What are Republicans good at?

Having a non-white president did seem to clean-up the Democratic Party of racists and other bigots, many of whom are lower-income and working class. I personally think this is good, since the Republican Party appeared to be flooded with the wealthy, corporate-driven. It will be interesting to see what happens the next time a white male is elected.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Three things Iffy.

1. Wall Street and the Auto companies went Bankrupt under Bush.

2. Bush put the USA into the recession. Obama got the USA out of the recession.

3. The leaders of Republican party will not let Cruz get anywhere near the republican nomination. They will give it to Mitt again before they give it Cruz. Originally Posted by flghtr65

On the earlier post, you can talk about it all you want but Wallace WAS in the same party as John F, Robert F, and Teddy Kennedy as well as Robert KKK Byrd.

Do you really believe this shit that someone told you? A big part of the recession was the failure of Fannie and Freddie. Who tried to audit Fannie and Freddie in 2005? George W. Bush and John McCain and they got stonewalled by the Congress, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. Who said that Fannie and Freddie were sound? Barney Frank in July of 2008. Who got a sweetheart mortgage deal from F & F? Chris Dodd. There are your culprits.

Are we really out of the recession? Most people don't think so with 92 million Americans out of work and record number of people drawing benefits.
flghtr65's Avatar
On the earlier post, you can talk about it all you want but Wallace WAS in the same party as John F, Robert F, and Teddy Kennedy as well as Robert KKK Byrd.
One more time for the dense, a blue dog democrat is really a republican in terms of party platform and party beliefs. Wallace and DeMint believe the same thing. DeMint is in the right party(republican), Wallace was not, that's why they were called Blue Dog Democrats, their core beliefs were different than that of the traditional democrat. Wallace was a democrat by name only. Do you really believe this shit that someone told you? A big part of the recession was the failure of Fannie and Freddie. Who tried to audit Fannie and Freddie in 2005? George W. Bush and John McCain and they got stonewalled by the Congress, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. Who said that Fannie and Freddie were sound? Barney Frank in July of 2008. Who got a sweetheart mortgage deal from F & F? Chris Dodd. There are your culprits.

JD, you really are clueless when it comes to understanding the Wall Street meltdown. You wouldn't know what a credit default swap was if it hit you on top of the head. Lehman Brothers and AIG lost far more money than Freddie and Fannie. Lehman brothers, AIG, Bear Stearns, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, CityGroup, Chase Bank, Bank of America, all of the big banks and most of big brokerage houses lost all of their money trading unregulated securities. Republicans did not believe in regulations for Wall Street. Freddie and Fannie were doing the same thing that rest of Wall Street was doing trading unregulated securities. Bear Stearns and other firms sold Freddie and Fannie a lot of bad paper. All of these firms did data modeling which indicated that they would make a lot of money on the mortgage back security. The prospectus was not worth the ink that it was written with and that is why the financial meltdown occurred. If republicans had believed in regulations for Wall Street the Wall Street meltdown would not have gotten as far as it did. You had a combination of some unlawful behavior, unethical behavior and uncontrollable greed( based on the data modeling that these firms did).

Are we really out of the recession? Most people don't think so with 92 million Americans out of work and record number of people drawing benefits. Every economic indicator there is, is better now than it was when Bush left office in Jan 2009. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Clearly the USA is better off now than when Bush left office.
Actually, "BigT," .... THIS must have been your attraction to the Dems?

Originally Posted by LexusLover

LLIdiot, you are the one who has previously stated that you used to be a Democrat. When pressed on the issue (back in the ASPD days) you claimed that you no longer vote for Democrats because the party left you.

Hmmmm, exactly when did the Democratic Party actually leave you?

Was it at the same time that Strom Thurmond and the rest of your fellow Southern "Dixiecrats" left the Democratic Party?
I personally think this is good, since the Republican Party appeared to be flooded with the wealthy, corporate-driven. It will be interesting to see what happens the next time a white male is elected. Originally Posted by PhillyChik

You'll have to wait since it will be a white female next. ;-)

According to OpenSecrets.org, from 1989 to 2014 rich donors gave Democrats $1.15 billion — $416 million more than the $736 million given to the GOP. Among the top 10 donors to both parties, Democrat supporters outspent Republican supporters 2-to-1.

I B Hankering's Avatar
One more time for the dense, a blue dog democrat is really a republican in terms of party platform and party beliefs. Wallace and DeMint believe the same thing. DeMint is in the right party(republican), Wallace was not, that's why they were called Blue Dog Democrats, their core beliefs were different than that of the traditional democrat. Wallace was a democrat by name only.

Clearly the USA is better off now than when Bush left office. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You're a delusional lefty, flighty.

According to the Pew Research Center study, conservative Democrats are 15% of registered voters, and voted for Kerry over Bush by a 65%–14% margin in 2004. The Pew Research Center studies identified them as New Dealers rather than conservative Democrats, making this group of voters ideological heirs to FDR's New Deal coalition and the "vital center" ideology of the 1950s.

There are also some Democrats who are traditionally liberal on social issues, but are more conservative on economic or foreign policy issues.

Some members of the left wing [which is you, flighty] of the Democratic Party apply the term "Democrat in name only" to conservative Democrats.
... and your precious, socialist agenda known as Odumbocare would never have passed through Congress without the "Blue Dog dim-retards" you deprecate, flighty.

You'll have to wait since it will be a white female next. ;-)

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're suffering from severe Cranial Rectumitis, zany. Hildabeast doesn't stand a chance.
flghtr65's Avatar
You're a delusional lefty, flighty.

... and your precious, socialist agenda known as Odumbocare would never have passed through Congress without the "Blue Dog dim-retards" you deprecate, flighty.

You're suffering from severe Cranial Rectumitis, zany. Hildabeast doesn't stand a chance. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IBH you are a delusional righty, the same idiot who said Mitt's 59 point plan to fix the economy and get the unemployment rate to 6.0% in 4 YEARS was conjecture.

I don't recall seeing any of the Kennedy's standing in front of a university " screaming segregation now and segregation forever" like blue dog democrat George Wallace did when African American students intergrated the University of Alabama.

Senator Strom Thurmond another blue dog democrat was against intergration as well (although he had a biracial child). Thurmond did switch to the republican party in 1964. Wallace should have went with him.


The Affordable Care Act is no more socialist than Bushes Part D which helps seniors pay for medications that they can't afford on their own. If you consider Bushes Part D to be a socialist program would that make Bush a socialist? When a county hospital in Texas treats people who can't afford to pay is that socialist? Is the Regan law from 1986 which says hospitals that bill medicare patients can not refuse anyone is that socialist? If so was Regan a Socialist?

The blue dog democrats who thought like Wallace and Thurmond have either transferred out of the party or died off. I don't think anyone who's for Jim Crow voted for the ACA.

In every poll there is Hillary leads all republicans right now. The lead is getting smaller but she still leads. If Hillary runs she has a good chance to beat any republican you can put up. Space cadet Ted Cruz has not shot.
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot, you are the one who has previously stated that you used to be a Democrat. When pressed on the issue (back in the ASPD days) you claimed that you no longer vote for Democrats because the party left you. Originally Posted by bigtex

Such posts as this are the reason you continue to earn the title ..


#1: I NEVER SAID (or posted) I "used to be a Democrat"!!!!

#2: I NEVER SAID (or posted) I "no longer vote for Democrats because the party left" me.

And you can't fine one! On Eccie or ASPD!

The ONLY REASON you would bring up ASPD, is because you "think" the threads are no LONGER VIEWABLE .... and like your WMD bullshit posts ... and "Mission Accomplished" posts .... the truth is available.

Unlike like you I don't vote for "trendy" candidates on an emotional basis because it would be "neat" to have the "first" of anyone in the White House ...

You are fundamentally full of shit .... and fabricate crap in a flailing effort to marginalize and/or minimize others in order to project yourself as more knowledgeable, rather than posting your own thoughts .... finding OP-ED articles these days to "support" your undying loyalty to a loser is tough.

As each day passes ... YOUR MAIN IN THE WHITE HOUSE continues to adopt the policies of Bush toward the Middle East ... and the election cycle chest beating of YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE (Just like your chest beating) is NOW BITING HIM IN THE ASS!

#1: I NEVER SAID (or posted) I "used to be a Democrat"!!!!

#2: I NEVER SAID (or posted) I "no longer vote for Democrats because the party left" me. ! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexiLyingIdiot, you know you said those things. (Unless your dementia has progressed to a more advanced level.)

And you know that I know you said those things. (Once again, unless your dementia has progressed to a more advanced level.)

Assuming your dementia has not progressed to a more advanced level, it is no longer convenient for you to admit that you once said those things.

Thus, you choose to lie!

We have come to expect lies from you! (But only when it is convenient for you to do so.)

And you don't disappoint us, because you lie regularly.

And that is why, "you continue to earn the title" of LexiLyingIdiot!

Wear your crown proudly, Lying Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
... you know you said those things. Originally Posted by bigtex
And you know you have confessed to sucking dicks in your posts ...

.. and enjoying it. Unless YOUR DEMENTIA has gotten worse.

You old fool. That's the best you got! No proof. Just a lying sack of shit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IBH you are a delusional righty, the same idiot who said Mitt's 59 point plan to fix the economy and get the unemployment rate to 6.0% in 4 YEARS was conjecture.

I don't recall seeing any of the Kennedy's standing in front of a university " screaming segregation now and segregation forever" like blue dog democrat George Wallace did when African American students intergrated the University of Alabama.

Senator Strom Thurmond another blue dog democrat was against intergration as well (although he had a biracial child). Thurmond did switch to the republican party in 1964. Wallace should have went with him.


The Affordable Care Act is no more socialist than Bushes Part D which helps seniors pay for medications that they can't afford on their own. If you consider Bushes Part D to be a socialist program would that make Bush a socialist? When a county hospital in Texas treats people who can't afford to pay is that socialist? Is the Regan law from 1986 which says hospitals that bill medicare patients can not refuse anyone is that socialist? If so was Regan a Socialist?

The blue dog democrats who thought like Wallace and Thurmond have either transferred out of the party or died off. I don't think anyone who's for Jim Crow voted for the ACA.

In every poll there is Hillary leads all republicans right now. The lead is getting smaller but she still leads. If Hillary runs she has a good chance to beat any republican you can put up. Space cadet Ted Cruz has not shot.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
You remain delusional, flighty. All of those words, flighty, and you completely failed to alter or explain away any facts regarding how those Blue Dog dim-retards you are deprecating voted to pass Odumbo's socialist program, Odumbocare, through congress and overwhelmingly continued to support other Odumbo programs. BTW, flighty, Odumbocare is a socialist program:

Obamacare is the most significant piece of social legislation passed since Medicare was added in the 1960′s.

FYI, flighty:


2 a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important; also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post

"Wallace should have went with him."

Written as a "true" intellectual.
And you know you have confessed to sucking dicks in your posts ...

.. and enjoying it. Unless YOUR DEMENTIA has gotten worse.

You old fool. That's the best you got! No proof. Just a lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Marshy, is that you?
Republicans don't nominate Marxist/commies for Attorney General


Radical Out, Radical In

October 1, 2014 by Matthew Vadum 55 Comments
Matthew Vadum is an award-winning investigative reporter and the author of the book, "Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers."

Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney GeneralPresident Obama is considering nominating his far-left labor secretary to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, according to media reports.

Illegal alien enabler Thomas Perez would not be an improvement over Holder, the scandal-plagued left-wing attorney general who has taken the Department of Justice to new lows of corruption and lawlessness. Perez, who previously ran the DoJ’s civil rights branch, would likely be a Holder clone or worse.

“Perez fits all the qualities that Eric Holder had: A lack of ethics, disrespect for the rule of the law, and placing ideology first,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“Tom Perez was one of the reasons we need civil rights investigation at the civil rights division,” Fitton said. “He was the point man in terms of enforcing law in [a] racially biased manner.”

Perez hasn’t won friends outside of his radical circles during his time at the Labor Department.

“Perez has been charged with enforcing existing labor law. Unfortunately, he’s chosen only to enforce the law when it applies to employers, not to the Administration’s union allies,” according to Ryan Williams of Worker Center Watch. He continued:

While the politicization of federal agencies is running critique of the Obama administration, the Justice Department is the one agency that should remain above the fray of politics, and Perez has demonstrated that he is incapable of serving as a neutral arbiter of the law.

Patrick Semmens of the National Right to Work Foundation, said that he didn’t think Perez was capable of enforcing the law impartially.

“Tom Perez as Attorney General is a scary thought,” Semmens said. “If Perez is allowed to operate the Department of Justice the way he has run the Labor Department, he will consistently put the priorities of the president’s key political backers ahead of the rights of regular Americans.”

A former top aide to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), Perez became labor secretary last year only after barely surviving a confirmation vote in the Senate. Before that he served as the nation’s top civil rights enforcer at the DoJ. Like Barack Obama, Perez graduated from Harvard Law School, long a hotbed of radical leftist activity.

He told AFL-CIO leaders that if Martin Luther King were alive today, “He would join with you … in calling for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act” — legislation that would drastically tilt workplace elections in favor of labor. He said the “civil rights movement and the labor movement are … essentially the same.”

Perez sides with America’s enemies in the Global War on Terror. He apparently supports Islamic terrorists and the imposition of Shariah law in America.

Perez seems to favor Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws. In Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries offenders are condemned to death merely for insulting Islam.

Disturbingly, at a congressional hearing Perez pointedly refused to rule out bringing such laws to America. At a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee’s panel on the Constitution in 2012, Perez would not say whether he would uphold the religious speech protections in the First Amendment in the future.

“Will you tell us … that this administration’s Department of Justice will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?” Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) asked four times to no avail.

Perez, like so many Obama administration officials, believes that America is a seething hotbed of “Islamophobia,” filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the Muslim religion. He has worked with hardcore Islamist groups such as the terrorist-linked Islamic Society of North America and applauded Islamists for lobbying against airline security measures.

Like Holder and Obama, Perez is obsessed with race.

“I wish discrimination were a thing of the past,” Perez said in 2012 when he headed the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division. “I wish we were living in post-racial America. I wish my phone were not ringing. But regrettably, it’s ringing off the hook in the voting context. It’s ringing off the hook in the hate crimes context and in so many other contexts.”

During his time at DoJ, members of the Civil Rights Division conspired with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote to weaken electoral integrity-related law enforcement. Voter ID laws, in his twisted view, are racist, calculated to deprive people of color of their voting rights.

While at DoJ, Perez led the Obama administration’s assault on voter ID laws leading up to the 2012 election. As a member of the Montgomery County, Md. Council in 2003 he tried to compel governments to accept fraud-prone matricula consular ID cards issued by Mexican consular offices.

Perez is also a past president of Casa de Maryland, a notorious advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by George Soros and the late Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. As director of clinical law programs at the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore, in 2003 Perez whined about the difficulty he claimed illegal aliens and new legal immigrants have getting welfare benefits. “Many people remain eligible for S-CHIP and Medicaid who don’t get access because of language barriers,” he said.

Under Perez, the DoJ refused to prosecute hate crimes committed against white Americans. He was reportedly instrumental in the Justice Department’s dismissal –over the objections of the government attorneys handling the matter– of a case involving two Philadelphia-based members of the New Black Panther Party who brandished weapons and intimidated white voters on Election Day 2008.

An inspector general found that Perez believed voter protection statutes “did not cover white citizens.” A House Oversight Committee investigation determined he used his private email account to do government business, a practice that allows the user to evade transparency laws. Perez was also criticized for nixing a $200 million whistle blower lawsuit because it could undermine so-called “disparate impact,” a controversial legal principle regarding discrimination.

Perez believes the government should require racial discrimination in order to benefit those the Left deems to have been historically oppressed. He favors the use of affirmative action in hiring at higher education and healthcare facilities. Perez appeared to argue that medical doctors should push for racial quotas in the hiring process because racial diversity among physicians somehow improves healthcare outcomes.

Perez believes that medical schools should lower admission standards for black applicants because they are more likely to practice in so-called underserved communities than whites.

He played a major role in enacting the Church Arson Prevention Act, legislation based on the false premise that black churches were being targeted with disproportionate frequency by arsonists.

He has targeted Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio for legal harassment because he doesn’t like Arpaio’s tough-on-crime approach, especially with respect to illegal aliens.

Perez is proud of his role in inflating the mortgage bubble. He’s a fierce defender of financial affirmative action programs that forced banks to lend money to uncreditworthy borrowers.

Perez openly holds business people in contempt, treating them as morally inferior. He likens bankers to Ku Klux Klan members, arguing that racial discrimination is afoot whenever a member of a minority group is turned down for a loan. The only difference between bankers and Klansmen is that bankers discriminate “with a smile” and “fine print,” but they are “every bit as destructive as the cross burned in the neighborhood,” he said.

If you’re a radical leftist hellbent on fundamentally transforming America, Perez should be your choice to succeed Eric Holder as the nation’s attorney general. For the rest of America, however, Perez would be a poor pick to ensure that anything resembling justice and fairness is returned to the DoJ.
flghtr65's Avatar
BTW, flighty, Odumbocare is a socialist program: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Medicare Part D that was implemented by Bush is socialist program at a cost of $800 billion dollars to the taxpayer. Is Bush a socialist? Answer the question IBH or STFU you MORON.