I promise not to beat this any more to death than I already have, but on the topic of popular opinion of the Continental Army - it was atrocious. Even discount loyalists who of course despised the entire idea of independence from Britain.
George Washington could get support in the form of a team of aides to organize his wartime correspondences into a consolidated accounting, but veterans of the Continental Army never received pensions (half pay for life for those serving "the duration") which were promised to them upon enlistment. Alexander Hamilton proposed that they receive full pay for a period of five years in lieu, but this was rejected also.
The people, at large, completely rejected the efforts of the Continental Army. They just wanted to forget the whole fucking thing and go back to living their lives. State legislatures, for the most part, wanted to go back to governing themselves as sovereign states.
This is the way military veterans were treated.
We can make this all go away by inventing holidays, waving flags, making snot-nosed remarks to those who find this odd, etc. Really?
Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Yes, the people rejected the
idea of the Continental Army because they clung to the idea of the sovereign states. But that's different than saying they rejected the veterans themselves. Absolutely they wanted the whole thing to be over and to go on with their lives, an understandable, if short-sighted and impractical attitude. And the events of the next twenty or so years proved that they couldn't.
Many of the very veterans that they consciously or unconsciously tried to marginalize guided the Colonies and later the Country through the Whiskey Rebellion, the War of 1812 and other military and political crises.
To answer your last statement. No, cheap holidays and flags will not 'solve anything,' but a society that does not acknowledge its debt to those who sacrifice on its behalf and attempt to repay them is training its best and brightest not to intervene when necessary and is hastening its own downfall.
Edit: Stopping my own historical discussion which I also enjoy to not further derail the thread. Happy Veteran's Day