nature of her personality bumps her at light speed to a super Velma style hottie!

Similarly, saw a Thai lady at Good Times that had mommy damage, saggy titties, and was older than the hills.. But I will be damned if that smile on her face didn’t put her in contention of a repeat!
I agree that a friendly, healthy smile can make all the difference in the world; for them and for us!
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 12-07-2019, 09:20 PM
On a brighter and much whiter note, take Lara... The harmonious nature of her personality bumps her at light speed to a super Velma style hottie!

Similarly, saw a Thai lady at Good Times that had mommy damage, saggy titties, and was older than the hills.. But I will be damned if that smile on her face didn’t put her in contention of a repeat! Originally Posted by 3dom
I can agree with this, even though I've had nothing but good times with Foxy.

I think from my experience, slightly less in the appearances is more then made-up in attitude.

When I saw Miki a few years ago, she was great but completely Blue balled me after the time ran. Couldn't even give me 30 secondsmoreto release.

Otoh, sweet Bunny worked her ass off to get me to pop three times. Non stop.
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  • 3dom
  • 12-07-2019, 10:16 PM
I would add that the “Blue Baller” Style of business share a special ingredient in their bullshit buffets, and bottom line.

The act of deliberately rendering a varied fraction of what wad reasonably expected, while hoarding all of what was fourth coming to them in the exchange. Without budging

When a provider rushes you, cum baby, come on come baby! Do you think a prorated amount for the hour is fourth coming? Never!

Moral of the story:
A whore who doesn’t treat you as she would like to be treated ...is normal
Which makes me “THE GOLDEN FOOL”
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 12-08-2019, 02:54 PM
If I had to have sex with 10 our 15 nasty fat old women everyday, I'm not sure if I could..