Appeals Court Lowers Trump’s Bond

txdot-guy's Avatar
You're joking, right? Originally Posted by Tiny
Of course I am not joking. Every society has a multiple tier system of rules and justice. That’s the way human society works. Those with the money and power write the laws and have the power and money to exploit them.

Only someone with the power and money could get the courts to lower the amount of the bond. I know for damn sure that nobody I know would be able to do so.
VitaMan's Avatar
Son in law Jared got $ 2 billion from the Saudis. It sounds like he has not invested it yet. Can't Mr. Trump get a loan from him to pay his bond, whatever it ends up being ?

Or is providing a bond for Mr. Trump too big a risk ?

At least 30 surety companies think he is.
ICU 812's Avatar
A two page decision. Trumpf .org got to somebody! Total travesty to our judicial system. Originally Posted by winn dixie
And who is holding the chain around justice Robert's nut ack?
It's well known that I dislike Ex-President Trump. But, the original bond requirement was excessive IMO. Maybe he can post the lower amount and it can go to appeal. Someone clarify plz...I think this is a State (not Federal) issue that he can't make go away if elected? If so, just a matter of time until justice is served.
Oh cmon man. The lowering of his bond by that much wasn't just a coincidence. Americans see that.
Proof of a two tiered justice system for the entitled and privileged. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Of course it wasn't a coincidence. His Bond was lowered in accordance with the crime. His original Bond was ridiculously high in fact it still is.
Biden is not concerned about his broke ass not being able to pay. He just wanted a black woman putting trumpy on his knees begging and crying like a little loser biotch

Mission accomplished. The whole world knows he is a broke ass loser
Biden is not concerned about his broke ass not being able to pay. He just wanted a black woman putting trumpy on his knees begging and crying like a little loser biotch

Mission accomplished. The whole world knows he is a broke ass loser
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It's all done by design to ruin Trump financially so he can't continue to finance his Presidential run. It's pure vindictiveness, I have no respect for that kind of cut throat tactic. Only shit Libs and trash Republicans are cheering this on. Real Patriotic Americans understand the hate that wheels this kind of shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's all done by design to ruin Trump financially so he can't continue to finance his Presidential run. It's pure vindictiveness, I have no respect for that kind of cut throat tactic. Only shit Libs and trash Republicans are cheering this on. Real Patriotic Americans understand the hate that wheels this kind of shit. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You honestly think Trump is using his own money to run for President?

Perhaps you should buy a case of new Trump Bibles. $50 apiece. That would help him do the Lord's work.

You honestly think Trump is using his own money to run for President?

Perhaps you should buy a case of new Trump Bibles. $50 apiece. That would help him do the Lord's work.

LOLLING. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He's using great deal of his own money that's why they can't buy him like other presidential candidates. Biden is completely compromised. This whole political scene is a joke.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's using great deal of his own money that's why they can't buy him like other presidential candidates. Biden is completely compromised. This whole political scene is a joke. Originally Posted by Levianon17
And I'm LMAO!

They can't buy Trump?

eyecu2's Avatar
He's using great deal of his own money that's why they can't buy him like other presidential candidates. Biden is completely compromised. This whole political scene is a joke. Originally Posted by Levianon17
OMG. You cannot believe Trump has "PERSONALLY" paid for anything since his flying his own plane to events in 2016. Why do you think his name is on the Jet? Its part narcissism, and part tax write-offs.

He hasn't paid for shit since 2020, including most of his own legal fees. His PAC has and so has the GOP and other special interest PAC memberships.

Did FOX tell you that Trump was paying for his own shit??

What a huge pant-load!!
OMG. You cannot believe Trump has "PERSONALLY" paid for anything since his flying his own plane to events in 2016. Why do you think his name is on the Jet? Its part narcissism, and part tax write-offs.

He hasn't paid for shit since 2020, including most of his own legal fees. His PAC has and so has the GOP and other special interest PAC memberships.

Did FOX tell you that Trump was paying for his own shit??

What a huge pant-load!! Originally Posted by eyecu2
Do you know all about Trump's finances? All you really know about Trump is what you hear on the news and they aren't always telling the truth. Besides his legal fees aren't coming from donors.
You honestly think Trump is using his own money to run for President?

Perhaps you should buy a case of new Trump Bibles. $50 apiece. That would help him do the Lord's work.

LOLLING. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... I got "Free Shipping" 'cause I ordered two...

#### Salty
And I'm LMAO!

They can't buy Trump?


... That's why the Appeals Court LOWERED the Bond.

To save Trump some money... $$$

And Why?


... Trump will put the money $$$ to better use:

... He's BUYYYYYing the stairway - to Heaven! ...

#### Salty
And I'm LMAO!

They can't buy Trump?

How is Trump compromised? If he was compromised he wouldn't be in all this legal crap it would have all been overlooked.